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  1. Yike Lu

    Do I have ANY Hope?

    If you have to ask...
  2. Yike Lu

    Avoid this U of Toronto MMF program: SCAM

    That's funny. We used Goldstein my year in Ph106. We covered Classical Mechanics in 10 weeks. Granted it wasn't the whole book.
  3. Yike Lu

    Why Americans don't study engineering

    Pretty much.
  4. Yike Lu


    Because giving up 5 years of your life to do incredibly hard work for little pay and with poor job prospects is so much "fun" to most people. Again, not everybody has the same numeraire, but many find out midway through their PhDs that doing a PhD is not aligned with their numeraire, and thus...
  5. Yike Lu


    We're talking about obsolesence, not number of people studying. For a high percentage of those studying Shakespeare, that knowledge is obsolete the moment they pass the course. You could say the same about QM (the specific knowledge certainly become largely obsolete the moment I decided I didn't...
  6. Yike Lu


    So Quantum Mechanics may become obsolete but Shakespearean theater won't?
  7. Yike Lu


    What's a PhD for? How hard is it to get a tenure track position?
  8. Yike Lu


    I think that the economy is not so fat anymore that purely intrinsically motivated education is viable. At least not with the expensive US system. I think a lot of the degradation of education the last 10-20 years has to do with the over-emphasis of such intrinsic motivation, an example of...
  9. Yike Lu


    You've now spent 2 consecutive posts not clarifying your question. Are you really so averse to typing? I can guess what you mean, but it's likely to be wrong. Are you more interested in discussion or being frustrated? So you're asking... if MOOCs are taught just for the joy of teaching? Or if...
  10. Yike Lu


    I agree here. We might see further stratification akin to junior college, where students take their first 2 years at a cheaper local college and then transfer. Instead it might be MOOCs to establish basics, then apply "transfer". Certainly upper level courses are not appropriate for this...
  11. Yike Lu


    That doesn't help at all. You asked about intrinsic educational qualities, but you're redirecting to intrinsic motivation (which I understand well enough). If you want me to answer a question, clarify the question.
  12. Yike Lu


    Even in this case, think about the impact on the appropriate sections of the student population. Slackers -- same result as a traditional course (failure to really learn anything), but costs less (net positive value). Mid level -- Maybe slight marginal loss against a huge lecture course w/300...
  13. Yike Lu


    I don't understand the bent of this question, you'll have to elaborate.
  14. Yike Lu


    Yes, but what any given student derives from that quality is highly convex, given that so many MOOCs are free. All I need to get some small bit of value from a MOOC is sign up (5 minutes) and look through the syllabus for gaps in my knowledge (5 minutes), then watch the appropriate lectures (no...
  15. Yike Lu


    I think you guys are missing the point, which to me is NOT to replace traditional courses, but to supplement them. Talking strictly about the STEM material, it's tremendously helpful to have people organize the information into a coherent course, including assignments and exercises, and a huge...
  16. Yike Lu

    High IQ problem

    Don't underestimate the power of being willing to bet on what you say. I listed that second option for a reason.
  17. Yike Lu

    High IQ problem

    I see three options: learn to communicate better as Ken says, bet money on your calls, or go to a place that does understand you.
  18. Yike Lu

    Writing Put and Call options

    Yes. They are synonymous.
  19. Yike Lu

    MFE after BBA in Finance?

    Everybody should keep in mind that MFE is a practical degree oriented towards getting a job in the field. You should be trying to go for those same jobs straight out of undergrad. IBD is generally not right because it's focused on company valuation. Focus is on IPO/equity offering, M&A advisory...
  20. Yike Lu

    MFE after BBA in Finance?

    Also, it's always best to get an internship / job in finance straight out of college than go straight to MFE. That should be your #1 option. Your "MFE pre-reqs" will help with that. Experience helps many things, including employability, financial situation, focus should you actually decide to...
  21. Yike Lu

    MFE after BBA in Finance?

    The SAT score thing is irrelevant at this point, GRE will be what matters. There are any number of reasons that SAT score was on the low side (language difficulties, lack of prep, etc) that should be overcome during college and reflected in the GRE score. QuantNet has a list as well as a...
  22. Yike Lu

    Thoughts on why current analytical software constrains Big Data solutions for the financial industry

    Your competition in this space is basically q/kdb+. They do many many things right, including ETL (much less overhead for this than other systems I've used), complex math, and being quant friendly. There is no layer middle between the DB and the language. And the basic type system +...
  23. Yike Lu

    Education advice for a wannabe quant from Denmark

    The best course of action is to find an intership or some type of work/study. The application of the material is what helps you retain it.
  24. Yike Lu

    Is PhD in pure math worth it?

    Yes, there is likely going to be a culling. There are so many results that many of them just feel like noise. In a broader sense, the structure of academia itself needs to change. Oh, and in case OP hasn't realized it: no a pure math PhD is not worth it.
  25. Yike Lu

    Is PhD in pure math worth it?

