Search results

  1. Ken Abbott

    Am I too old?

    There are plenty of people in their 30s in QF programs.
  2. Ken Abbott

    Chances with degree from Denmark

    One of the senior quants at B of A /Merrill has a degree from Denmark. This is from his NYU bio. I co-teach a course with him. Leif Andersen, Instructor since 2004. Leif holds an MSc in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from Technical University of Denmark; an MBA from University of...
  3. Ken Abbott

    Considering a career move to something quant related...

    Thank you for your service. With respect to masters programs, go big or go home. Are you sure you want to be in Finance? PM me and we can chat. I've spoken to many guys coming out of the military about the Wall Street job market. I'd be happy to help.
  4. Ken Abbott

    master in finance vs FE

    I think (I know, in fact) that most firms don't distinguish between different types of masters programs in finance. They distinguish between masters and bachelors and between work experience and no work experience.
  5. Ken Abbott

    Need advice to choose my next job

    IRC (2-3 factor Merton model for default) CRM (credit derivs tail risk) IMM (copula-based counterparty risk) IRB (MC using transition matrices) The keys to the kingdom, or at least to long-term employment.
  6. Ken Abbott

    Quant Finance (Part time)

    People have done it at NYU and Baruch. It's not easy and certainly not fun, but it is possible.
  7. Ken Abbott

    Advice on grad offer

    Do you have citizenship in one of those financial centers?
  8. Ken Abbott

    Advice on risk quant offers

    PM me to discuss.
  9. Ken Abbott

    Advice on grad offer

    What location?
  10. Ken Abbott

    [Feb 7, 2015] Regulation Masterclass at Baruch, February 7th, 2015 (New York, NY)

    Financial Regulation: Evolution and Current State Ken Abbott, Morgan Stanley Baruch MFE Master Class Saturday, February 7, 2015 The Baruch MFE Program will offer a one-day Master Class on Financial Regulation: Evolution and Current State taught by Ken Abbott, Managing Director, Firm Risk...
  11. Ken Abbott

    Need advice to choose my next job

    If you learn credit risk analytics (especially the regulatory piece) you'll be employable forever.
  12. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk Management

    Once you're working, the material upon which it is based provides an excellent framework for understanding the technical, institutional, and regulatory structures in which we work. If you do it without any work experience, I'd see it as a waste of time.
  13. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk Management

    No It would be. A waste of time before you have any institutional context.
  14. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk Management

    Most risk people fall on the time series/econometrics side of their great quant PDE/econometrics divide. Most pricing analysis involved model sensitivities to different inputs. Stress testing is a big focus as well. Another major focus is quant stuff associated with reg requirements. Think...
  15. Ken Abbott

    Morgan Stanley---mortgage modeling interview

    The head Fixed Income strat is two doors down from me. He says to get a good night's sleep.
  16. Ken Abbott

    Which of the two options is better?

    Get experience. There are way too many quants who have no idea how to solve real-world problems.
  17. Ken Abbott

    NYU MSMF advice of NYU MSMF course selection

    I teach the Advanced Risk Management course. PM me to discuss.
  18. Ken Abbott

    Coming Soon: Regulation Masterclass at Baruch-November 8

    This has been postponed. The new date is February 7th at Baruch.
  19. Ken Abbott


    That has such people in't!
  20. Ken Abbott

    Density function

    Do you mean the projection of a credit transition matrix onto a Gaussian density function? What is a CEV model?
  21. Ken Abbott

    Why MBAs get all the gold??

    Thank you.
  22. Ken Abbott

    Long-term goal of a quant.

    1) Many people don't land jobs 2) Few (if any) stay at one firm their entire career 3) There will be exit ops, and people will need them 4) "Making bank" isn't guaranteed
  23. Ken Abbott

    Long-term goal of a quant.

    Peace on Earth. Goodwill Towards Men.
  24. Ken Abbott

    Opportunities at a Clearing House?

    Clearing is a growth industry. Knowledge of how the plumbing works is valuable.
  25. Ken Abbott

    Career start: Tier 2 Model Validation?

    I was a trader at a BIG trading firm. It was killing me. I've been in risk for 20 years. Life is good.
  26. Ken Abbott

    I need a plan.

    The real world is far, far more cruel.
  27. Ken Abbott

    I need a plan.

    Don't go straight to grad school. Get a job. Work for a few years.
  28. Ken Abbott

    The difference between Strats within different groups

    Here is an oversimplification: Securities: PDEs and time series IB: Financial statement forecasting IM: Asset allocation
  29. Ken Abbott

    Wholesale credit risk quant

    The term "wholesale" is linked to the Basel model taxonomy.
  30. Ken Abbott

    Any job relative to securitization?

