Search results

  1. M

    Worst recruiters: Huxley?

    Your recruiter is probably the exception, not the rule and I think you have hit the jackpot. You should definitely keep in touch with her and keep her in mind if you're looking again in the future. Every time I worked with any recruiter and told them I was interviewing somewhere else, they...
  2. M

    How useful GRE Maths Subject test...!

    Your profile is at least as good as mine (probably even better since you're at a top 20 university), and I managed to get into one of the top programs. I would not worry too much about the subject GRE.
  3. M

    MS in Computer Science vs MS in Financial Engineering

    You can probably figure it out if you go through my posts, but one of the top 10 in this site's rankings
  4. M

    MFE-->>Quantitative Portfolio Management

    You should be well-placed to find a job like that after doing an MFE since you would have taken portfolio optimization, time series, etc. But even though your job title might not be developer, you could still find yourself spending a lot of your time writing code or doing data...
  5. M

    Coding academies as gateways to $100,000 jobs

    This is more what I expected. You probably had a lot more analytical skills and relevant background (plus the drive) than many others who were coming from much less mathematical / quantitative backgrounds.
  6. M

    Coding academies as gateways to $100,000 jobs

    Conveniently ignored the fact that he had a math degree to begin with. I highly doubt someone with a degree in social studies would be able to get on the market as a developer and secure a $100,000 offer after just 3 months.
  7. M

    MS in Computer Science vs MS in Financial Engineering

    None of the jobs you listed requires an MFE. I am currently working in front office tech and I am doing an MFE at the same time. The knowledge from the MFE isn't *required* for my job, but it is extremely useful because it lets me work on the quant code and actually understand the underlying...
  8. M

    MS in Computer Science vs MS in Financial Engineering

    Risk management, front office technology, and risk technology are three vastly different areas - I don't know why you're grouping them together 1. A quant group at a bank may hire someone with a CS degree, but only if they have solid financial knowledge. With a MS CS there is a high chance you...
  9. M

    Cryptocurrency Quant Internship

    It can be as much as 4 - 6 months' worth of salary. I agree, be very skeptical and don't believe everything they tell you (especially over the phone). There are some very good recruiters, but the recruiting industry is full of sleazy people trying to get a slice of the pie.
  10. M

    Becoming a trader: MBA vs. MFE

    Some MFE graduates go into trading, and they have a considerable (knowledge) advantage over those who went straight from undergrad.
  11. M

    GS QIS Strats vs BAML MBS Strats vs DB S&T

    This is a quant forum after all. I would take a strat role over trading.
  12. M

    Applying to MFE Programs in NYC

    800Q and 1 year of work exp
  13. M

    Applying to MFE Programs in NYC

    I have a BS in CS and got into CMU. So I would not worry too much
  14. M

    Choosing undergraduate thesis advisor

    Not really. What matters is how well they know you.
  15. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    Right, I based my estimate off what I know from my team's hiring process and some of the teams immediately surrounding. I'll put a note in my original post. Thanks
  16. M

    Choosing undergraduate thesis advisor

    Just FYI. You don't need a researcher in the relevant field to write your recommendation to get into a top MFE. I had my undergrad thesis advisor do mine (plus one of my ex-bosses) and had no issues. Sure it might help a bit but choose what you like best.
  17. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    Thought I might resurrect this thread for all the recent admits.
  18. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    When my team hires I think there are anywhere from 2 rounds of phone screens per position (40-60 candidates), then 1-2 onsite rounds (10 people left), and then 2 more final rounds with 2-5 people left. There may be less rounds if the position has been taking time to fill. The number of rounds...
  19. M

    MFE Jobs and careers

    Typically a fund (hedge fund, mutual fund) or the asset management division within banks.
  20. M

    MFE Jobs and careers

    Go do an MBA for IBD and consulting. Some people do that after a Master in Finance as well. Your MFE will be wasted and you will be crying your brains out looking at DCF Excel spreadsheets and Powerpoint presentations after going through hardcore math classes. The usual path for PM is something...
  21. M

    Scientific papers

  22. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    If they really like you, they tell you very quickly. Otherwise it takes longer.
  23. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    I was asked brainteasers and math puzzles and programming/algorithm questions. Don't let your guard down.
  24. M

    Engineering to Finance ... Need advice please

    MS Finance is worth it if you can get into Princeton or perhaps MIT.
  25. M

    Need help for college project

    This is very true. If I interviewed every developer at JPM/BoAML/Goldman/MS/Citi who claims to have developed "derivatives pricing systems" and asked them the definition of a bond, how to hedge a swap, or show me what a vol smile looks like and why it exists, I doubt 10% of them would be able to...
  26. M

    U.S. Schools Expelled 8,000 Chinese Students

    I think this is the real problem. Except for the prestigious ones, MFE/MFin/MathFin programs don't really have an incentive to expel these kids. They bring in millions of $$$. People (including Chinese students) have been expelled from top MFE programs for cheating. I guarantee you that. At my...
  27. M

