C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

C++ Programming for Financial Engineering

Reviews 4.93 star(s) 1,326 reviews

I think the course syllabus is very strong and the homework load is quite intense, which is a great thing. Also, the last part of the course provided a close insight into financial engineering applications in OOP.
And special thanks to my TA Alan, who was extremely helpful and gave me a great piece of advice even beyond the scope of the course.
The course was generally effective and my TA was excellent. The focus on finance, applications, and actually programming made it a great learning tool for me. I found all responses to inquiries prompt, and all advice sound. My suggestions in the next section are mostly in regards to structure and content; not delivery or service.
This is a very good C++ course. Since I was a new programmer in C++, and my TA and Prof Duffy gave me a lot of help on programming. My TA Alan is a very good TA, he is nice and patient, he also answer my question in time and grads my home work with helpful suggestion not only on the homework itself but also advice on programming in C++ in general. So in general, this is very good and helpful class.
The course was great. I learned a lot. My TA Alexei has been awesome throughout. I never expected such a huge amount of work from his side. He gave me detailed description of my commenting styles, errors, ways I could improve my code etc. Glad to be a part of Quantnet!
I thoroughly enjoyed the course and found the material both insightful and compelling. My TA, Vadim Nagaev, was a great resource and provided me with top-quality help.
The course provided a great outline of what a programmer can do with C++. The topic areas are brief, to the point, and distributed into 9 levels. Each level has video lectures, homework assignments, and its own forum for students to ask questions. The instructor conducted a precise walk-through on each lecture, again, brief and to the point. My assigned TA was tremendous in given feedback and pointing me in the right direction.
I enjoyed this course and the challenging assignments. I now feel much more comfortable with C++, than before I took the course. In my opinion though, one without prior programming experience may find this course on the very difficult side. If that's the case, I would suggest making good use of the forums in each level. Your hard work would certainly be rewarded later on.

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