    There's a ton of material out there that you can find through Google. You need to review that and come back here with specific questions.
  31. Ken Abbott

    Wholesale credit risk quant

    This is all linked to Basel IMM and IRB calculations. Knowing this stuff well effectively guarantees full employment for the forseeable future.
  32. Ken Abbott

    Econometrics Research Project

    Are credit spreads seasonal? Compare them to ag spreads which are seasonal and mean reverting. You can do mean reversion tests, ARIMA, and FFT.
  33. Ken Abbott

    How can I find an area of research in quantitative finance appropriate to write a masters thesis on?

    I've been encouraging people (unsuccessfully) for several years to do a PCA of different yield curves pre and post crisis. Doing the PCA would teach you a lot about eigensystem analysis. You'd also be able to write about hedging efficacy before and after.
  34. Ken Abbott

    Coming Soon: Regulation Masterclass at Baruch-November 8

    I will be teaching a one day regulation masterclass at Baruch again in November. I will be covering The microeconomics of regulation, Basel, Dodd-Frank, and regulatory models. Watch this space for more info. I'll once again ask people to make a donation to my favorite nonprofit instead of...
  35. Ken Abbott

    What is Structuring?
  36. Ken Abbott

    What is Structuring?

    It has recovered to some extent, varying by product area. This has gotten a lot of press in the last few weeks.
  37. Ken Abbott

    What is Structuring?

    Structuring goes way beyond options and involves the specifics of a client's need across all dimensions: currency, booking entity, country, duration, industry, tax position, etc. etc. Its definition will vary widely by business. In commodities markets, it is something very different from that...
  38. Ken Abbott

    De-seasonalizing Natural Gas Term structure data

    2 ways I can think of, SARIMA (or X-13 variant) or FFT. PM me if you want an FFT paper.
  39. Ken Abbott

    Sincere Questions from a top NYU graduate.

    Also, if you're going to demand "carefully written answers," you need to start with a carefully written (and gramatically correct) set of questions.
  40. Ken Abbott

    OLS refresher
  41. Ken Abbott

    Portfolio model using history data

    I posted a very simple QP model here a few years ago. I'll try to find it.
  42. Ken Abbott

    Physics PhD student considering career, need advice

    Bullet proof? No. In Risk, you can't take on the role of developer and change the model. Stress-tested? Absolutely. That's a key part of model review.
  43. Ken Abbott

    Physics PhD student considering career, need advice

    Plenty of research, but generally much more targeted. You are given a regulatory aim and perhaps even a model (e.g. single-factor Vasicek) and you have to implement it times 1 billion. Then you have to parse teh results and examine teh tail very, very closely.
  44. Ken Abbott


    I know Aaron Brown, who is their CRO. He used to work for me. He's a good guy and it's a reputable firm.
  45. Ken Abbott

    1 page resume or 2 page resume

    Declaration of Independence: 1 page Magna Carta: 1 page Your resume...
  46. Ken Abbott

    Asset / Liability VAR-COV Matrix -- Portfolio Optimization

    Liabilities like what? Debt instruments? Those won't be MTM like the assets. If you want to treat them like MTM instruments, use the Bloomberg generic curves or BB total return indices (The TR indices takes the need for convexity adjustment away).
  47. Ken Abbott

    Profile evaluation: "is there any chance for me?"

    If you want to work for a big bank or fund, then get a masters degree. If you want to do research and/or teach, do a PhD. The idea of doing a PhD only to prepare for the workplace seems a bit off-the-mark. You don't need a PhD to be a quant on Wall Street any more. Some of the best quants I...
  48. Ken Abbott

    Model Validation Interviews

    Better to read OCC 2011-12.
  49. Ken Abbott

    Quants PE

    The only quant roles in PE are industry specialists, e.g. petroleum engineers. There is little quant stuff required for the financials beyond the pricing of some contingent claims attached to the equity itself. This is usually contracted out to 3rd parties.
  50. Ken Abbott

    Don't do an online program. I'd consider a cqf only if you have taken no preparatory material...

    Don't do an online program. I'd consider a cqf only if you have taken no preparatory material an an undergrad. What country are you in?
  51. Ken Abbott

    Ba seem, I don't see the point in doing a cqf. I doubt quant finance admissions people care...