    As I perceive it, the role of pure math is to distill and abstract. Reduce proofs to require as weak assumptions as possible, so that commonalities can be seen, then create an overarching framework around that. So the inevitable progression of pure math is to be more and more abstract. But...
  26. Yike Lu

    VAR - Equity Futures

    Not sure why you are doing this -- VaR is a risk management tool to be used on the PnL of a trading strategy. It is not an academic exercise. If you just want to get an X percentile, then yes, you piece together the price series, for which there's pretty much only one method -- you add back the...
  27. Yike Lu

    2013-2014 QuantNet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    @Andy Nguyen, I remember seeing a version where a numerical score was reported -- is that still around? Honestly, I think that's more interesting than the ranks specifically. Rankings are for bragging rights; the score and deriving tiers/clusters based on that score are what should really...
  28. Yike Lu

    Turning trading hobby into Career

    It's good that you are profitable day trading, big plus. However, when you go and try to implement a strategy, you realize that you do a lot of things intuitively or in your head, and these things can be exceptionally hard to quantify and/or program. Even if you can write down/quantify the...
  29. Yike Lu

    BoA intern dies
  30. Yike Lu

    Help with Jane Street Interview Question

    Sorry, neither of you guys are making any sense as far as how you're interpreting this question. First it's the smallest rectangle, then you have to find the maximum (wtf?) area of the rectangle given x^2 + y^2 = 1. Then financeguy throws in Lagrange multipliers, which seems like complete...
  31. Yike Lu

    Help with Jane Street Interview Question

    There are two extreme cases to consider, one in which the first square has all the area except some small epsilon. The other is where both squares are exactly equal. When they are exactly equal, we have 2 x^2 = 1 <=> x = 1/sqrt(2). Then the total horizontal length is 2/sqrt(2). This is the...
  32. Yike Lu

    Trading Versus A Teen Market The problem is, as Lyosha obliquely put it, scale. Opportunity cost.
  33. Yike Lu

    Fractional Brownian motion Maturity T=1

    Standard practice is to use T = 1 as one year (so that volatility numbers seem "normal") and recalculate everything else based on that. The day count convention can vary, for example 252 trading days vs 365, as can the intraday convention (390 minutes in a NYSE trading day, but it could be 24...
  34. Yike Lu

    Fractional Brownian motion Maturity T=1

    Fractional Brownian Motions are long memory/path dependent.
  35. Yike Lu

    The joys of living in England

    taH pagh taHbe' Also I had to Google 26 + 6 = 1. And here I was thinking it was actually mathematical.
  36. Yike Lu

    College-Industrial Scam

    LOL, that guy has an amusing blog. Question is, what do we do about all this?
  37. Yike Lu

    Application Deadlines

    Studying for CFA level 2 doesn't exactly constitute a "gap".
  38. Yike Lu

    College-Industrial Scam

    Oh that's a whole object system right there.
  39. Yike Lu

    College-Industrial Scam

    Let over lambda over let over lambda.
  40. Yike Lu

    College-Industrial Scam

    Capped leverage ratios. Student loans are leverage after all.
  41. Yike Lu

    College-Industrial Scam

    From what I've heard, the big name sports programs typically self fund, as the schools where this is important have alumni booster clubs shelling out a lot of $$, plus promotions/advertising/television. So while it's "unnecessary spending", it doesn't equate to increased costs.
  42. Yike Lu

    I'm Lost Career-Wise. Tips? Read the first career guides/overviews. Then come back. You need to inform us a bit better for us to offer reasonable opinions.
  43. Yike Lu

    Database for storing and updating trading positions

    I didn't answer originally because this is a loaded question. The real question is how low of latency/high throughput do you need? For some things, no DB is not fast enough - you will need to keep everything in memory in the main trading thread.
  44. Yike Lu

    Commodities Bootcamp at Baruch

    Think of it as fun, not work ;)
  45. Yike Lu

    Yield calculation question?

    Why not, the arbitrage should still hold? Buy one, short the next. If it's a corporate, you might only have an approximate match and there'd be default risk, so I'd assume you'd hedge that with CDS. Again, I'm only spitballing, FI is not my field.
  46. Yike Lu

    Yield calculation question?

    Oh sorry, my question was rhetorical - there can be many things you can interpolate linearly. I believe the problem with doing it on YTM is it can potentially introduce forward arb (I haven't done FI stuff in a while).
  47. Yike Lu

    Yield calculation question?

    There are a lot of variations on even linear interpolation. What exactly do you interpolate linearly? It can be spot rates, forwards, bond prices themselves. And then there are higher order interpolation methods.
  48. Yike Lu

    Thinking of moving to finance. Do I have the right credentials?

    Well lots of HFT is heavy heavy tech where maybe the PnL is 90% based on technology and 10% on quant stuff. Certainly your upside isn't capped there and you'd be working with some pretty interesting tech (depending on your interests). So that's where trading and tech would intersect. In other...
  49. Yike Lu

    Thinking of moving to finance. Do I have the right credentials?

