Recent content by MarPer

  1. M

    Need your feedback

    Sorry for not explaining couple things. Yes, I am going for MFE and my goal after completing the degree is working somewhere in wall street as an analyst possibly in risk management. I really like programming, so I wouldn't mind staying as pure coder, on the other hand, I'm good at communicating...
  2. M

    Need your feedback

    I'll try to be as quick and clear as possible. I work for a reputable fortune 500 company at wall street as a programmer/analyst. I have currently 2.5 years of experience, including a promotion and very good recommendations. I have a Bs in CS from a top 10 school in the US, however my GPA has...
  3. M

    which 1 to chooose.....??

    I'd go with IIT.
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