    Ba seem, I don't see the point in doing a cqf. I doubt quant finance admissions people care that much. Think of it this way: any qualification that is purely study-based is if limited use without real experience. I can't speak to any of the many programs at Columbia. I teach at Baruch and...
  52. Ken Abbott

    Higher Education / Career Advice

    1. Undefined. Model review is largely a product of the regulatory landscape. It's likely to remain important, but sometimes I sense a movement towards a much simpler framework. 2. It depends. Broadly speaking, there are two types of quants in finance: statisticians and PDE people. Most...
  53. Ken Abbott

    Missing Data on Credit Curve

    There are many approaches to missing data. For the odd point, interpolation is fine. Beyond taht you can use a Brownian Bridge, regression against similar variables (in return space), or, if you're up to it, EM.
  54. Ken Abbott

    Who actually uses econometrics?

    Risk uses statistics every day, especially times series. Linear algebra is handy as well.
  55. Ken Abbott

    Indian Science Undergrad and Finance Graduate

    You need to do the fundamental research. People here can direct you to sources of information, but you shouldn't necessarily expect them to do the work for you. Once you have narrowed down your choices, you can ask about the details of each program of interest.
  56. Ken Abbott


    I actually did start in risk management in my 20s, back in the 1980s. I was only there for a few months, though. I decided I wanted to gain a credible set of quant skills.
  57. Ken Abbott


    Yes. I established a clear-cut set of goals upon which I worked. Every. Single. Day.
  58. Ken Abbott


    Sorry about the profanity here, but this message hits pretty hard. (Andy, feel free to delete if you find it offensive.)
  59. Ken Abbott


  60. Ken Abbott

    Large Number of International Students in MFE Programs

    These statements are false.
  61. Ken Abbott

    Large Number of International Students in MFE Programs

    Domestic students probably have a better feeling for the local job market.
  62. Ken Abbott

    Undergrad preparation to becoming a quantitative analyst

    I think you'd be better off making sure that finance is a field you want to enter, first.
  63. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk analyst

    I was unaware of these particular openings until I clicked the links (although as risk COO, I am generally aware of the large number of opening in risk overall.)
  64. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk analyst

    1) The move from FO to BO isn't that easy either. Movers are often regarded with some suspicion as people who are between FO jobs and looking for a place to hang out. They also rarely have the econometric skills and knowledge of regulation that is required. 2) The top quants in risk are as...
  65. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk analyst

    The is always some flexibility, but I have seen much less over the past few years. Don't take a risk job if your aim is to do something else. If you really want to do a front office job, hold out for that.
  66. Ken Abbott

    Accounting for Quants

    Interesting editorial in the NYT today about accounting.
  67. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk analyst

    These firms were all victimized by people with back office expertise using their skill to perpetrate fraud. I am unaware of anyone in risk management involved in anything nefarious, but we do often gain a very, very detailed knowledge of the data plumbing.
  68. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk analyst

    Me Metaphysical truth has nothing to do with it. It's about perception. The simple fact is that there's less mobility than there used to be. This is one reason.
  69. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk analyst

    Probably not a drawback, but there is some (unfounded) fear of bringing back office expertise into the front office after UBS, SocGen and Barings, but mostly wrt operations.
  70. Ken Abbott

    Quantitative Risk analyst

    The workload in risk has increased by an order of magnitude since the crisis. A lot of it isn't glamorous, but it is engaging and a great place to cut your teeth. I say that because at some point, most people need to "put in their time." I don't mean to say it's just time-in-grade, but rather...
  71. Ken Abbott

    Accounting for Quants

    Amanda, without some ancillary skill, quants are largely undifferentiated (save, of course, for the usual PDE vs econometrician distinction). With some accounting, a quant could move to the price review function or the audit function easily. Accounting is a core skill in finance. Even a...
  72. Ken Abbott

    Accounting for Quants

    Nope. No relation. I want to help a friend design a class that will teach quants the accounting they need to know in Finance.
  73. Ken Abbott

    Accounting for Quants

    I have a question for practitioners: How much accounting do you feel you need to know to be effective? Clearly an understanding of VAs is requires, as is some knowledge of FV principles? I sense there's a gap here andI'd like to see it addressed.
  74. Ken Abbott

    Harvard or Princeton for undergraduate?

    First, with admission rates now hovering below 6%, you should broaden your perspective. The Almighty himself would probably get waitlisted unless he made the all-state soccer team. Second, @MNRC is right. Colleges like that aren't about preprofessional studies. Worry about getting and...
  75. Ken Abbott

    MSc graduate seeking for advice

    There are plenty of non-Ph.Ds in model validation.
  76. Ken Abbott

    Credit Valuation Adjustment

    The Canabarro and Duffie paper I posted in the Books section here under "Collection of important docs for risk management" has a nice description of CVA. There's also a lot of discussion of it in Basel III material, since B3 requires its inclusion in VaR.
  77. Ken Abbott

    MFE or MBA as a long term career choice?

