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  1. G

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    Exactly, and my point is that Goldman's 31,000 employees include security guards, janitors, car service employees, food service, mail room employees and more. That leaves plenty of money for the average analyst, let alone MD. I can guarantee that for any number x<31,000, the following...
  2. G

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    1.2% of the bonuses; roughly the average contribution to charity for a fortune 500 company as a percentage of its profits. DING DING DING. The MSM is not an evil system bent on undermining the US; it is a system that encourages social behavior. Then who are they handing out this excess in...
  3. G

    Hope for a future democratic China

    As long as you don't practice Falun Gong or belong to other "dangerous cults". Personally, I'd rather live in a society that sends suspected terrorists caught with weapons in Afghanistan or Iraq to Guantanamo than live in a society that sends cult members to re-education-by-work camps. Also...
  4. G

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Well, as I've said, I've just proved that you can't do it for 13 grandkids and that there also exists an inductive proof for 12, 11, 10, 9, etc grandkids that is a little more complicated and probably out of the scope of a 10-minute interview question. I thought about taking that route, too...
  5. G

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    The train going to work shows up exactly one minute after the train to the clubs. Thus, there is a 2/3 chance she shows up in the two minutes before a train to work will arrive; there is a 1/3 chance she shows up in the minute before a train to the clubs. Yes. Assume that each team plays 40...
  6. G

    Controversial Religion thread

    The God of the New Testament takes a very different view of human beings than the God of the OT. Possibly because death means something different in the NT. Why should religion be subject to reason? We already know that the part of our brain that understands and interprets reality is already...
  7. G

    Harvard's Bet on Interest Rate Rise Cost $500 Million to Exit

    Maybe with another proverb: It takes intelligence to make money; it takes wisdom to keep it.
  8. G

    Hope for a future democratic China

    But at the very least, Western "democracies" are libertarian states- that's the most important part. Americans are free to rally in support of Ahmadinejad if they want to, and some even do. Swedes are free to say that their moderate socialist system is stupid. Brits are even free to speak in...
  9. G

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    Well, handing out the equivalent of 600,000 peoples' annual wages to 30,000 people is a kind of event that attracts a fair amount of attention. Unlike 20 years ago, Wall Street bonuses are now a media event. It absolutely is, but here's the thing; that envy is a perfectly natural human...
  10. G

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    Actually, a lot of people feel bad for the Lehmanites, for the record. Unlike a lot of other firms, they died with the traditional (in)dignity of a Chapter 11. I'm not complaining about that. I'm saying that Blankenfein may be smart, but he doesn't seem all that wise. A certain firm needs to...
  11. G

    US dollar hedging

    I think the best way to hedge against a possible decline depends on where you plan on spending the money. If you plan on spending it in the US and don't think the federal government will default, one good way to hedge it is with TIPS. The consequences of a USD decline will play out as...
  12. G

    Hope for a future democratic China

    Maybe a better word is libertarianism. 7,000 years ago, humans were all independent and didn't have anyone telling them how to run their lives. People talk about what's natural, and the most natural state of things is to have a government that doesn't tell people what they're allowed to think...
  13. G

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    Yes, but at the end of the day, the politicians- particularly the Dems who are running the show- realize that the most powerful political force in the country is 200 million angry voters. Maybe I'm the only one on these forums who grew up in ordinary America, but to me it looks incredibly...
  14. G

    2009 Goldman Sachs bonus: $700,000/employee

    Blankenfein would do well to require that a certain percentage of the bonuses being paid out- assuming an employee is receiving more than he did in 2007- go to a 501c(3) of the recipient's choice. They're the smartest firm on the street by a number of measures and they deserve every penny, but...
  15. G

    Chicago MSFM Eligible to apply without a GRE, but should I?

    The website seems to be giving out two different pieces of information. Here is what they say at the following link: Chad- You may want to call them up about this. ---------- Post added at 10:23 AM ---------- Previous...
  16. G

    Chicago MSFM Eligible to apply without a GRE, but should I?

