Recent content by dearallan

  1. D

    Hello Andy, I recently found the thread...

    Hello Andy, I recently found the thread ( where you said you had contacted with a USC MFE graduate and you would put the reviewer up soon. But I cannot find the reviewer, could you please put it on the site. Thank you!
  2. D

    Yeah, I got the scholarship of 11K, but I decided to attend USC.

    Yeah, I got the scholarship of 11K, but I decided to attend USC.
  3. D

    I found a group on Likedin. And I contacted one of the MFE class 2010 students, she told me that...

    I found a group on Likedin. And I contacted one of the MFE class 2010 students, she told me that the opportunity of quant position at LA is limited, but San Francisco maybe better, and the job depends on our own capacity, the program do not guarantee any internship or full-time job. I also found...
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    I only found a group named "USC financial engineering" on the linkedin.

    I only found a group named "USC financial engineering" on the linkedin.
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    2011 University of Southern California

    got two emails. one said I was rejected, and another, which came later, said application is under review.
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    2011 University of Southern California

    Applied both msmf and mfe at USC
  7. D

    Hi Andy, could you please add USC MS Financial Engineering and USC MS Mathematical Finance to...

    Hi Andy, could you please add USC MS Financial Engineering and USC MS Mathematical Finance to the tracker? Thank you!
  8. D

    What is the best way to improve programming skills for quant or quant-to-be?

    Recently, I participated in the ACM contest in my school. I found it a quite fantastic way to improve my programming ability for tiny math problems, rather than the huge mathematical model. So, I start to thinking the way to acquire the programming skills for quant. As an undergraduate student...
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    2011 Stony Brook University - Accepted

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    2011 Georgia Institute of Technology

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    2011 North Carolina State University - Accepted

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    2011 University of Southern California - Accepted

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    2011 North Carolina State University

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