    Yes, your prospects look pretty good, although there will be an obvious bias towards putting you in a coding or technology role. These can still pay pretty well, but don't all have massive upside (as opposed to trading or startups).
  50. Yike Lu

    What is MT4?

  51. Yike Lu

    Option replication

    Then the initial price should be \(c S(0)\) discounted at \(r\). I don't understand your ambiguity with this problem. You sell the option for \(c S(0) e^{-r t_1}\), which is exactly the amount of cash you need to put on your hedge. There doesn't have to be an additional cash position, self...
  52. Yike Lu

    Option replication

    You're selling the option for \(X(0)\), that's your cash position to buy \(c S(0)\).
  53. Yike Lu

    Texas A&M MSFM Career Prospects?

    Better start networking in the Energy industry down in TX. Should be plenty of stuff down in Houston. Also, I remember that A&M sends a team to RITC, maybe you can look at doing that. Yes it's pretty bad that you've taken probability and stochal but haven't applied them. Maybe take up poker.
  54. Yike Lu

    Decision Advice Please!

    Sounds like you're going to be working for a prop shop. NY is reasonably affordable away from Manhattan, or in Upper Manhattan. I can't vouch for Fordham's program, but when you have no work experience, experience is more important to get.
  55. Yike Lu


    That UCLA article is fascinating.
  56. Yike Lu

    Explosion rumor

    No, according to Nanex, the reaction came 17 seconds after the tweet, meaning it was humans who triggered it.
  57. Yike Lu


    The good shortcuts tend to be expensive.
  58. Yike Lu

    Any chance of self employment?

    Immigration. Being able to stay in the country.
  59. Yike Lu

    Explosion rumor

    The same thing would have happened with human traders. The scared would have pulled their quotes, and the aggressive would have traded it down. Might not have been as fast and dramatic, but we would still have had impact.
  60. Yike Lu

    Self-Funded Trader---->MFE?

    I mean programming as in automation of things that are very inconvenient to do manually (passive/active execution comes to mind). Lyosha is right in that Excel VBA could do it, but that falls under what I mean by programming. I agree with him that you probably won't be creating an algo. You...
  61. Yike Lu


    There is a lot of C++ because a lot of trading systems and APIs are implemented in C++, and the majority of such jobs are along those lines. If you need intraday capability, the chance of building your system in pure R (or even Rcpp) is negligible. Reliability, error recovery, threading, GUI...
  62. Yike Lu

    Self-Funded Trader---->MFE?

    Inverse? You just verified like 2/3 points I made.
  63. Yike Lu

    Self-Funded Trader---->MFE?

    Depends on the MFE. Pricing probably isn't that relevant. Stochastic/programming/risk management/statistics are. So you'd want to lean towards an MFE more oriented to these things vs pricing. There won't be that much stuff with signals (as the old saying goes - those who know don't say, those...
  64. Yike Lu

    Self-Funded Trader---->MFE?

    I'd say a plus, but MFEs are typically more directed towards those looking to switch jobs or looking for one.
  65. Yike Lu

    Calculating Probability of occurrence in options

    You did phrase it wrong. I assume you mean getting implied probabilities from options. A vertical spread is approximately proportional to the probability that the underlying will finish "above" the average of the strikes (sign adjusted). The closer the strikes the better the approximation...
  66. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    It was Scheme at Caltech when I took the intro course. I know it has since changed (last 2-3 years) to Python.
  67. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    So you're saying (for the layman of course) that assembly language is just as powerful as C++? My point there is that you have to learn another possibly whole language if somebody in your group decides to go crazy with templates. It is again, an expert vs beginner problem. Experts will find...
  68. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    I've had some arguments about this point. C++ specifically has the issue that it is so big with so many styles that it can be hard to understand. Suppose for example you are an beginning/intermediate C++ programmer thrown into the fire and asked to debug some legacy code. With C++, you could...
  69. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    I learned Scheme as my first language, and I'd recommend against it. You really don't appreciate it until you've used a lower level language. It just seems pointless.
  70. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    Bad analogy. Python would be like a machine that can automatically do surgery in the 20% of standard cases that come up 80% of the time. Learning Python would then be analogous to learning how to use that machine. It's just that surgery has not evolved past the ASM/C stage yet.
  71. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    Actually, I'd say Python + C at the same time. It helps to compare and contrast the two, no culture shock that way. Then C++ after reasonable C level.
  72. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    Right, make that 5 buckets... C#/VBA - Monitoring/Reporting
  73. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    Yes, that is part of its appeal. Although learning one less language is not that much of a benefit.
  74. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    Yeah, I glossed over the database part - guy has to learn to walk first.
  75. Yike Lu

    Best Programming languages

    For sufficiently complex operations, you'd want up to four languages. C/C++ - low level infrastructure Perl/Python/Ruby/bash - glue code/operations R/Matlab/Python - research SQL/NoSQL - data access Pick one from each bucket. Prioritize based on job interest.
  76. Yike Lu

    HFT's good or bad?