    There's an oversupply of MFEs. An MBA also allows more flexibility.
  78. Ken Abbott

    BASEL Regulation on SWAP Market: Fair?

    Basel regulation or Dodd-Frank regulation? Basel is forcing the standardization of IMM approached to CCP risk. Moving it to exchanges is the really hard part. That's DF. Fairness has little to do with it. The largely unregulated derivatives market came with attached externalities which were...
  79. Ken Abbott

    Finance Industry Dictates Changes to Job Market

    I have guest-lectured at Rutgers. I was unaware of the program at RPI.
  80. Ken Abbott

    Seeking advice on preparation for quant summer internship

    Make sure you understand QP. Read sector research reports.
  81. Ken Abbott

    Education Advice for an Econ Guy

    Time series. Multivariate stat. Regression.
  82. Ken Abbott

    Will I be able to get entry-level quant interviews?

    @ygmwy, I've been thinking about your post here for a few days. I think it's a bit harsh. I have worked with many, many East Asian students and employees. Some have language challenges, with which they will have to deal to maximize their potential. For that reason, they may be less...
  83. Ken Abbott

    Will I be able to get entry-level quant interviews?

    Daniel, your EE background may actually put you at an advantage. I've heard senior managers say they don't want MFEs and would prefer engineering students. Your biggest challenge will be convincing your interviewer that your interest in finance is genuine. Make sure your story is convincing.
  84. Ken Abbott

    What is the job satisfaction of financial engineers?

    The term "Risk Management" varies considerably from firm to firm and industry to industry. In Finance, it means market, credit, ops risk. Elswhere it usually means insurance. Most trading is handled by the treasury in corporate America.
  85. Ken Abbott

    Career advice needed

    Good luck. Keep us posted on your progress. People will be interested to hear about how things work out.
  86. Ken Abbott

    What is the job satisfaction of financial engineers?

    No. Most quants lack training in accounting, which prevents them from working in corporate finance, private equity, etc. It happens, to be sure, but more as the exception than the rule. Also, many quants are lacking in communication skills, which keeps them out of many areas.
  87. Ken Abbott

    book for Risk Interview questions

    Know Basel, know Dodd Frank. Know some time series.
  88. Ken Abbott

    book for Risk Interview questions

    Read the regulatory stuff I posted.
  89. Ken Abbott

    Presentation: 11 Reasons Why I Will Never Hire You

    I've seen this kind of thing too, but not as well-done.
  90. Ken Abbott

    Presentation: 11 Reasons Why I Will Never Hire You

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of thank you notes, but this deck provides some interesting food for thought. Job seekers: read and consider.
  91. Ken Abbott

    The Importance of Regulatory Background

    I just spoke with one of my quant finance ex-students on the west coast who told me he became a hero at work because he knew all about CCAR, the Fed stress test. It was a focus area of the class I taught. Just sayin'
  92. Ken Abbott

    Calculating portfolio risk with

    You disliked my comment? Ouch! I have a paper I wrote 20 years ago on simple QP implementation. It's probably too basic for your needs, but let me know if you want a copy.
  93. Ken Abbott

    MS in Finance: Wash U Olin, U Rochester Simon, or MIT Sloan?

    Congrats. I usually give a guest lecture in the fall. Look for me.
  94. Ken Abbott

    Calculating portfolio risk with

    Are you looking to optimize using QP?
  95. Ken Abbott

    Ask Ellen - Job Hunting and Career Development Advice

    Ellen, typically these are distinct career paths. Many senior quants do end up in managerial roles, but that kind of management involves people and process and not many of the other things taught in an MBA program, like marketing. Unfortunately, the career flexibility that was common in...
  96. Ken Abbott

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE VS Columbia FinEcon Please help!

    One of the most senior quants at my firm has a formal education that ended with a bachelor's degree.
  97. Ken Abbott

    Risk Management to Sales and Trading, Help!

    If the people at your firm suspect that you're just using the risk job as a stepping stone, things will not go well for you.
  98. Ken Abbott

    LinkedIn and Recruiters

    You'd better not be looking.
  99. Ken Abbott

    7.8 Strats & Modeling Interview

    According to the head fixed income strat, the best prep is getting a good night's sleep.
  100. Ken Abbott

    MS in Finance: Wash U Olin, U Rochester Simon, or MIT Sloan?