    You have a strong background in math, but an 800 (Q) on the GRE might help confirm Chicago's expectation of a strong quantitative ability. Unfortunately, it may be too late to take the GRE II Subject test. The GRE quant section just tests the same kind of algebra, geometry, and logic as the...
  17. G

    Key House Panel Votes to Regulate Derivatives

    "In other news, 30 quantitative hedge funds bought office buildings in the Cayman Islands."
  18. G

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Applying to schools is a lot of work. The typical post-graduate's time is worth $25/hour+ and a single grad school application might take 30-40 hours, not to mention standardized tests and the application fee. If it costs me $1K total to apply to a certain school and getting in is worth $50K to...
  19. G

    Aspiring Quant Applying for undergrad degree

    True, but the OP wants to know about undergrad programs. Whether or not I'm a loudmouth idiot has little bearing on whether state schools or Ivy Leagues are a good choice :D- the more relevant question for a high school senior. Lots of smart people come out of UPenn and CG seems like a good...
  20. G

    Aspiring Quant Applying for undergrad degree

    Well, US News and World Reports for one. They correctly rank UPenn as #1 in Finance and #3 in Accy, but they rank it 20th for Computer Science- behind all of the schools I just mentioned. A lot of this has to do with UPenn's research profile in CS and Engineering. They get a lot fewer grants...
  21. G

    Aspiring Quant Applying for undergrad degree

    I'm not sure I would call it a good chance, but I would call it worth the effort. When I was applying to Cornell back when the SAT was out of 1600, the school aimed for 1400s+. Your score is the equivalent of a 1350. Don't forget about the state schools. Wisconsin, Illinois, UT-Austin...
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    SQL is used to access databases. If you're building a pricing system, you may use it to query market data or get instrument-specific information. I would imagine a financial engineer would spend less time building database queries than a typical programmer, but it doesn't hurt to understand...
  23. G

    PhD advice

    +1 Simply by the numbers, there are much fewer spots for finance PhDs than math majors. The University of Wisconsin admits a number of Math PhDs every year and has 50,000 graduate and undergraduate students but has seven Finance PhDs TOTAL. I thought about going directly to a Finance PhD...
  24. G

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    It will probably be full-time if I go to Princeton or Chicago. I love the people I work with, but my job is 3/4 programmer/bug-fixer, 1/4 fixed-income products analyst. Most of my development time is spent in Java with occasional minor bug fixes on some of the less complicated pricing models...
  25. G

    Oxford Msc Mathematical Finance

    I was in the capital markets analyst program at a New York investment bank, and we had a few recruits from Oxford who mostly went to the trading floor. We also had a few more from LSE. I am sure the programs are difficult to get into and have strong placement records- though I have been told...
  26. G

    The best second tier MFE universities

    I'm not sure if UIUC puts the same emphasis on O/R as other financial engineering programs do. Like any Midwestern rust-belt university, we have a top-notch industrial engineering program, which I believe is going to be related in a number of ways. However, it's a separate program. The college...
  27. G

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Thanks for your help/advice! I got some help from the finance, accy, and physics courses, which were curved to Bs/B+s. My major GPA works out to about a 3.35, which is still above-average.
  28. G

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Profile Evaluation- Princeton, CMU, Chicago Can you please evaluate my profile for admission at a top-five financial engineering/mathematics program? Thanks! Academic Background: UIUC- BS, Comp. Sci, '07 College of Engineering - 5th ranked CS program in the country according to US News...
  29. G

    New Quantnet members say hi

    Hello all! I'm a Java developer in fixed income analytics at a major New York investment bank. My job is roughly 2/3 bug fixer, 1/3 financial products analyst. I would like to turn it into 2/3 quant, 1/3 developer. My quantitative strengths are really strong when it comes to finding patterns...
  30. G

    The best second tier MFE universities

    I'm an engineering graduate of UIUC so I'm a little biased, but my impression is that the school has an excellent engineering program in general; most of their degrees beat the Ivy League and some even rank higher than schools like MIT and Stanford (Materials Science, Environmental Engineering...
  31. G

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    I am not sure about the exact number of PT students at NYU program -- some of the non-FT students are PhD students, MBA students or non-degree students. There seems to be more non-FT students than FT students in most lectures. The PT admission is much less selective comparing to FT, although I...
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