    Solutions: 1. Don't use market orders (use limitable market). 2. Subscribe to depth 3. See #1. It might be abusive but also really simple to get around. No broker uses simple market orders anymore. If your broker does, fire them, they obviously learned nothing from the Flash Crash.
  77. Yike Lu

    HFT's good or bad?

    Obviously there is liquidity taking HFT and obviously it is possible to manipulate with it, but if you do the back of the envelope calculations, there is no way the manipulation takes place on the kind of scale most people imagine. It is just too expensive (spreads, exchange fees) and also...
  78. Yike Lu

    HFT's good or bad?

    That specific pairs trading scenario you mention does increase correlation, but it also increases profits for fundamental traders who are willing to trade it. My hunch would be that the fundamental traders are far more likely to break the pairs algo's bank than the other way around (stop...
  79. Yike Lu

    HFT's good or bad?

    There you go, the market is already adjusting to HFT gaming by using more dark pools. While you're certainly right from a governance/regulatory perspective, each individual player is playing to win, which is basic human nature. You can't really stop it by just saying "But it's so bad and adds...
  80. Yike Lu

    HFT's good or bad?

    You game the system until the loophole goes away, whether by regulation or it being arbitraged away. Is it better to add value directly? Yeah sure, I think most of us agree with that.
  81. Yike Lu

    HFT's good or bad?

    I don't see why you even asked the question, you seemed to have made up your mind already. Actually, what you're saying is really inaccurate because there are many different types of HFT algo, some of which add value, others which are predatory. Lumping them all into one category is a gross...
  82. Yike Lu

    HFT's good or bad?

    Quote stuffing is not HFT, although HFT does include quote stuffing.
  83. Yike Lu

    Statistical Algorithms vs. Active Monitoring Algo's

    Good technique for a backtest includes holding some of the data back for "validation", in other words you run it "forward" on a simulated future (neither you nor the algo have seen the data before). For additional safety you can simulate on market data as it comes in. For the second type of...
  84. Yike Lu

    Gap vs. Switching

    "When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for."
  85. Yike Lu

    job w/o programming skills?

    Yeah, Experimental HEP would have been more applicable. Sorry dude.
  86. Yike Lu

    Level of math in a quant job

    Heh, that's certainly a much more complex picture than I was thinking about.
  87. Yike Lu

    Level of math in a quant job

    I'm not so sure about "situational memory", although I do admit that since you brought it up, I'm beginning to have doubts about how easy or obvious it is to determine whether one person has a better memory than the next. But if there is absolute working memory, then the incremental payoff for...
  88. Yike Lu

    Level of math in a quant job

    Anecdotally, one of the prerequisites for being an elite programmer is to have a good memory. This can enhance productivity by 1 or even 2 orders of magnitude (from the merely "good"). And practically for traditional devs, designing interfaces is very important - an area where you directly try...
  89. Yike Lu

    Rotman trading competition

    Baruch MFE #1!! (and 3 and 4)
  90. Yike Lu

    The joys of living in England ... and more!
  91. Yike Lu

    basic but tricky

    Yup, that's what I thought you meant, just clarifying.
  92. Yike Lu

    basic but tricky

    The thing is, this question is trivial if you know Archimedes Principle and basic physics, very difficult if you don't. If you don't know Archimedes Principle, then either you somehow come up with the principle or else you don't have any solid ground to stand on in formulating a response...
  93. Yike Lu

    Football season

    Brandon Carr INT play of the year for the 'boys. Hopefully they can put together a playoff appearance.
  94. Yike Lu

    Football season

  95. Yike Lu

    Twilight of the four-year college

    Pretty interesting, and I agree with the sentiment. Lots of college degrees aren't adding value. Might be a while before we see real change though.
  96. Yike Lu

    What sports do quant play and what beers do quant drink?

    FOOTBALL baby! Live for the pick-6 and the over-the-head catch. And all types of weightlifting, wanna be pulling 5 plates in 2 months. Guess it comes with being Texan. Drinks - beers, Guinness, Stella, hefeweissebier
  97. Yike Lu

    KDB/Q..Career Advice

    I actually used kdb as a research quant; I don't use it anymore (changed jobs) and constantly find myself wishing I still used it. When it comes to algo trading, there are specializations, but you need both quant and technology skills to succeed. It IS true though that job listings that say...
  98. Yike Lu

    Best Programming first language

    I wouldn't consider myself "good" at C++. I never found it intellectually "hard". Contrast eg multiple inheritance with Haskell's monads. It's hard to get things done though... the assistance of an IDE as almost indispensable, and so much boilerplate is required. Because of the extra...
  99. Yike Lu

    Best Programming first language

    What is so supposedly hard about C++? Pointers? I never really had too much trouble with this; the name is very suggestive. OO? That's a paradigm, not a language. I don't know, from my experience it seems the hardest thing about C++ is all the options you have available - picking the right...
  100. Yike Lu

    Best Programming first language
  101. Yike Lu

    Best Programming first language

    This is reaallllyyy ironic because I hear this objection (and have myself thought about it) as a reason to not use a more productive but less common language like q/Haskell/Common Lisp etc. Developers for these languages are much harder to come by whereas C++ and Java guys are a commodity. I...
  102. Yike Lu