    Need help for college project

    Well, think about this. You build a derivatives pricing system and wire it up to get LIBOR rates from the bank's market data repository and price interest rate derivatives like swaps and caps/floors. You spend weeks testing it and make sure it won't have issues such as missing market data, edge...
  28. M

    Pros and Cons of Certain Quantitative Languages

    I'm almost certain these are available in R: -Missings handling -Matrix/dataframe -Robust regression -Decision Trees -SVM -NN
  29. M

    U.S. Schools Expelled 8,000 Chinese Students

    I'm gonna shut the hell up until I graduate :whistle:
  30. M

    U.S. Schools Expelled 8,000 Chinese Students

    There's a difference between collaboration and cheating, obviously. People talking about problems and then writing up their own answers = collaboration. Someone does the HW and everyone else shows up 1 hour before it is due and copies it = cheating
  31. M

    Request for Info :: Masters Degree in Financial Mathematics online or part time UK

    I seem to say this to everyone with a lot of work experience but, how is your network and can you use it to find people who work in the types of jobs that you want to move into?
  32. M

    So disappointed by risk management professionals

    Right, but it seems pointless to hire someone to calculate risk (even using some automated system) if they don't understand how risk is calculated.
  33. M

    So disappointed by risk management professionals

    So if they don't understand the calculation of risk, what do they do all day in the office?
  34. M

    Should you follow up and call a recruiter or assume that they don't want to talk to you?

    2 days is nothing. You are probably at the bottom of his priority list, give him a few more days to a week and follow up if he still hasn't come back to you. If you don't get contacted, move on.
  35. M

    Why are quants leaving finance for tech or other places?

    It's just ridiculous, this industry is not one where you measure productivity by hours. I get more done in 2 hours in the morning (super concentration) than the 8 other hours in the day. Not all. I know Goldman's Ops offices in Salt Lake are pretty nice and so is their big tower in Jersey City...
  36. M

    Why are quants leaving finance for tech or other places?

    It's definitely what some of my friends have experienced too. Once you get used to that kind of life, could you ever go back to working in a corporate job in your tailored shirt, wool trousers, and possibly a suit and tie? You'd have to keep working at those hip, cool, luxurious tech companies...
  37. M

    Why are quants leaving finance for tech or other places?

    The rumors are that in tech you can roll into work at 11am and arrive at your designer architect layout, yoga-studio and Zen-meditation-room-relaxation-pod equipped, free-unlimited-food-drinks-everything, brightly lit, hip, 'green' (as in plants) office with a fabulous view of the Manhattan...
  38. M

    Entry into Finance - With an Engineering Ph.D

    You're right. I guess I was only thinking of the 'stereotypical' research/desk quant and 'stereotypical' buy-side analyst.
  39. M

    Entry into Finance - With an Engineering Ph.D

    Asset management/equity research and quantitative finance are very different things. Which is it that you want to do?
  40. M

    Need Career Advice

    You have almost 8 years of work experience. Is there anyone in your network that could help with a job search or at least help you get in the door?
  41. M

    Quant Trader: Nature or Nurture?

    I suggest you try the field for a few years and then do an MS if you think you will remain. Lots of people get burned out in this industry.
  42. M

    Columbia MAFN waitlist advice

    Wow, this went downhill fast. But I think this is not language-or nationality-specific, it would happen with any large group of people from similar circumstances stuck together in a foreign and unfamiliar country. It would make sense for them to interact mainly within the group - they share...
  43. M

    First experienced hire interview
  44. M

    Monte Carlo simulation question

    Yes, if you increase the number of steps (i.e. decrease your estimate of 'dt') you will get closer and closer to the continuous case and will get closer to the B/S price.
  45. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    Np, PM me if you have any questions
  46. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    I would choose Yahoo over back office IT any day. It is very dreary, sometimes mind-numbing work and you will be surrounded by people who don't have much motivation except to keep their steady paychecks coming. There is a chance you may not even work on actual projects, but rather have to manage...
  47. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    No. Even front-office facing technology roles are hard to get. You are not even working yet, don't pigeonhole yourself into back-office while you still have the choice not to go there!
  48. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    In that case, do not go to BAML. You will not be well-positioned for a quant developer role unless you work closely with the desk, or at least with the quant teams.
  49. M

    Columbia MAFN waitlist advice

    I visited the department a few years ago when I was admitted to MAFN. Suffice to say it wasn't the most welcoming of atmospheres. It was basically "Here's our courses, here's our electives. Take these and you will get your degree." Which is fine, because it's Columbia and all.
  50. M

    Need help on math courses selection, preparing for MFE/MF

    We just learned that in my Monte Carlo class...I guess at least one person thinks it could work as an interview question!
  51. M

