Recent content by nick normandin

  1. nick normandin

    Historic Industry/Sector Data

    Hello, I currently have a big database of ticker symbols going back about 20 years for the NYSE and NASDAQ, and am trying desperately to match up industry/sector data for each ticker. I know that EOD Data offers a "fundamental data" package that includes industry/sector info, but it's only for...
  2. nick normandin

    Exploiting inefficiencies after large downswings

    First, thanks for your response. I believe that what you're getting at is incorporating text analysis into the algorithm? That would indeed by ideal, but due to time constraints my idea was actually a bit simpler. I'm planning on feeding in data from stocks that have taken big hits, calculate...
  3. nick normandin

    Exploiting inefficiencies after large downswings

    Hello, I'm looking for any relevant literature on strategies that involve selecting assets that have recently experienced big downswings. I remember reading something in Fortune's Formula about an investor (I think it was Claude Shannon??) making money from a strategy like this, but it was...
  4. nick normandin

    Any futures quants?

    Hello, I'm a graduate student in a finance/mathematics program. If anyone involved (either currently or formerly) in futures trading could possibly spare 2-3 minutes answering the following questions as part of a class assignment, I would be extremely grateful. Thanks in advance! -Nick In your...
  5. nick normandin

    active duty military personnel and distance learning degrees?

    You're absolutely right about that. I just got done a month at Fort Jackson (DCLT) in a basic training company and I know that staff personnel there had a daily schedule that was anything but stable. You're also right about change occurring, because I've changed my mind at least a dozen times in...
  6. nick normandin

    active duty military personnel and distance learning degrees?

    I'm a 3rd year student at West Point, studying Systems Engineering with a minor in Applied Statistics. I chose all math/optimization related electives, and have a quantitatively rigorous background. West Point (the United States Military Academy) requires a 5 year active duty service commitment...
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