    I can't say. I have never met anyone from either program and I know nothing about their curricula.
  101. Ken Abbott

    MS in Finance: Wash U Olin, U Rochester Simon, or MIT Sloan?

    Quant Finance programs have become like law schools. Go big or go home.
  102. Ken Abbott

    Market Risk and Career Possibilties

    1) Most peeple have at graduate degrees. The math required goes beyond that of most undergrad degrees, 2) The barrier used to be semi-permeable. It is less so now, after UBS, Soc Gen, etc. 3) Audit, consulting, fund management
  103. Ken Abbott

    Question about Equity Derivatives

    Find out how the group is organized. That will tell you how they think about their product set. Do the have a big converts business? If so, know the converts and reverse converts space. Do they do a lot of structured stuff? Or are they primarily a vanilla player? Which models to they use...
  104. Ken Abbott

    Question about Equity Derivatives

    Know the basic products. Read up on the "flavor(s) of the week." Pick one and read a lot about it. Ask about others. You can interview them. (For example: "I know something about (product) where (description of product's attributes), but how does that apply to (other product)? Be upfront...
  105. Ken Abbott

    How to get hired in strats and structuring?

    If you guys can articulate 6 or 7 key questions, I can probably persuade the head fixed income strat at my firm to write something for this blog.
  106. Ken Abbott

    recommended topic for thesis

    GARCH is often used in a risk management context to proxy implied vol when there is no market-observable data. To what extent does GARCH(1,1) on any underlying asset price approximate the observed implied volatility? Do any of the GARCH variants work better? When do these measures converge and...
  107. Ken Abbott

    Depends on whether they are looking for a risk job.

    Depends on whether they are looking for a risk job.
  108. Ken Abbott

    PCA on Bond Yields

    The eigenvalues give relative weights to the orthogonal dimension-reduced components of the covariance structure. I posted an introductory paper on this topic in the recommended readings for risk section of this blog.
  109. Ken Abbott

    Linear Algebra Pre-Req Question

    For For me, they would be probability, inference, and time series, but that reflects what I do for a living. Essentially, I believe quants in the finance business fall into two basic groups, the PDE people, who work on pricing models, and the econometricians, who do a lot do the risk work...
  110. Ken Abbott

    Linear Algebra Pre-Req Question

    Agree. Even though we don't necessarily phrase problems in terms of linear algebra, the techniques and overall mindset are omnipresent. Consider that OLS, LP, and QP techniques are linear algebra-based. After basic calculus, it's probably the second most valuable skill to have.
  111. Ken Abbott

    Mathematics before MFE Program

    ...but not all. The first 100 pages of Figlewski provide the best intuitive description of option pricing I've ever seen. Indeed, it's what gave me the "aha!" moment 20-odd years ago. I have been recommending it to students for years, particularly to to ones who have the pure math but not...
  112. Ken Abbott

    Does age matter ?

    That will vary from firm to firm. As I said sustained performance is the key to promotion, so ceteris paribus, many firms would promote the person with more experience. I'm not sure "elderly" is the term I'd use...
  113. Ken Abbott

    Does age matter ?

    What do you mean? There is a concept of "time-in-grade" whereby people are expected to be in a position for a certain amount of time before they are promoted. The idea here is that promotion should be the result of sustained performance. That said, these rules aren't usually written down. In...
  114. Ken Abbott

    Baruch Finance Pre-req Strictness

    I can't speak for the Program Director, but as a faculty member I can say that it calls into question your commitment to finance.
  115. Ken Abbott

    Quant Intern: What should I read up on

    Yes. For Figlewski, the Financial Options book. The first 100 pages explain the notion of the replicating portfolio exceptionally well. When I read that (20-odd years ago), the light went on. Also, Steve Allen has some stuff on model risk in his book, I think.
  116. Ken Abbott

    Quant Intern: What should I read up on

    Figlewski provides an excellent introduction to derivative pricing. Hull provides the ultimate reference. You should read OCC 2011-12 first, however, to get model review background.
  117. Ken Abbott

    Risk Management Question

    You can't really "manage" to a disaster scenario. All you can do is have contingency plans. You could buy options, of course, but that will be very expensive. Firms usually run extensive stress tests and scenarios to estimate possible losses and develop plans.
  118. Ken Abbott

    Listening to music while studying??

    Music brings insight. In college, when I first listened to a recording of Jaco Pastorius playing Donna Lee on the solo electric bass I saw God.
  119. Ken Abbott

    Avoid this U of Toronto MMF program: SCAM

    Andy is right. The OP's opinion might be considered a bit hyperbolic. See if you can get some people to write reviews.
  120. Ken Abbott

    The Coming Glut of Financial Engineers

    Three years old, but who's counting?:)
  121. Ken Abbott

    How important is it to have your PhD?