    Algorithmic trading - London

    MFE is useful, I have one myself. But the fact of the matter is that the algo trading skillset leans more towards stats and ML. The only downside is it may be harder to get in the door (career support, finance interview questions).
  103. Yike Lu

    Algorithmic trading - London

    Stats + ML
  104. Yike Lu

    CS Vs Physics

    It's tough for me to give unbiased advice, having been a physics major in undergrad. If I were to do it over, I'd probably try to take more CS courses, but remain physics. The thing is, technology is leverage for skill. Solving a hard problem is great, but if you can abstract and automate...
  105. Yike Lu

    Midwest (Minneapolis) Career Outlook

    There's a good amount of trading going on out there, specifically Chicago. For Minneapolis, there's some agricultural commodities trading. NB, my observation on Minneapolis was from cursory looks at jobs. Since you're there, you should just work your network and local organizations to get that...
  106. Yike Lu

    Still worth it to learn C?

    lol... "PL1 is 80s" but C is 70s.
  107. Yike Lu

    Career options in science?

    Not to say that it hasn't been done, but... If something's never been done before, how do you know if it's possible?
  108. Yike Lu

    Laptop Thread 2012

    Actually, separate from the Mac question, I think your sense of the killer spec is off. It's not the processor, it's the RAM. As far as the screen real estate for programming, again resolution is typically the limiting factor, not screen size (Pro Retina inverts this rule though - screen size...
  109. Yike Lu

    Laptop Thread 2012

    See... MacBook Air Resolution > screen size.
  110. Yike Lu

    Still worth it to learn C?

    As I understand it, he was talking about the unpredictability of GC (when does it happen, how long does it take) in the context of soft/hard realtime tasks. Java has "stop the world" GC. But I see there are Real Time libraries that have threads which are protected from this. Still, it...
  111. Yike Lu

    Still worth it to learn C?

    I recall reading about someone who programmed a robot using Java. And that robot "garbage collected right into a wall".
  112. Yike Lu

    Intern at Econometrics or FE lab vs Inter at global IB.

    Bank, hands down. MFEs are about employability first.
  113. Yike Lu

    Still worth it to learn C?

    I like this line of thinking - a better C. Still low level and fast, but without the C baggage I don't think most people think about compiler optimizations when they think about C. More likely they are thinking about hand optimization. I'm curious - what's your take on the "sufficiently smart...
  114. Yike Lu

    Still worth it to learn C?

    I don't understand the emphasis here for the case of F#. Don't all functional languages (q, Lisp, Haskell, OCaml to name a few) support Higher Order Functions? I guess it's the only Microsoft supported functional .NET language...
  115. Yike Lu

    Still worth it to learn C?

    I've seen some of F# (shied away from it since it is Windows based), been picking up some OCaml on the side for fun. I've done functional programming before, but the ML static type-inference paradigm is a new one for me, so it's been interesting.
  116. Yike Lu

    Our best traders spend a lot of their time pounding away writing code

    Voltaire, let me help you see this is perspective. A lot of the better programmers got started when they were younger, early teens let's say. Programming requires a fair amount of accumulated experience in order to get things done - there is no magic bullet because there are just a lot of...
  117. Yike Lu

    Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint

    I have to say that a nice middle road for which you can get going more quickly is Arch Linux. You only install what you want/need, but you get to avoid compiling from source, which can take forever (believe me, I once tried creating a Gentoo prefix bootstrap). And I heartily second Tom's...
  118. Yike Lu

    Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint

    The downside of Gentoo is you build literally everything from source. That is also the upside - source builds can be more optimized for a specific architecture.
  119. Yike Lu

    Coursera Quantum Computation

    Quantum mechanics is all about the bra and the ket. If you get the bra and the ket, you get quantum.
  120. Yike Lu

    Open Source alternative to kdb+

    Interesting, I will take a look at widebase when I get a chance then. Thanks for sharing!
  121. Yike Lu

    Open Source alternative to kdb+

    Open source K: Widebase looks interesting - you are the creator and maintainer, mysterion? Do everybody a favor and don't implement strict SQL (the COBOL of query languages) as the main query language. The q model isn't bad: do embed sql operations inside...
  122. Yike Lu

    Computer Science online courses

    1) The MIT course looks different from the Stanford one, so is not a real replacement. 2) That depends on your level of comfort with programming in general and with C++ in particular. The abstractions course looks like it has some intro material for C++ as well as a compare-contrast with Java...
  123. Yike Lu

    Computer Science online courses

    From the descriptions, the MIT course looks better for a quant track, the Stanford one seems better for dev roles. Paradigms and abstractions look like very different courses, each useful in its own right. The C++ course is useful if you aren't familiar with it already. I'd drop the MIT...
  124. Yike Lu

    Computer Science online courses

    Depends if you want to be more of a quant or more of a developer. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs is a classic for more dev oriented...
  125. Yike Lu

    Still worth it to learn C?

