C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,337 reviews

I have heard about the course from many seniors, and they told me it was a great course to equip myself with programming skills I need in future career. Also, as employers value C++ skills, I think it necessary to take the course. In the course, I learn not only the application of C++ but also the basic logic behind, which can help me understand other languages as well.
I had a great learning experience taking this course. Thank you, Prof. Daniel J Duffy, my TA Avi Palley, and Quantnet.

The course content was to the point and covered all the necessary topics required. Emphasis on writing code through the detailed Homework exercise is what makes this course more effective. Writing code after each level helped me understand the concepts better, it also helped me retain the concepts and syntax.

Finally, the active involvement of Professor Duffy, TAs, and past & current students in the course discussion forum is a very important and helpful resource. It helped me to get clarity on all my doubts regarding concepts, quizzes, and HW questions, without having to spend a lot of time looking for them on the internet, in books, etc.

I found this course from the Baruch MFE program site. I always wanted to learn C++ and took this course to work on C++ based projects at my workplace. It will also be a plus on my resume when I apply for MFE Programs.
Great experience, found the different exercises very insightful and the Level 9 problem set to be extremely comprehensive and full-circle. I took the course to just take it, currently an analyst at a bank and wanted to see if I enjoyed C++ coding. Avi was a pleasure to have as a TA, quick responses and great feedback.
I took this course to enhance my c++ programming skills. And I found this course really helpful in providing not only a professional and timely guidance throughout the entire process, but also a good opportunity to apply c++ to option pricing.
The course was recommended by one of my friends, and as a student major in finance, I'd like to grasp C++ so that I can be a quant finance practitioner later.
The course was challenging but very rewarding in terms of understanding C++. I do not regret signing up for it. Forums are also very helpful as they contain lots of information.
My overall experience with this course was positive. I found the exercises to be most helpful in learning. I found this course while browsing Quantnet and thought it was a good resource to boost my C++ skills.
Found the course when browsing through the quantnet site. Great course to get the foot in the door of C++ programing and get a glimpse in how C++ program can be used in practice. Would hope there are more practices like the ones in level 9 with the application beyond options (fixed income, rates, and etc.) as well as follow up calls post final exam to walk through areas to improve upon.
I really had a great time learning the course. It greatly strengthened my skills and experience in programming, which I believe will greatly benefit my application in financial engineering programmes. The TA's advice for my homework really led me to have a deeper understanding of the knowledge points, and I also learnt a lot from the discussions in the forum. Of course, the lecture videos were simply excellent.
I learnt about the course during the Baruch mfe summer camp alumni sharing session and I was strongly recommended by my senior alumni to take the course. I believe the course will lay solid programming foundations for me as a finance major undergraduate and benefit my mfe application. So I immediately enrolled in the course. It turned out that I made a very wise choice.
Great course!
This course is super enlightening and my favorite thing about it is the forum where I can share thoughts and ask questions.
The hws and final exam were challenging in good ways.
Thanks for TA’s assistance.
The course is very comprehensive and useful in my future career, it can help me think a lot about quantitative finance. I heard about this course from social media.
The course overall was good, thus I will focus in what I would like to change below.

Reason to take the course: To have a basic grasp of C++ as I am mostly doing C# and Python these days..
It is a very good course, both instructive and challenging. For those who want to apply for MFE, this course is worthwhile.
I was a regular member of QuantNet and knew about this course. I needed good C++ skills as part of a job and also wanted to take this course to boost my MFE applications.

Overall, the course is extremely good. Amazing structure and content. Very well-designed by Dr Duffy. Mr. Avi was very helpful throughout the course. Also, I would like to give a special mention to Mr. Paul Lopez and other members who have taken the effort and posted their inputs on the forum. The forums were extremely helpful throughout the course.
Excellent course, I gained a profound experience in c++ programming for financial engineering. I was recommned by one of my friends.
I learned a lot about C++. The TA is very helpful and is really hands-on. The course is recommended by many in the quant industry. I took it to learn C++ and strengthen my MFE application.
Since I am studying for the MFE programs, C++ is a must-have thing on your resume and that's why I searched for a course with some applied to the filed topics. My friend, who is now studying at Baruch MFE program recommended this course to me. This course is good for giving not-to-deep dive into the logic if the language, but still forming good understanding of the C++. Also, community and TAs were really helpful in completing the course.
I found the course through recommendation by one of my senior classmates. He got a satisfying offer and this certificate helped a lot. Also as I know C++ is playing a more and more important role in Financial Engineering so I think it is essential to enrich my background in C++
I want to be a quantitative finance analyst in the future which is why I took this course
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