    Wei renmin fu wu, baby.
  122. Ken Abbott

    How important is it to have your PhD?

    There is nothing wrong with giving it some thought, but many (if not most) of us changed our minds several times between ages 18 and 22. Concentrate on your classes. Xiang @wayoung tongzhi xuexi.
  123. Ken Abbott

    Does Brand Name Matter?

    Ian, you will stick out like a sore thumb to any risk management interviewer, who will see you as yet another person who is interested in the risk side only as a second choice.
  124. Ken Abbott

    TOEFL mandatory for applying in CMU and Baruch?

    This is not correct. Dan is pretty tough. I have lectured at 10 QF programs. The Baruch students as a group have a far better command of English than those in the other programs.
  125. Ken Abbott

    Mathematical Models for Sports Betting

    Ken Baron at 2 Sigma wrote a book on using parimutuel analysis in financial markets.
  126. Ken Abbott

    Do I have ANY Hope?

    This doesn't sound right. PE people get paid primarily on carried interest. I think the only ways this could happen would be if a) the portfolio had some troubled names and the grad had the specific expertise or b) the grad was pulled in to be CEO of one of the portfolio companies. Either...
  127. Ken Abbott

    Volcker Rule

    Certain products are exempt. It's very important to read the fine print associated with the rule.
  128. Ken Abbott

    Do I have ANY Hope?

    I'm not sure I agree. The interview process is stuffed to the gills with Billy-Big-Deal trader wannabes. I find myself doubting the sincerity of many people who say they want to be in finance. Middle- or back-office experience would suggest a sincere interest in the business and not simply a...
  129. Ken Abbott

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    So you automatically reject the people that seem "too prepared?"
  130. Ken Abbott

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    "Say its name." "Heisenberg."
  131. Ken Abbott

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    I hope you all realize that admissions committee people from Baruch monitor this website. All of your speculation is likely to affect which questions they ask.
  132. Ken Abbott

    MS Finance - Quantitative Finance Track - U Buffalo

    I don't know anything about this program. Sorry.
  133. Ken Abbott

    Profile Evaluation

    I don't serve on any admission committees. I'm not qualified to have an opinion.
  134. Ken Abbott

    What to do once get admitted

    Basel and Dodd-Frank overviews (posted). After the Trade is Made (book on securities processing) Federal Reserve Trading and Capital Markets Activities Manual
  135. Ken Abbott

    Do I have ANY Hope?

    Going immediately to grad school is a mistake, I believe. You need to understand where and how these calculations are being put to use. When I went to grad school, which was after working for seven years, I could determine what I needed to understand fully (times series, inference...
  136. Ken Abbott

    Do I have ANY Hope?

    Go work for a few years. MS degrees, IMO, are a waste unless you have the right institutional context.
  137. Ken Abbott

    Avoid this U of Toronto MMF program: SCAM

    Too many programs + Too little understanding of what skills are really necessary + Academics wanting to teach only what's interesting to them+ Overly aggressive marking + Not enough research by potential students on programs and job market...
  138. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    That's a reasonable assessment. This is the superset of what I assign for the classes. I got tired of uploading it. The challenge with DF and Basel-related documents is that they usually have a shelf life. I tend to post the official document and the most recent interpretation. For Basel...
  139. Ken Abbott

    Dear Quant Gurus !! SOS

    What does that mean?
  140. Ken Abbott

    transfer to other university

    Waitlisted at MIT, rejected everywhere else, poor grammar. Folks: I think we may have a troll here...
  141. Ken Abbott

    Why isnt an Operations Research degree more valuable/desirable for jobs?

    Well said on both points. OR skills are very, very useful, but you need the institutional context.
  142. Ken Abbott

    Why isnt an Operations Research degree more valuable/desirable for jobs?

    Many, if not most MS in Finance students (I hate the term "Financial Engineer") go in with some idea of what they want to do when they graduate. That allows them to focus their studies and to consider carefully how they will describe their growing skill sets to potential employers. Many, if...
  143. Ken Abbott

    Analyst vs Associate Positions

    Not necessarily. First, analyst programs often the flagship of the recruiting effort. They are expensive and create a key pipeline of badly needed people. Second, franchise/reputational risk is a consideration. If you fired first year analysts, you may have a difficult time recruiting the...
  144. Ken Abbott

    Why isnt an Operations Research degree more valuable/desirable for jobs?

