Recent content by Laura

  1. L

    Commodities Boot Camp @ Baruch: November 16

    I have pre-registered.
  2. L

    Have you ever calculated return on your investment to grad program?

    Thanks Keith Tan. I agreed with you. I should have not had this idea. Definitely money is important. However, making a decision on education (and a new opportunity), the cost factor should not been focused that much. I had the above thought when seeing all my saving for the past 3 years will be...
  3. L

    Have you ever calculated return on your investment to grad program?

    Anyone has ever considered going and paying for a graduate degree in US as an investment case? If yes, has anyone of you really calculated the return on that investment based on objectives, cost, cash inflow, how do you finance it, risk and other factors? Example Objectives: career goal& plan...
  4. L

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    Hi Ken, Thank you. That's a great idea. I'm in. Hope that the workshop will be opened for non-Baruch students as well (seem like that). I will be in NY from mid of August. Do you know what is the tentative date for the workshop? I'm afraid I won't be around NY before end of July. Regards, Laura
  5. L

    NYC 2013 housing (CMU/NYU/Columbia/Baruch/etc...)

    Thanks wow to create this Thread. Grouping together to find an apartment is a good idea. I will enroll in NYU MathFin this Fall. Shall we create a google spreadsheet so that everyone who want to group together can fill in their name,contact, budget and otehr info? Btw, probably I will arrive NY...
  6. L

    Yes, I've deleted my post because I have managed to fix it. Thank you for checking out my post &...

    Yes, I've deleted my post because I have managed to fix it. Thank you for checking out my post & the alert.
  7. L

    2012 Columbia University - Accepted

  8. L

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    Hi SYau, I have decided I will enroll in NYU in Fall 2013. I have defered my enrollment by 1 year to be more financially ready. I made this decision 2 weeks ago. Thanks for all advise from QuantNet. I really appreaciate that. It is a hard decision because both programs are great. I had tried...
  9. L

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    Hi sgmfof, your opinion is valid. However, I do think that school brand name does help in getting the first job after graduate but will not have a heavy count on long-term career advancement. It should be the ability, work experience & leadership that count. I still have not 100% certain that...
  10. L

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    Thanks all for your advice. Up to now, I more incline to NYU. I could not get a loan in Singapore as I'm not yet a PR and I don't want my parent to take a loan on my behalf. I have asked NYU opinion for enrollment deferral. More likely, I will join NYU in Fall 2013. It's kind of sad but I would...
  11. L

    International students: Getting to know NY

    Thank Andy Nguyen and mfegrad very much for your informative sharing. I now know that I underestimated the cost of living in NYC. I guess that a decent monthly living cost in NYC should be around $ 2000? I agree with Andy that thinking about spending limit will be a burden on top of a heavy...
  12. L

    International students: Getting to know NY

    Hi all, I would bring up this topic as the last comment was posted since 2006. The cost of living might have changed quite a lot. I am willing to share a bed-room with other friend.I will cook for myself. Below are my projection of monthly cost of living in NY, which covers most basic needs...
  13. L

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    Thank you for all of your opinions. I have asked for internship & job placement statistics info for the past 3 years from NYU Math Fin Administrator, including details on: 1. Internship Placement Rate 2. Job Placement Rate 3. The high, low, average of first year compensation 4. Employment...
  14. L

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    Hi all, I got admitted to a few programs and my two top choices are: Baruch MFE and NYU MathFin. I have not finalized my decision yet. I have done some research to compare the 2 programs in term of: Curriculum, Instructor Profiles, Job & Internship Placement, Tuition Fee, and Student Feedbacks...
  15. L

    2012 Baruch College - Accepted

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