Recent content by Memento

  1. M

    Any financial documentaries?

    Good list, I like how it covers all type of movies dealing with the Street
  2. M

    Any financial documentaries?

    Do anyone know of any good financial documentaries I can watch? Also does anyone know where I can watch this doc "The Midas Formula" for free and on a legit site?
  3. M

    Thinking about another undergrad, finance related...

    I know this may not be your usual topic of which MFE program is better, but I know more people can offer some more advice on my particular situation. Sorry, If I sound blunt, but I posted on this forum because I thought I would get a wide range of opinions. People who understand the direction I...
  4. M

    Thinking about another undergrad, finance related...

    Alain, I will be paying for it with the money I have saved up for other things along with working what must likely will be some shitty job. Since it will be a state school it won't be terribly expensive. What advice can you give me on my original post? I know a move like this would seem odd but...
  5. M

    Thinking about another undergrad, finance related...

    I guess a lack of confidence, Plus when I come out I need find a job, but as stated before I don't feel ready for a software Dev job. So I figure going back to school would give me time to brush up on my skills while perusing what to me is a more interesting and enjoyable topic.
  6. M

    Thinking about another undergrad, finance related...

    Connor, So you think the decision I have made is a wise one? Also I would ideally see myself doing more of a more qualitative approach that could involve stock research and economics (George Soros). However I am not oppose to TRYING to lean how to approach it from more of a math and...
  7. M

    Thinking about another undergrad, finance related...

    First off wanted to say that this is an amazing site, this is the first site I visited everyday. After search for a while I decide to post some questions that I am hoping to get some guidance on. So here goes, Current I am in my last year of college which I have majoring in software...
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