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  • hello,
    congratulations for your mid term scores. i'll be attending Rutgers MQF this fall. i wanted some input on the course such as the level of C++ taught and the other programming languages i need to learn to ease my course load at rutgers. it would be great if you could provide me info regarding the placement numbers too.

    thank you,


    I,Shubhankit Mohan,has recently admitted into the MQF program at Rutgers and was hoping to get some information from a current student/alumna about the program. I was hoping you could tell me what you liked and disliked about the program, life outside of school in Newark, and the career placement services offered by the program.

    I would be greatly appreciate your advice.

    Shubhankit Mohan
    92% for the C++ midterm. at this rate, hopefully i'll get a reference or LinkedIn recommendation from the C++ prof
    topped the class in C++ midterm. hoping for a reference or LinkedIn recommendation from the C++ prof
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