    GARCH-DE and P-Martingale Simulation for Asian Option Pricing

    You won't find much data on Asian options, because they are traded OTC.
  52. M

    Career goal is Quant Developer. Which job should I choose

    All three would be doable, but what technology group at BAML? In a big investment bank there are developers who work closely with trading (usually called 'front office technology' or something like that - these roles can be pretty quantitative and depending on the team might actually have people...
  53. M

    Worst and best fonts to use in resume

    Why? I can guarantee you that people have had their resumes thrown out because they looked shitty.
  54. M

    What problems does machine learning solve in Quantitative Finance

    I'm not sure if this is exactly 'quantitative finance', but one example is data mining done by some financial data firms / vendors. They use machine learning algorithms to parse Twitter feeds, Bloomberg feeds, etc faster than humans can read and understand the news, come up with trade...
  55. M

    Worst and best fonts to use in resume

    I have used LaTeX for 7 years now. The default LaTeX font, Computer Modern, looks quite nice.
  56. M

    CMU Living Expenses

    For full-time NYC students graduating December 2016, Tuition with no scholarships/discounts would be approximately 80k. Add NYC rent and living expenses to that, and you're pretty close to or above 120k
  57. M

    Spot-futures pricing model (with time to maturity and volatility)

    But that formula is nothing but the underlying asset price S(t) assuming it follows GBM. Plugging that S(t) into the formula I wrote above would give you exactly the futures price. What do you mean "price in the future"?
  58. M

    Spot-futures pricing model (with time to maturity and volatility)

    I'm a noob at this, but let me try: Assume asset = S, today = t expiration of the futures contract = T The futures price is the expectation at time t of the asset price at time T given today's asset price S(t) That is, Fut(S, t, T) = E[S(T) | t, S(t)] Now once you reach the delivery...
  59. M

    CMU Living Expenses

    You can always do Pittsburgh. You will save $1000 per month on rent there.
  60. M

    CMU Living Expenses

    Finding affordable housing in NYC is going to be your big killer. Tuition is around 80k and if you get a scholarship you might be paying 60k-70k (sometimes less). Most people share apartments or live in cheap areas. I think the figures on the website are a little high, but pretty realistic...
  61. M

    CMU Living Expenses

    Pittsburgh or NYC?
  62. M

    Code quality

    Is there such a thing as a non-self-taught programmer?
  63. M

    COMPARE CMU MSCF (NY or Pitts) VS Columbia MAFN

    It's terrible, though. You only get one chance at a first impression, and if you fuck it up, good luck. Schools should require a business / networking etiquette class before the program starts. Maybe do it the summer before.
  64. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    I didn't get my interview invite until May, so don't get worried just yet
  65. M


    I don't think so, we are not even allowed to disclose our grades to recruiters (and the school never discloses to them either). Just reminds me to be humble.
  66. M


    These kids put me to shame. I was top in my high school, top 10% in college, and now I am barely at the average in my MFE class. ;)
  67. M

    COMPARE CMU MSCF (NY or Pitts) VS Columbia MAFN

    This is mostly because 80% of the students are fresh out of school (and international) and have no idea how 'networking' in the US works.
  68. M

    COMPARE CMU MSCF (NY or Pitts) VS Columbia MAFN

    This is no surprise. Banks are shoring up their risk departments and cutting S&T where it is not profitable (ex. UBS fixed income exit)
  69. M

    Cornell FE Cornell MFE vs. Duke MSEM

    Cornell MFE should give you more than enough skills to do data analytics. Overkill even, but you can always have plan A: financial job and plan B: tech job.
  70. M

    Cornell FE Cornell MFE vs. Duke MSEM

    What do graduates from the Duke program end up in? Based on your experience and interests, which program do you think will point you in the direction you want to go in?
  71. M

    MIT MFin vs. Columbia MFE vs. NYU MathFin

    Agreed, but most MFE students aren't looking for consulting/IBD/PE/VC jobs.
  72. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Congratulations to all! If you're in NY, maybe I'll see you here :) Those who didn't get in - hope you get in at other great programs!
  73. M

    What is the average age of students at an MFE?

    I'm 26 and I will be 27 when I get my MFE.
  74. M

    What PhD is best for looking for a quant job?

    Do a PhD in whatever you have the most passion in. Don't do a PhD just because you want to get some job after graduation
  75. M

    Business major transition to quant?

    Let the dummy GBM dynamics be defined as dSt =dt Easy to integrate from t to T! :) No problemo
  76. M

    Is stochastic calculus essential for HFT/StatArb quant?

    I think Stochastic Calculus is important to know because it really lays out the foundation for pricing any derivative payoff, as well as the various risks associated with such payoffs. You can price stock options, futures, forwards, FX, interest rate derivatives, and pretty much anything using...
  77. M

    UCSD vs UIUC vs U Toronto

    UIUC is one of the top public schools in the country.
  78. M

    For everyone thinking about doing a part-time MFE.

    Stochastic Calculus I and Options were both tough classes. Stochastic Calculus was just theoretically hard, and Options was not hard conceptually but our professor brutalized us with endless problem sets and projects (and no one finished the final). I spend the most time on Options, I think...
  79. M

    For everyone thinking about doing a part-time MFE.

