C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,337 reviews

The C++ course is amazing! I really recommend anyone who needs a background of c++ to take the course.
I could tell why the course is famous and recommended by the renowned MFE programs. The homework questions are well-organized and extremely helpful in learning important C++ concepts. Although the homeworks were challenging for me, as a beginner in C++, I found the time investment worthwhile and I believe they will be valuable in pursuing my career in quant finance. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning C++.
I found this course while I was preparing the Baruch MFE application. At first, I just took it as a prerequisite course to help me get into the Baruch MFE. Although I didn't get accepted, I found this course really helpful in providing me with basic/important C++ knowledge as well as its application in Finance. I became more interested in Coding!!! I love it so much. I also want to give a big thank you to TA Avi as she gives detailed comments for every assignment.
The course was recommended to me by a senior in university who previously took it and went on to a top MFE program. Following his steps, I am trying to strengthen my programming skills and prepare for quantitative programs by taking this course.

The course material is comprehensive and TA's response is quick. I feel the forum information is very helpful as well.
Reviewed by Verified Member
Really enjoyed the interaction with TA and the problems were challenging but not undoable. Course materials presented in an intuitive and comprehensive manner.
This course is great for students who has learned Python and some basic knowledge of programming. Since all materials are very basic and clear, we can follow the course step by step. After each level, there will a quiz to test if you really grasp the knowledge and it is also the key for next level. This design is perfect! Most important is our TA Avi and the good use of forum. Once we have problem, we can immediately find similar questions on forum or we can just post new thread and wait for TA and other students' reply within couple of hours which is efficient.
Overall, the experience is wonderful here!
* A bit hectic by necessity. I knew I needed to finish 4 weeks early to have the course completed in time for my graduate application. I think the course is more than manageable if you have a true 15-16 weeks to split it up over.
* My only coding experience prior to taking this course was a single MATLAB course 8 or 9 years ago. However, I was able to complete the course with distinction with little to no external resources. The homework exercises had a good balance between specificity and openness, and nearly all issues I encountered were already addressed on the forum. Outside of homeworks 6 and 9, all of the assignments can be completed in 1-2 days. Homework 9 brings everything together -- it is very open-ended, utilizes much of the knowledge gained throughout the course, and applies everything to financial applications (options pricing, Monte Carlo, etc.).
* TA feedback throughout the course was plentiful and insightful. It was evident that the TAs actually scrutinize the submissions to assist students in building good coding habits.
* I would highly recommend the course to anyone looking to learn C++. Prospective students can probably expect to spend about 150 hours on the course. Perhaps less if you have more coding experience.

Reason to take the course:
* I took the course to fulfill the C++ requirement for an MFE program.

How I found it:
* I found this via Baruch's Pre-MFE program.
The reason I took the course is to prepare myself building quantitative finance tools. The course helped me with understanding the object-oriented programming as well as other paradigms. I highly recommend it to those that want to learn C++ in a rigorous way.
With basic knowledge of C++ learned from my college course, I found this course's content very hardcore and rich, it covers deeper topics such as OOP, generic programming, STL, and boost, which I feel is very instrumental and practical. Meanwhile, it also gives me some pre-knowledge and real-life scenarios on how C++ is used in financial engineering, which I believe is hard to find elsewhere. My TA has always been helpful and of quick responses!
I was applying to Baruch for MFE and I saw that c++ programming certificate would really help enhance my certificate. I saw this course to be led by the best faculty for C++ and therefore I choose to complete this course in a very short time.
Hands on practice with C++. Solidified my understanding of OOP and generic programming. Will continue to improve my programming skills from here.
How did I find the course?
I'm enrolled in the Advanced Calculus pre-MFE seminar. During the first class, one of the TAs strongly suggested we take the C++ course from QuantNet.
Reason to take the course?
I needed a C++ refresher since I learned the language over 10 years ago and hadn't coded in C/C++ ever since.
Experience in the course?
The course is amazing; I loved it! The exercises are great. The written support material is also very good.
Excellent course!! I learned a lot and have a great experience. I will definitely recommend it as first step to learn programming skills.
it is the prerequisite course of Baruch MFE program
The course is well-designed to cover a lot of useful C++ topics. Friendly to students without coding background but interested in pursing a MFE program. Discussion forums and TAs are very helpful.
I have learned a lot of useful knowledge in this course. Attending this course can improve my programming ability, and the course certificate can prove my programming ability.
Very good and being from a non programming background....I think helped get a strong grasp in fundamentals.
I took the course because I had heard it would give a good foundation for programming skills.

I found the material to be good, while also requiring quite a lot of personal supplementation (which is fine).
I'm looking for a chance to enter the finance industry, so it would be helpful for me to learn more about c++, a robust programming language used in finance. Baruch college is also very prestigious in the quant field.
The course covers a wide range of topics in C++ and I benefit a lot from the course. I know the course from my friend, and as I plan to apply for an MFE degree, I want to enhance my C++ coding as it is essential in my future work.
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