    Lisp was created 50 years ago, but it has that timeless quality. If more people used it, I would not find that depressing at all, in spite of how "ancient" it is.
  126. Yike Lu

    Taking Dell to court

    In my experience, the one spec that determine's a computer's brick wall in performance (in everyday use) is RAM.
  127. Yike Lu

    To enter, or not to enter

    Classic derivatives quants are a dying breed. You need to be very clear about what kind(s) of quant you wish to be to receive anything remotely informative. Programming and data analysis are extremely important transferable skills and are part of the quant arsenal. I would suggest you study...
  128. Yike Lu

    From F1 to financial engineering?

    I think the biggest thing for guys like you is to better define what exactly you want. Talk to some people in quant finance and get them to explain in depth what they do. You need to get a lay of the land. Find out e.g., why C++ is commonly cited, what it's used for, what the alternatives are...
  129. Yike Lu

    Stephens: To the Class of 2012 Attention graduates: Tone down your egos, shape up your minds.

    Do you hear yourself talk? You have a lot of intelligent points, but it all gets lost in the haze...
  130. Yike Lu

    Stephens: To the Class of 2012 Attention graduates: Tone down your egos, shape up your minds.

    I'm not even saying for myself or Ilya's sake really, but for the broader economy. I have no reason to complain myself, except what I see as a harmful attitude of the older generation towards the younger, given the current circumstances. In a good job market, I would completely back Stephens'...
  131. Yike Lu

    Stephens: To the Class of 2012 Attention graduates: Tone down your egos, shape up your minds.

    Ahh, so that's why you're so angry at the article that you fail to come up with a coherent argument. He's right, you know. I won't go too much into it because it is overwrought and over-writ already. Yet, Ilya, I admit you are not without cause. I dislike Stephens' self-righteous attitude...
  132. Yike Lu

    Money, Power and Wall Street

    Thanks Andy, that was probably the best all-round documentary of the crisis I've seen. As far as derivatives, I'd say that at least for structured products, they allowed the JPM guys to put forth a well reasoned defense of their creations - that was the fairest portrayal of that particular...
  133. Yike Lu

    Count the number of railway wagons

    It's interesting, I find the change of problem domain from physical to CS was quite a significant step for me to be able to put forth my original solution. When I thought of trains, the link-breaking operation seemed very expensive so I didn't think of doing it. On the other hand, when I...
  134. Yike Lu

    Count the number of railway wagons

    Thinking about it, the singularly linked case is rather difficult - you would never know if you were changing a light that you had already affected. The doubly linked case is a bit simpler - you go one forward from where you started, observe its state, go one backward from where you started...
  135. Yike Lu

    Count the number of railway wagons

    Haha, I think the original question is probably more along the lines of... You have a circularly linked list with node values randomly set to 1 or 0. You can set the node values to 1 or 0, you cannot change the pointers. How do you determine the length of the list?
  136. Yike Lu

    Count the number of railway wagons

    Is this a simple doubly linked list or a circularly linked one? You break the connection between two trains, then count how many trains it takes to go from one end to the other.
  137. Yike Lu

    I build and want to Maintain an EC2 ubuntu image for solely QUANT usage! Pls help.

    Don't install MATLAB, their DRM is based on MAC address, which changes every time you reboot your instance.
  138. Yike Lu

    A few noob questions

    I believe financial math specialization programs in undergrad are at this point of overall dubious quality. I mean come on, many MFEs are of dubious quality. I think THAT is the warning against specializing in this field in undergrad. If/when the field becomes mature enough that undergrad...
  139. Yike Lu

    Choice between Time Series courses

    The first one is more introductory, it should give you the intuition. The second one is definitely EE perspective - to apply it you would need the intuition of the first.
  140. Yike Lu

    Software Engineers Will Work One Day for English Majors

    There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures.
  141. Yike Lu

    How are volatility estimates used?

    Very simplistically, say there is an option trading with 30 days from expiry, with IV of 18%/20% (bid/ask). Your 30 day GARCH says future vol should be 14%. You short the option and delta hedge, expecting to make 4 vol points. You can plug in your GARCH vol into BS to see what the price should...
  142. Yike Lu

    How are volatility estimates used?

    Certainly there must be better methods, although this is not my personal area of expertise. I'm just pointing out the basic idea of using a vol forecast, and GARCH falls into the category. The practical use of pricing is just a special case of vol trading. Another (this time orthogonal) use...
  143. Yike Lu

    How are volatility estimates used?

    Well, in the domain of option pricing, that's really as far as it goes - making money, or keeping yourself from losing money. Of course there are other domains, but options pricing is first and foremost.
  144. Yike Lu

    How are volatility estimates used?