    I don't think all the schools make that kind of distinction between PT/FT. I was offered the opportunity to do FT (presumably since I didn't have much work experience) but I didn't take it. I would have taken someone's place on the FT waitlist if I had accepted.
  80. M

    For everyone thinking about doing a part-time MFE.

    I'm doing perfectly fine at CMU. Just wanted to make it clear to people that it's not easy.
  81. M

    For everyone thinking about doing a part-time MFE.

    I've been meaning to write this for a while, but now that I've been a part-time MFE student for a little over 1.5 years (basically a little over the halfway point), I decided this may be a good time to do it. I got home at 1AM last night, a weeknight. Busy as hell at work? No. I left the...
  82. M

    COMPARE Gatech QCF & Columbia MAFN & Rutgers MMF

    Columbia MAFN is older than MFE. It is respected, it's just not very vocal about recruiting students or publishing statistics.
  83. M

    COMPARE Gatech QCF & Columbia MAFN & Rutgers MMF

    The problem is many Wall Street recruiters don't give a sh*t about GT QCF. Just having Columbia on your resume will get you in the door at many places where the door will be slammed shut in front of you if you went to GT
  84. M

    COMPARE NYU Poly MFE vs Rutgers MQF

    Probably used to working like slaves. I feel like a slave at CMU LOL
  85. M

    COMPARE Gatech QCF & Columbia MAFN & Rutgers MMF

    Most quant dev jobs want masters's crazy!
  86. M

    COMPARE Stanford MCF vs Princeton MFin vs LSE Risk & Stochastic

    What a waste of time. Back to my Monte Carlo simulation homework.
  87. M

    COMPARE Stanford MCF vs Princeton MFin vs LSE Risk & Stochastic

    The only reason (apparently) that OP cites as not being too excited about Princeton is that it is in the NY region. Both fit the requirements but Princeton far surpasses MIT in quality, reputation on the Street, and alumni network. Personally I would never choose a less reputable program just...
  88. M

    COMPARE Stanford MCF vs Princeton MFin vs LSE Risk & Stochastic

    What you want from an MFE/MFin program along with a solid education is access to and reputation among recruiters in the financial industry. Princeton is at the top in both. You are not in a 2 year masters program to do research. If that's your objective, go get a PhD.
  89. M

    God, hardest choice! NYU MathFin VS Harvard CSE

    NYU if you are sure you want to go into the financial industry, Harvard if you want to keep your options more open (I mean it's not even an MFE/MathFin degree)
  90. M

    COMPARE Oxford mathematical And computational finance, asking for advice

    Why not work in Asia? Given the environment it seems like a lot of people go work in HK/Singapore and some of the Chinese kids in Shanghai/Beijing. I'd move to HK for a few years given the opportunity.
  91. M

    COMPARE Stanford MCF vs Princeton MFin vs LSE Risk & Stochastic

    Princeton isn't only the most established, it's by far the best brand value / reputation / quality of the programs you listed. Stanford/LSE are not at the same level or quality.
  92. M

    Business major transition to quant?

    I had calculus (single, advanced single, and multivariable), linear algebra, calculus-based probability and statistics, and combinatorics and got into an MFE program. You do not need ODE and PDE at least for my program (but it will help)
  93. M


    Very tough choice. I really think it's up to personal preference here. I would choose MSCF :) (but I'm biased obviously) Threads you might want to read:
  94. M

    A realistic look at the MFE

    I meant a base of 150k in the financial industry is nothing special. Back-office VPs make 150k
  95. M

    A realistic look at the MFE

    Base 80k + bonus can easily break 100k, and 150k all-in is not unreasonable at certain firms In NYC a base of 150k is nothing
  96. M

    A realistic look at the MFE

    There are plenty of PhDs who have similar jobs to the one you posted. Quant research is a shrinking field.
  97. M

    So....what do you wear to an on-campus interview?

    No black or brown, do dark charcoal suit & white or blue shirt. Keep it classy...
  98. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    I don't think there is any basis for this
  99. M

    Mathematical Biology to Quant Finance

    1) A MFE/MQF may help you get in front of recruiters. It will also help with your knowledge. Examples of questions you will be able to answer (or at least know how to research to find the answer) after an MFE: How do you interpret the treasury curve? How do you price options and derivatives...
  100. M

    Laptop/Tablet 2013-2014 Thread

    If you get a Mac make sure you get a decent sized internal SSD/flash drive. You may need to install Windows to run certain applications and that takes up a lot of space.
  101. M

    suggestion - moody's financial engineer

    You won't get much transferable "real" product knowledge. Support is just that, support. You will never understand the product as well as the developers do and you will basically be a buffer between them and users. As the poster above said, people skills are important anywhere but there are many...
  102. M

    suggestion - moody's financial engineer

    This is not a role that will lead to quantitative/trading jobs in the future. Stay away from it if that is what you want. Seems like more of a customer service / liaison between quants&developers and users. I highlighted what I think are the 'red flags' pointing to this as a support job and not...
  103. M

