Recent content by Sharat

  1. S

    Differences between financial mathematics and mathematical finance?

    Or rather, should I say it is a coercive combination, where order doesn't matter!
  2. S

    Best places to buy books online?

    Better World Books is a nice place, mostly for used books. More so, if you want to ship to India - pretty affordable shipping ($4). Shipping is free in US nonetheless; they anyhow average out the price and factor in the costs, to cover up shipping. Sometimes, you do get nice used books for...
  3. S

    Differences between financial mathematics and mathematical finance?

    I was wondering if there is a distinct difference between financial mathematics and mathematical finance! Thanks.
  4. S

    Emanuel Derman on Fischer Black

    All this reminds me of the great mathematician, Gian-Carlo Rota: "Research is not as much discovering something new as becoming aware of the prejudices that stop us from seeing what is in front of us"
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