    Interesting question. My guess: because OR people are often not as focused upon finance and don't market themselves as effectively.
  145. Ken Abbott

    Analyst vs Associate Positions

    My trading experience was many years ago. My management experience is in risk, where many quants go. I've been through the headcount reduction exercise many times. If analysts have an advantage, it's because people think they have no basis for judgement. Once you're in a job for a year...
  146. Ken Abbott

    Appropriate target schools with my background

    Don't do another masters degree. You'll find that you may have already covered a lot of the material. I found my MS in Stat to be more than adequate, the only difference being that I did it at night and had 11 years of experience by the time I finished it in 1994.
  147. Ken Abbott

    Analyst vs Associate Positions

    While I agree on the point you make about a higher standard, you'll find comp levels are generally within 10k or so at the entry level. Also, when firms cut heads, titles often don't matter. An underperforming MD is as likely to be cut as an underperforming first-year analyst.
  148. Ken Abbott

    books Recommendation for structurers

    The GARP ERM readings provide a comprehensive introduction and review. There are two parts, online (generally publicly available stuff) and print (copyrighted material). It's voluminous (perhaps 1000 pages overall), but it covers the basis.
  149. Ken Abbott

    Need ideas for capstone projects: sustainable finance?

    OK campers, I need your advice again. As some of you know, I teach at NYU, Claremont and Baruch. I've sponsored some very successful projects including ones on ES as a risk measure , commodities, and on regulation. I sit on my firm's sustainable finance committee as well as on the investment...
  150. Ken Abbott

    Portfolio Optimization Model

    I wrote a quick-n-dirty paper on this many years ago. It's a very, very basic intro to QP that can be implemented in a spreadsheet. I usually assign this as a model review for my students. If you like, I could send some working examples.
  151. Ken Abbott

    What sports do quant play and what beers do quant drink?

    I think full-contact origami is big. And absinthe, carefully strained through a sugar cube, is the drink of choice.
  152. Ken Abbott

    Is job title of referee relevant?

    You can use the associate recommendation in addition to, but not in place of one from someone more senior.
  153. Ken Abbott

    High IQ problem

    BTW: IQ is a pointless measure. Once you're an adult, it tells you nothing. Furthermore, no one cares about IQ. In my 30 years in the business, I have not heard a single reference to IQ, which brings me back to my original point: intelligence is useless unless it can be applied. A moderately...
  154. Ken Abbott

    High IQ problem

    Wall Street is full of inarticulate intelligent underachievers. It's kind of like having a 1000 hp engine with no transmission with which to translate the power into motion. Without the ability to express oneself, intelligence is essentially useless.
  155. Ken Abbott

    Prior Coursework

    I think you think too much.
  156. Ken Abbott

    Prior Coursework

    Most people list relevant coursework on their resumes, but I don't see how that would make any difference in your application. Any school to which you apply is very likely to scrutinize your transcript.
  157. Ken Abbott

    Help on personal statement

    Wow. Meshulum, I used this book back in the 1970's. I guess English hasn't changed that much...
  158. Ken Abbott

    Bank of America QMAP

    It's been 8 years since I left B of A, but I'd imagine that the prospects are more or less the same for any MS students with a quant background. There's less differentiation at the workplace than many people seem to think. Either you can count to eleven with your shoes on or you can't. That...
  159. Ken Abbott

    Sales & Trading Summer Analyst Internship Question

    It is demanding and it is risky. It's easily the hardest job I've ever done. It's also a line of work that attracts a lot of people who see it as a way to quick money, so firms look for a commitment to the industry, usually reflected in a genuine interest in the markets.
  160. Ken Abbott

    Help on personal statement

    Here's what I suggest: have you ever seen the Facebook posts that relate "8 things you didn't know about me"? Start with that. Identify things about you that are interesting. You lost money investing? No one cares. Everybody did. How did you react? What did you do next? What's the worst...
  161. Ken Abbott

    Financial Risk Management

    I don't know what these risk programs teach, but I hope that there would be more time series and accounting and less PDE and C++. Database skills would also be nice. Be careful. These programs need to teach the regulatory stuff if they are to be taken seriously VaR methodologies IRC...
  162. Ken Abbott

    Help on personal statement

    I count Abuses of Capitalization As Spelling errors.;)
  163. Ken Abbott

    Help on personal statement

    @luckyboylxc , you can't simply slap something together and throw it up here, expecting everyone to make it better. This essay is filled with spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Most are easily identified in MS Word. If you make an effort to put a decent draft up here, I'll take the...
  164. Ken Abbott

    quantitative analysis for non-finance?