    COMPARE Stanford MCF vs Princeton MFin vs LSE Risk & Stochastic

    If that's what you want, fine. But Princeton >>> Stanford/LSE for jobs, reputation, everything.
  104. M

    Mathematics Prerequisites - MFE

    UC Berkeley has a pre-MFE course as well
  105. M

    COMPARE Stanford MCF vs Princeton MFin vs LSE Risk & Stochastic

    Go to Princeton - you won't regret it
  106. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Class size is > 80. 135 is no surprise
  107. M

    NYU-Poly Rejection

    Agreed on GRE. 145 is like a 350 on the old test and that's like 20th percentile. I have met too many students who are amazing at math but can't speak English properly and that is a turn-off for employers and admission committees. A good GRE Verbal score does not mean you are great at English...
  108. M

    NYU-Poly Rejection

    There are plenty of non-Peking/Tsinghua Chinese students. OP's profile is strong but apparently the competition was fierce.
  109. M

    Career Prospects (Silicon Valley VS Wall Street)

    Yes, there are quite a few banks and investment firms in L.A. and SF. At least one of the quants I know at my firm works out of the SF office. Language skills probably won't matter much unless you specifically get hired because of it (i.e. as a coordinator for multiple teams or for in a...
  110. M

    How to make a precalculated lookup table for normal CDF ?

    Well, here's a few other options: 1) Find a really fast implementation of the CDF function. 2) Create your own CDF function with memoization / approximation, etc (so if tolerance is within 0.001 for example, do not recalculate) You will need some notion of tolerance either way unless you plan...
  111. M

    How to make a precalculated lookup table for normal CDF ?

    You can just use a straight c++ map. (Pseudocode) map<float, float> n_map; min = -10; max = 10; granularity = 0.05; for (int x = min ; x < max; x += granularity) { n_map[x] = normal_cdf(x); } If you want to avoid using a map & memory for it you will probably need something cuter
  112. M

    Columbia MAFN Placement of Columbia MAFN

    Which is not necessarily a bad thing especially when the tax rate in NYC is like 40% and HK is 15%
  113. M

    low latency trading

    What did you say when they asked you that question?
  114. M

    cornell mfe deposit

    I was surprised by the prevalence of checks/cheques when I moved to the US. This is the country that sent astronauts to the moon in 1969.
  115. M

    COMPARE NYU MSMF, Columbia Math Finance, Cornell FE

    I would put Chicago in a tier below those three.
  116. M

    COMPARE NYU MSMF, Columbia Math Finance, Cornell FE

    ***These are only opinions*** NYU: Pros: Highly reputed applied math department. Quality instruction from both academics and practitioners (some of the senior quants at banks lecture here). Dual MBA also available. Cons: Expensive. Length(1yr)-not sure if this is flexible though. Also NYU now...
  117. M

    Looking for Online Quant Master degree with concentration on Quant / Algo / Stat Arb Trading

    There are very few reputable online programs. CMU MSCF and UW CFRM are the two that come to mind
  118. M

    Primary texts used in MS programs for first derivatives course

    Derivatives Pricing is very broad. What specifically? At CMU: Fixed Income - Tuckman Note that CMU's Fixed Income class is basically purely a math class. Options - None but I think Hull was recommended. Note though...
  119. M

    Ph.D. in EE vs. MFE?

    Really depends on what type of "quant". One of my colleagues used to be a desk strat at Goldman and he probably worked 60-70 hours a week on a regular basis. The quant team I now work with seems to work 40-50 hours.
  120. M

    COMPARE Columbia MSFE VS Cornell ORIE FE

    I would do Columbia. Easier to network and also you can do it in 3 semesters.
  121. M

    International with a Cambridge math degree, trying to get into US

    Most MFE programs do not provide financial aid and only a few provide loans. If you need to borrow money, your only option is likely a private loan which you will need U.S. credit history to obtain. I do know that some programs (NYU I think?) have relationships with US lenders but again you will...
  122. M

    International with a Cambridge math degree, trying to get into US

    Yes you can get in but will need to figure out how to get IBD interviews first. For (IBD) -> PE/VC, you will probably want to go into banking and then get an MBA. Try For HF a top MFE can get you in the door.
  123. M

    Most difficult course/topic covered in MFE/MQF-type programs?

