Recent content by secondrate

  1. S

    Will an A- affect my application?

    I kind of have the same dilemma with my grades too. I assume most of you guys here are studying in universities that follow the US format of course assessment (i.e. roughly 30% homework, 30% midterm tests, and 40% final exams or any combination of the three with final exams <= 50%). In my...
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    Columbia MSOR Question about Columbia MSOR through CVN

    What about taking some CVN courses as an undergrad? Would it bolster my chances for admission to columbia ieor phd program? The thing is, my current university doesn't offer a lot of courses related to operations research/financial engineering and perhaps taking some CVN courses before I finish...
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    Columbia MSOR Question about Columbia MSOR through CVN

    startover: wow thanks for the insights. But what if you have no exposure to OR during your undergrad and was inspired to pursue a phd in OR after your undergraduate studies? (i.e. EEE major deciding to do OR) Wouldn't a master's degree be beneficial in that case?
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    Which Department to Apply?

    atreides I did. However, I haven't heard from him at all...
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    Which Department to Apply?

    Hi guys, I'm an undergrad hoping to pursue mfe. Anyway I've read on the forums and suggestions by others that if there's anything you need to add to your resume, it would be a finance internship. Just to let you guys know, I'm based in Singapore and I find it hard to look for a hedge fund here...
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    SOA exam P

    MRoss, Yeah I had the same thoughts as your friend 'till you clarified them now. Thank you very much! And oh, what do you think of a student's chances to get into a top MFE program in the US if he/she came straight away from an undergrad school in singapore? I mean compared to other...
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    SOA exam P

    MRoss Oh yeah, what you said is true. my friend reviewed for it over the summer and at that time i did an internship with a bank, right after my first year in university. this year's summer, my friend reviewed for the second exam which is financial mathematics while i went for a 6 week...
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    SOA exam P

    thanks MRoss, SYau, rajanS. are you from baruch too, rajanS? It would be interesting to note that all of you from Baruch have suggested the same thing. I'm honestly against it as well but the fact that the actuarial exams also test on these financial models bothers me. I may be a bit naive but...
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    SOA exam P

    and oh, now that i've checked the SOA exams, it seems that the exam P (probability), FM (financial mathematics), and MFE (models of financial economics) overlap with MFE (financial engineering)... this makes me think that i'm doing the wrong thing of doing research when i could've taken these...
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    SOA exam P

    hi guys, i'm an undergrad hoping to pursue mfe. anyway, i was just wondering whether taking the SOA exam P will be a plus on my application. the thing is, i don't have the time to review for it as i'm also involved in research in my university (field related to probability & risk, the second...
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    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    I couldn't agree more. I know of Chinese students (from China) who studied for the old GRE for less than a week yet they scored 700+ on the verbal. Perhaps it's an insult to those who devoted more time reviewing for it and to semi-native speakers like me. (semi because I think in English and am...
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    Cover letter for IB

    hi Dibbs, thanks for the reply! yup it's an internet application. does this mean i just write: Human Resources Manager Credit Suisse ?
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    Cover letter for IB

    hi guys, I'm applying for an internship with credit suisse and it asks me to specify 3 locations that I prefer. In my cover letter, I was wondering what I should put in the company address - do I only write the address of the credit suisse office I most prefer to do my internship in or do I...
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    Undergrad research and MFE admissions

    @Connor I haven't made up my mind yet...but did you think I'm leaning towards UCLA?
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    Undergrad research and MFE admissions

    @Connor: By the way, if the research project @ Imperial College would be about mathematical finance, I wouldn't lose my steam. This one about contraint optimization leaves me hanging. I have until April 15 (SG time) to decide :(
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