    Operations Research has many non-finance applications. Think scheduling: rail, air, power.
  165. Ken Abbott

    advice for topic

    Fundamental review of the trading book: A revised market risk framework, October 2013 I posted this in the risk books section here on Quantnet.
  166. Ken Abbott

    Advice needed. Thanks.

    I recently asked a bunch of MFEs whether they ever used their knowledge of PDEs or stochastic processes in their daily work. No one said they did. I believe that core math, stat, and finance knowledge (eg bond pricing) are more essential that a lot of the material currently being offered at...
  167. Ken Abbott

    What does it mean?

    A feeble attempt at humor, I'm afraid.
  168. Ken Abbott

    advice for topic

    Read the Basel "Fundamental Review of the Trading Book" documents. There's a move to replace VaR with expected shortfall, in part because of the latter's coherence. What interesting properties manifest themselves in its practical use as a risk metric? I had some Baruch students do a project...
  169. Ken Abbott

    Financial Risk Management

    Lately I have heard a lot of discussion about how useful engineering skills are.
  170. Ken Abbott

    Finance Industry Dictates Changes to Job Market

    First, clean up your résumé. I saw a guy get dinged recently because of bad grammar. Second, if you want to generate interest in your project, choose something topical. No one on the banking side is thinking much about new interest rate, cdo, or HFT models. Think CCAR, IMM, AMA. Third, look...
  171. Ken Abbott

    Be wary

    It depends. An MS (is there such a thing as an MA in statistics?) might imply a genuine interest in the subject matter. Many people assume that those seeking an MFE are just looking to make a quick buck. Fortunately, this usually becomes painfully obvious in the interview process when the...
  172. Ken Abbott

    Commodities Master Class - Ken Abbott - November 16 - Baruch MFE

    Thanks for coming, everyone. I'll be sending the .pdfs out to you via email. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed teaching it. As always, feel free to contact me with questions, either about the class or about the industry in general. And thanks for helping me support The NJ Scholars...
  173. Ken Abbott

    Finance Industry Dictates Changes to Job Market

    You can't assume that quants all sit on the desk developing models. Most quants I know are in supporting functions. They occasionally write snippets of code, but I wouldn't consider them programmers. In fact, at my firm, I'd guess that if you were to ask even the desk quants if they were...
  174. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Maybe a bit hyperbolic there, but I'm happy to be of use.
  175. Ken Abbott

    How to get a non-quant up to speed?

    Thank you. This is perfect.
  176. Ken Abbott

    How to get a non-quant up to speed?

    We get a model developer to develop one. I wouldn't let most quants anywhere near production code, unless I only needed the price once. If I need that price 10,000 times x 1,000,000 positions, I would give it to a programmer who could price efficiently.
  177. Ken Abbott

    How to get a non-quant up to speed?

    Most of the quants I know spend little time programming. Those are the ones in the support functions- risk management, model review, price verification, audit.
  178. Ken Abbott

    How to get a non-quant up to speed?

    Ok, forum. This time I need your advice. A colleague of mine is on the management fast track. She's smart, personable, and talented. Her challenge is that she has no formal quant training at all. She is destined to be part of senior management. A minimal amount of schooling would help her...
  179. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    London Whale papers (plus more) EconPapers: Yale School of Management YPFS Cases
  180. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Where are some great papers on retail finance:
  181. Ken Abbott


    Andy has posted numerous job descriptions here.
  182. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Liquidity These are regulatory papers on liquidity risk management.
  183. Ken Abbott

    Collection of important documents for risk management

    Below is a collection of important documents, required reading for students and professionals in the field of risk management. The list is divided into subjects and will be updated. Overview
  184. Ken Abbott

    A career in Finance after MS in Industrial Engineering in US.

    Read the career guide posted here.
  185. Ken Abbott

    Finance Industry Dictates Changes to Job Market

    This article appears in QuantNet 2013-2014 International Guide to Programs in Financial Engineering. The job market for quants has changed inexorably. The “particle finance” trend of the last 20 years is on the wane. While funds will still be able to trade on a prop basis, banks’ ability to do...
  186. Ken Abbott

    Seeking Career Advice (Central banker)

    I recently read that the average European bank is expected to hire 200 peopl to deal with Basel requirements. Many of those have a TS angle. The banking community may be your most fertile hunting ground.
  187. Ken Abbott

    FRM vs CFA vs MFE

    I disagree strongly. FRM/PRM are very useful, but only once you have a job. They provide the institutional backdrop for much of the math being done by risk management groups. In fact, in this job market, FRM/PRM may be more valuable than an MS in QF.
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