    I agree. Stochastic Calculus makes almost every course I took in university look like a piece of cake.
  124. M

    International with a Cambridge math degree, trying to get into US

    MFE are not really designed to put you in PE or VC. You know that right?
  125. M

    UCB MFE Conditional offer from UCB

    If you go to UCB, you are going to spend over $80-100k in tuition and living costs. $5k per course seems to be a minor investment keeping that in mind.
  126. M

    Text for Stochastic Processes and Time Series

    What is the level of the course? The text we use in CMU MSCF Stochastic Calculus classes is Shreve's Stochastic Calculus for Finance series. The Time Series textbook is Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering which has a lot of R examples.
  127. M

    Advice on career direction

    Who told you that? The recruiter? You will not know whether this is true until you actually start working. I googled MarketAxess and if I understand it correctly, it seems like it's a financial technology firm rather than a trading firm. It provides a platform for clients to trade with one...
  128. M

    Columbia MFE Any testimonies of careers service and career prospects at Columbia?

    I can assure you that CMU does not 'spoonfeed'.
  129. M

    Master reading list for Quants, MFE (Financial Engineering) students

    This is the book that we used / were recommended at CMU.
  130. M

    question about studying for financial engineering interviews: 150 most frequently asked questions

    These days, even kids straight out of college have taken stochastic calculus... These questions typically involve 'tricks' that you have to realize to solve them. This knowledge can only be gained by practice and seeing similar types of problems over and over again. Usually they don't involve...
  131. M

    Looking for the right masters' degree

    MBA or MS in statistics/data science?
  132. M

    Michigan MFE Michigan MFE has been closed down

    Funny how a lot of new programs have 'risk management' in their names - UW CFRM, Rutgers FSRM, now Michigan QFRM.
  133. M

    Offer from Imperial College Risk Management and Financial Engineering

    Yes. But do you have strong feelings toward either? Can you afford to throw away $5000 in case Columbia replies after the Imperial deadline? Imperial is a great school as well and I have high opinions of my acquaintances who went there. If you end up in a US program you'd be paying (less...
  134. M

    Offer from Imperial College Risk Management and Financial Engineering

    I've heard it's harder to get a job as an international student in London than it is in NY. Where do you want to work?
  135. M

    Interviewer was wrong about an interview question - correct him later?

    I strongly recommend against this. People have egos, and people in the financial industry usually have big egos.
  136. M

    CMU Interview Invites

    You'll have enough Tech questions for a LIFETIME once you join the program :D
  137. M

    CMU Interview Invites

    @evan guggenheim @tauyan Check my post here: PM me if you want more advice
  138. M

    Low GRE Verbal score, how can I do?

    Check (you can filter by programs & results) and see how your GRE compares to that of admitted students. It looks like the average for UCLA/Columbia MAFN/UCB is in the high 150's and the average for NYU Poly is around 150. So a 145 is probably on the lower end.
  139. M

    What MFE Schools I be considering.

    Your grades are fine, but your GRE is way too low. Admission to any MFE would be a long shot; retake the exam and get as close to 170 as possible.
  140. M

    Obtaining an MFE through PhD

    MFE usually have tailored curricula that are not satisfied by any PhD programs, so no.
  141. M

    Profile Evaluation and advice in selecting a programme

    You might be able to get a loan in the US (either through the school or other private lender) but it will be difficult because you probably lack credit in the US. If you have any relatives living in the US you may be able to get a loan with them as cosigners.
  142. M

    Profile Evaluation and advice in selecting a programme

    1) You should take your GRE/GMAT early enough so that your score is received by the schools you're applying to before their relevant deadlines. I suggest having the scores sent so it arrives 1-2 weeks or even earlier in advance, since schools are flooded with information near the deadline and...
  143. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    My interview (and from what I know most/all interviews are the same) was basically asking about my background and motivations, and career goals. Also a little bit of discussion regarding whether to do the program full time or part time (I chose part time, but was asked if I was thinking of doing...
  144. M

    First Year Course Selection

    As long as your major is quantitative it should not matter that much. Do what you enjoy the most and supplement with financial math/finance/accounting courses. Check the admissions websites for MFE programs and make sure your major covers the prerequisite requirements.
  145. M

    First job advice

    Makes me scared for what'll happen after my MFE.
  146. M

    MBS or Equity quant?

    If I understand correctly CVA is not front office pricing, right?
  147. M

    Major requirements for MFE programs?

    Some do, some don't. If you are unsure you can always email their admissions and ask. For example CMU MSCF: The page clearly indicates what coursework a prospective student should have had in undergrad.
  148. M

    Major requirements for MFE programs?

    Most programs make their requirements pretty clear. Take a look at their admission pages and you will find your answer. I'd say a large majority of entering students have math/economics/stats/computer science/engineering backgrounds.
  149. M

    master or master+Phd?

    I think a lot of people are pursuing PhDs for the wrong reason. If you are going to do a PhD simply so that you can get a job afterward, you may not have the required passion & motivation for the PhD life that is 5-6 years of grueling research, TA obligations, etc. You might be better off if you...
  150. M

    What Schools should I realistically look into?

    Verbal is a bit low but I don't think it is a problem. You can check the tracker and see the GRE V scores of people who got admitted to MFE programs.
  151. M

    Do you need a master?

    Yes to HF, probably no to sales&PE (especially PE, it's almost completely dominated by MBAs)
  152. M

    Do you need a master?

