Recent content by halamadrid

  1. H

    Intellectually Stimulating Career Path?

    Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
  2. H

    Post Baccalaureate programs for quant/ programming classes?

    I was wondering if anyone knows much about the post baccalaurete programs? I have heard of Columbia's post bacc in Quant Finance where students who have graduated undergrad but are hoping to get into a grad school or one of the financial engineering programs can take math/programming...
  3. H

    Intellectually Stimulating Career Path?

    thanks for the response Pathak. Anyone who has actually worked as a quant or knows someone who is working as one that can give me some info?
  4. H

    Intellectually Stimulating Career Path?

    Hi all, I was wondering if Financial Engineering (I know, very general) would be the right career path for me if I'm seeking a more intellectually rewarding career? By this I mean something both technically challenging and providing some ability for creative insight/ idea generation on an...
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