Recent content by EricFleming

  1. EricFleming

    Intern Wanted

    RESEARCH INTERN Description The research intern will serve a vital role in assisting our recruiting staff in generating top-flight talent within the financial services industry for our global clientele. The intern will work side-by-side with our partners, account managers and recruiters...
  2. EricFleming

    Is Securitization Coming Back?

    In a nutshell, if there is demand for the product then these "zombie" CDOs will rise again
  3. EricFleming

    Old Lane Closed

    they bought OL for Pandit. Period.
  4. EricFleming

    Need help

    define "best" that's purely subjective If you mean by performance, that information will be hard to come by, as many will be hedge funds that don't dole that information out. What do you want from a quant shop, what do you think makes it the "best", and I may be able to help you narrow the...
  5. EricFleming

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    less than good Baruch's standards have been going up, as have other places.
  6. EricFleming

    Cost of living in NYC- a break down

    other options besides Brooklyn Jersey City Weehawken Union City all have public transportation into NYC and tend to be cheaper than Manhattan and Brooklyn. If you're international, many of these areas already have strong Asian communities already there. (I live in downtown Jersey City, full...
  7. EricFleming

    B-school Confidential: MBAs May Be Obsolete

    MBA is not dead it remains an expectation that if you are in an "analyst" program at a bank, that you go and get your MBA. That has not changed.
  8. EricFleming

    Advise needed on career switch

    no certification for quants If you are an expert in coding C++, you can get your foot in the door of the quant world
  9. EricFleming

    What type of quant jobs I may fit in better?

    Don't Focus on what's "HOT" focus on what interests you. Markets go hot and cold all the time. Do what you enjoy.
  10. EricFleming

    Any quant career opportunities in Cali?

    CALPERS I know someone at CALPERS in Sacremento. Reach out to me if you're interested.
  11. EricFleming

    Quant vs trader

    Quant AND trader? but there are quant traders...
  12. EricFleming

    PhD required for Stat Arb / Energy Trading?

    it's not an apples or oranges thing Some places will only look for quants if they have a PhD, like SIG - no PhD means no quant job. Other places are more open minded. It's not that black and white
  13. EricFleming

    quant job for physics phd

    Yes, and so would a number of other places. They don't want Finance degrees, they want Physics and Math ubernerds.
  14. EricFleming

    FE Grad Job Title For IB

    that's not true.
  15. EricFleming

    Chartered Accountant/MBA wanting to shift to a career in Financial Engineering

    MFE transition If you do make the career switch, understand that you face natural challenges. If your previous career is not germane, it can be viewed as baggage more than an asset. Firms may gravitate toward some one fresh out of school rather than some one who is making a career switch...
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