    I think people with Bachelors tend not to get the heavy quantitative jobs. You see structurers & sales / traders straight out of undergrad but I believe it is much rarer to see a quant analyst/quant trader/strat with only a BS.
  153. M

    Profile Evaluation

    Your low GPA will hurt you for Baruch and the Ivies.
  154. M


    I vote for a major in mathematics + minor in CS, or the other way around.
  155. M

    CMU MSCF - Can I apply at any round?

    That's right, you can send in your application for any round. There is no difference between FT/PT except the length of time it takes to complete the program; FT takes 3 semesters (6 minis) and PT takes 6 semesters (12 minis). Everyone (FT/PT/Online) takes the same classes together and have...
  156. M

    What Schools should I realistically look into?

    You do have a chance, yes. Since you did engineering in undergrad you probably have most of the necessary coursework. Check the program websites and make sure you satisfy all of the prerequisites - some of them can be pretty specific.
  157. M

    List of Wall Street themed movies

    I watched it three times in 70mm IMAX-completely worth it. I think it's probably my new favorite movie as well. I understood most of it because I had read (casually) about wormholes and black holes and galaxies and relativity etc. but I can't imagine the average moviegoer had any clue what was...
  158. M

    Help on deciding about the programs

    With that much experience, I would network rather than spend 100k on a degree.
  159. M

    Derivatives trader looking to jump to academia/quant PM role

    CMU and NYU also offer part-time programs. You should check them out.
  160. M

    MFE after Ph.D. worth it?

    Actually the internship pay is the best predictor of your starting salary.
  161. M

    Wall Street vs Sillicon Valley

    The thing is, tech on Wall Street isn't where the 'action' is. It is still a cost center in most cases. This may or may not continue to be the case in the future. Salaries are actually pretty high (my VP boss at my old job probably made 300k and he was only managing 4-5 people), but the traders...
  162. M

    Software Companies (FINCAD, Super Derivatives) vs IBs

    Treat fintech like software houses but with better salaries. Ex. at Bloomberg some of the best paid employees (other than senior executives) are developers.
  163. M

    Software Companies (FINCAD, Super Derivatives) vs IBs

    I only have a Bachelors so my salary wasn't that high. In the first IB I worked for, I was in the neighborhood of USD 70-80k. My friends who went to software companies were getting 80k-100k. I then moved to a software company and then came back to my current IB. GBP 60-70k is 90k-110k USD...
  164. M

    Software Companies (FINCAD, Super Derivatives) vs IBs

    I don't know about London because I live in NY but an entry-level developer in NYC will probably be getting 80k-100k. An entry level salary at an IB is 70k-90k (depends on what degree you have). I have heard that developers in London don't get paid much though. A quick search on Glassdoor...
  165. M

    Software Companies (FINCAD, Super Derivatives) vs IBs

    A lot more laid back (I wore jeans & t-shirt to work at the last fintech company I worked for), but less money.
  166. M

    Hedge Fund Developer Job Offer

    There is usually a support team but they are not developers and they don't have deep understanding of the systems, just enough to put out fires and keep things going. Often times when they face an issue that isn't in their checklist or manual, they just escalate it to developers. Depending on...
  167. M

    MIT MFin MIT Mfin Placement Report 2014 Out!!

    Better than Princeton MFin?
  168. M

    Developer role with Java experience and no MFE possible?

    Learn Python. Dev & quant teams are using it in BoA/JPM now.
  169. M

    Multiple internship offers - trying to decide

    Is it GS Strats? For a PhD graduate a salary of 9k a month doesn't seem unnatural. That translates to $100-110k a year and if you live in NYC you will quickly realize that it isn't as much money as you think (speaking from experience here) Not sure how comp works at Jump. For GS/Two...
  170. M

    Quant Finance (Part time)

    Look at the rankings on this site.
  171. M

    Hedge Fund Developer Job Offer

    PM me with a precise job description (you can delete out parts for privacy) and I'll tell you what it is
  172. M

    Undergraduate Internships to get accepted into MFE program

    Look at it this way: An MFE is designed for someone who intends to stay in the financial industry in one form or another. In other words, people doing MFEs are expected to be devoted to the industry, at least for the short-medium term. What does having an internship at a financial firm say about...
  173. M

    CFA + B.S. CS vs. MFE

    It's extremely challenging. I basically have no social life - Saturday&Sunday are spent doing schoolwork. Vacation time is limited because I have to use paid time off for exams. Living expenses are NYC high which is why I have a full time job. I have negative savings after accounting for tuition...
  174. M

    CFA + B.S. CS vs. MFE

    The CFA curriculum is totally different from what is covered in an MFE. There is no hardcore math (depending on your definition) in CFA. No calculus, no linear algebra that I know of, no differential equations, no time series, no calc-based probability/statistics, no stochastic calculus. So it's...
  175. M

    GRE- raw vs. scaled official scores?