    If you have a good vol predictor, and your vol predictor says there will be more vol than the IV of a given option, you buy the option and delta hedge, and make a profit (assuming your predictor was right). The rest of the main use of vol estimates is just further generalization of that idea.
  145. Yike Lu

    Paul Wilmott: most quants are stupid

    Actually, I regard the way you presented your solution as an abuse of (linguistic) notation. Everybody seems to have their own natural syntactic habits of form and idiom which they can readily understand. However these habits often come to woe when discussing math/logic etc with others. I've...
  146. Yike Lu

    Florida not a target school

    Reading some of the comments on the above sites by people more knowledgeable, I'll back off on blaming prioritizing athletics. Still a ridiculous move.
  147. Yike Lu

    Florida not a target school

    Short-sighted agency. The alumni pay the bills, so the admin perceives that the current alumni values athletics far more than CS. However, in the long view, the current students who are getting shafted will be paying (or I suppose NOT paying) future bills as alumni. Mortgaging the future much?
  148. Yike Lu

    A few noob questions

    There are several reasons: 1) Physics models must produce physically reasonable conclusions. 2) Physics is experimentally driven. 3) Physicists have a lot of exposure to CS, data analysis, and data processing due to the nature of the work, especially in high energy. LHC puts out ~10 Petabytes of...
  149. Yike Lu

    The Proof of Innocence

    Actually, the author wrote the whole paper assuming that the stopping point was t = 0, I just noticed that. The distances traveled won't change for any choice of reference point for t, or of x, as t is arbitrary and x is as well, since the dynamical equations are the same. The only thing that...
  150. Yike Lu

    The Proof of Innocence

    No, you missed the point of my response then. Yes strictly speaking you are correct, but you can instead simply view it this way: Taking t=0 to be the point at which the car is completely stopped, the equation \(x(t)=\frac{1}{2}a_0t^2\) holds for t > 0. For t < 0 the following equation holds...
  151. Yike Lu

    The Proof of Innocence

    Air resistance! In seriousness, the lack of initial velocity does not invalidate the analysis - if we assume that the car's deceleration is perfectly calculated to stop at S, then we can simply set t=0 to be the time at which it stopped. From there, the physics is symmetric about t=0 and so...
  152. Yike Lu

    Hard career choice (anyone heard of WorldQuant?)

    It's hard generally to get buy side experience as in (1), so I think on balance if your goal is to be a quant trader, Worldquant is the obvious choice, the caveat being that you must be ok with working in Asia. (3) and (4) don't look like attractive options for what you want to do. (2) might be...
  153. Yike Lu

    How Recruiters See Your Resume

    Interesting and informative, but there is an inevitable salesmanship bias here.
  154. Yike Lu

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    I'm a Baruch MFE alum, I have not heard a word about these partnerships, so it's safe to assume that this is for the school at-large rather than MFE program. I would not base any decision on the existence of these partnerships, so the point about Asia job placement being harder stands.
  155. Yike Lu

    Net Basis time series?

    Calendar spread not between 10 and 30, but I mean 10 yr future 3 month vs 6 month to delivery. If you regard the cash bond as a futures with 0 time to maturity, then calendar spread is an approx to a forward basis. Probably not good enough for your purposes I guess.
  156. Yike Lu

    Net Basis time series?

    If you have the futures time series with all the different maturities, you can construct calendar spreads, which should approximate the forward basis.
  157. Yike Lu

    COMPARE Baruch MFE vs NYU MathFin

    I donno, one Irish school and for sure one Italian school will be remembering us ;) You are right though of course, haha.
  158. Yike Lu

    Stop Loss Strategy Does Not Make Money

    Two words - bank roll.
  159. Yike Lu

    Quantnet Meet up?

    I'm down.
  160. Yike Lu

    Quantnet Meet up?

    Yo, what days?
  161. Yike Lu

    MSMF programs - My grades are... - Risk Management

    No I didn't take it as narcissism, I am just saying - people skills are always useful, but much more so in a client oriented role and those roles are more sought after by the typical college student looking to get into finance. It IS hard to express on a resume, that's why there's such value...
  162. Yike Lu

    MSMF programs - My grades are... - Risk Management

    I'm not trying to put you off, but if you have such a high opinion of your social skills, why not lean more towards the traditional front office (client relations etc)?
  163. Yike Lu

    MSMF programs - My grades are... - Risk Management

    My personal experience: I took and passed the level 1 test. If you really study and understand the material, you will gain a much better feel for finance and you will be able to talk about it much more intelligently than if you have not. As far as passing all 3 levels, I don't think it's...
  164. Yike Lu

    Real Caltech course in Machine Learning

    Speaking as an alum, Caltech is a small school and therefore chronically undermanned.
  165. Yike Lu

    MSMF programs - My grades are... - Risk Management

    I'm a TAMS alum, I had Dr. Q for precal, cal1, and diffeq. Tell him I said hi if you see him. Risk management is a growth area for the industry, with increasing regulation and scrutiny. I'm not really qualified to talk about it, though. As far as dealing with career/MFE prospects, good...
  166. Yike Lu

    MSMF programs - My grades are... - Risk Management

    UNT ehhh? You ever take a class with Dr Q?
  167. Yike Lu

    Practical way to quickly develop C++ skills

    Ahh that's one of the beauties of C++ 2/3 is done using integer math...:devil:
  168. Yike Lu