    Did you do prep? Even if the questions are easy it is as much about practicing for the test as it is about knowing how to do math.
  176. M

    Quantitative Research

    The 'blue sky' quantitative research groups at banks create and test new pricing and trading models for the firm's trading desks or automated trading systems. They may also write prototype code in R/Matlab/Python that is then optimized and put into production by developers (either in technology...
  177. M

    2013-2014 QuantNet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Tell me again once you've lived in NYC for a year on an entry-level salary.
  178. M

    2013-2014 QuantNet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Yes, that was one other thing I wanted to point out. Most international students are ineligible for loans because they lack credit history or a co-signer. I had about 10k in student loans (My college gave me a $40,000 per year grant but it wasn't enough). Paying back $200 a month, it takes...
  179. M

    2013-2014 QuantNet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    RA/TA is unrealistic. Why have a Masters student be a TA when you have all the PhD students to choose from (and they need the experience more than the MS students)? 28K for a 4 month internship? Never heard of it. When will you have 4 full months to work? Most summer internships are 10 weeks...
  180. M

    General elements of a MFE helpful for going into HFT?

    Time Series Analysis & Machine Learning C++ Simulations / Backtesting Numerical Computing
  181. M

    Exotic derivative valuation

    Wouldn't this be a portfolio long a GBP Libor FRN and short a CHF Libor FRN of equal face values? I believe the time-0 price of a FRN issued now is equal to the face value. (The price obviously would change as time passes), so I think the PV of this deal should be 0 since the face value cash...
  182. M

    GMAT or GRE for the MFE ?

    My observation is that the GRE is preferred. However, I do know of people who got into top programs (CMU MSCF) with only GMAT.
  183. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    1. I don't know whether anyone ended up in a real estate-related job, but there are several people I know who are in the 28-32 year old range. 2. The GRE Math would be a good thing to have given your background. How much math have you taken other than calculus? Do you have the requisite math...
  184. M

    What determines admittance into an MQF/MFE program?

    Doubtful at least where I was admitted. You can ask but it is unlikely you will ever find out the answer. I don't think you have to address it unless it's REALLY low. Admissions committees know that engineering programs are typically a lot harder to get perfect grades in, and will be able to...
  185. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    You might want to be more specific about career goals. 'becoming the head of risk department and climbing the ladder' sounds too generic and boring. This is an opportunity for you to show the admissions committee that you have done your research and have realistic expectations about the job...
  186. M

    CMU MSCF Skills required for MSCF CMU program?

    -Stress management: MSCF is extremely stressful, can you handle the workload + job searching at the same time? -Networking skills (If you only use on-campus recruitment, you're missing out): Are you able to form professional connections with alumni of the program and fellow students...
  187. M

    MFE Program based on profile

    You'll be compared with others who often have financial work experience and a higher GRE, so your chances are lower. It doesn't mean you will get rejected everywhere because of your GRE score, but if the GRE ends up being the tiebreaker between you and another applicant with an equivalent...
  188. M

    MFE Program based on profile

    You need a higher GRE Q. Keep in mind that many of the applicants to top programs will have close to a perfect score (170).
  189. M

    Is C++ certificate or grade from a college course a "must" requirement for MFE programs?

    What coursework did you take in the areas of mathematics/statistics/finance/computer science?
  190. M


    I was in London for about two months a few years back and really enjoyed it. Would live there if I had the chance, though not sure if permanently. Of course, it helped that my company was paying for a luxury apartment literally across the street from St. Paul's Cathedral :) I don't even know...
  191. M

    What determines admittance into an MQF/MFE program?

    I don't think ethnicity matters. East Asians and Indians are over-represented simply because there are more of them applying (and many of them are highly qualified) Degree is important but only as far as coursework is concerned -- you need all the prerequisites. GPA the higher the better but...
  192. M

    rate of returns - fit with Normal? Goodness of the fit?

    Typically stock returns are symmetrically distributed but with fatter tails on both ends than a normal distribution. You can try a t-distribution which would have fatter tails. There are tools in R / Matlab that allow you to try various models, and even some libraries that will do the...
  193. M

    Do I have what it takes?

    No job is glamorous day-to-day. Some jobs have 'glamorous' days more often than others. Most of the quants I work with (I work in the development group for fixed-income trading, and we work with the quant team pretty often) are not sitting in a room and thinking up new complicated pricing models...
  194. M

    I don't seek advice anymore! Just got accepted to my dream school !

    Good luck finding advice here with that attitude.
  195. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    As I noted previously, the point of Essay B is to convey to the admissions committee that your background is adequate to be admitted to MSCF. Your arguments need to be well-grounded in terms of the coursework you have undertaken and it is expected that you provide a summary of your academic...
  196. M

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Q&A (ask a current student)

    I believe the question asks specifically about your background in computer science, finance, math, and statistics and asks you to go into detail about your probability coursework. You need to explain what kind of background in those four areas you have (what classes you took, how you applied...
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