    Practical way to quickly develop C++ skills

    Your formatting isn't quite working. Be sure to read other peoples' solutions as well, you really get an appreciation for the diversity of programming languages and their various degrees of power. I found some of the Haskell solutions particularly elegant. Edit: looks right now.
  169. Yike Lu

    Practical way to quickly develop C++ skills

    I was going to suggest Project Euler as well. Generally what you need is real projects.
  170. Yike Lu

    Model pricing error

    It's meaningless to calculate an IV then ask how far market prices stray from BS values. To calculate a BS price, you need a separate source of volatility measurement. You need to ask whoever gave you the problem to clarify.
  171. Yike Lu

    Portfolio Variance = Unrealistic theory??
  172. Yike Lu

    Need Help for Housing in NYC

    Right, but the number I cite is for the combined rent of 2 people. I actually pay ~1100, so my total expenses add up to about 30%. Interesting benchmark though, never heard of that but it does seem to mesh with my experience.
  173. Yike Lu

    Need Help for Housing in NYC

    Just to clarify, I assumed rent budget of 1500. I am done with MFE at this point and have a roommate, and probably am going to move out to my own place, so sorry on that front. However, my current apartment is a 2BR @ $2300/month in Upper East Side (77 ish). I feel fairly comfortable here for...
  174. Yike Lu

    Need Help for Housing in NYC

    You can work your way into Manhattan with that budget. With a roommate it gets better from that.
  175. Yike Lu

    So I created this software...

    1.3^12=23.29 Just FYI, a lot of the stuff being sold on trading is predatory selling.
  176. Yike Lu

    Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

    You missed the point. Most likely, our sense of ethics evolved from the need to balance short term greed with long term greed. His point is basically that Goldman is being too short term greedy at the expense of its clients, and therefore its own long term welfare. That you think he's wrong is...
  177. Yike Lu

    Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

    A guy who has enough money already and values his free time more than earning more. Seems the utility of money is logarithmic.
  178. Yike Lu

    Forex Derivatives Trading?

    There's the definition of arbitrage, which is what you mentioned (and might I add, extends to any strict mathematical relationship between assets), and there is the practical implications. In this case you are not looking for arbitrage, rather you are pricing by NO arbitrage. This is extremely...
  179. Yike Lu

    Forex Derivatives Trading?

    Just a nitpick with your terminology: you do not hedge your exposure through arbitrage. Rather you replicate the payoff as close as you can with vanilla instruments and try to make sure you do not violate arbitrage bounds so that your client doesn't take you. Then you charge a spread. There is...
  180. Yike Lu

    Profile Evaluation : In a terrible situation

    It's much easier to score top 1% in one of these online courses than if you were taking it at the school since the population is just so much larger. Most students at top schools are by construction already in the top 1%.
  181. Yike Lu

    Rotman International Trading Competition 2012

    Good job dude, and good drinking with you. Where'd you go after Hemingway's?
  182. Yike Lu

    Rotman International Trading Competition 2012

    Hey, are you Julian from Concordia?
  183. Yike Lu

    Amount of profanity in git commit messages per programming language
  184. Yike Lu

    What does the term "Trading Volatility" mean?

    oh man, as long as somebody is willing to make you a price, you can bet on just about anything including volatility.
  185. Yike Lu

    Derivatives Pricing Question

    Black-Scholes is great for intuition, but for actual pricing it is way too simplistic. Pricing is primarily not used for managing portfolios, it's used to trade options, (i.e., to make sure you are not getting screwed on the trade). Hedging is very important since option positions have...
  186. Yike Lu

    Derivatives Pricing Question

    The typical use for pricing exotics is at IBank options trading desks. A client calls up a bank and wants some type of exotic (Asian option, barrier, etc) and the desk makes him a price which he can then choose to trade on. So the bank desk uses a model but the client may or may not, although...
  187. Yike Lu

    Prop Trading firm in Chicago or Consulting firm working on model validation for a big bank.

    For what it's worth, the consulting gig seems to be closer to pricing. Also, you should realize that derivatives pricing is no longer so hot.
  188. Yike Lu

    Travails of Wall Street workers

    I think there's both cases, but my experience has been that peer pressure enters the equation well before actually getting into Wall Street. There's probably a bias there from me coming relatively fresh from undergrad.
  189. Yike Lu

    Prop Trading firm in Chicago or Consulting firm working on model validation for a big bank.

    These days, there are so many different flavor of "quant" that your statement amounts to saying you don't know what you want to do. My suggestion is to do some serious soul searching and figure out which one you would want to do.
  190. Yike Lu

    Travails of Wall Street workers

    The people who go to Wall Street tend to be the same people who want the lifestyle/status/etc. Buffett is an anomaly.
  191. Yike Lu

    Prop Trading firm in Chicago or Consulting firm working on model validation for a big bank.

    Do you want to be a trader or a consultant/model validater?
  192. Yike Lu

    Rotman International Trading Competition 2012

    You guys did a very good job with this, and it must be very difficult especially with a case like BP. This sounds amazing. We will get to see trading strategy evolution happening much faster with a league. I definitely felt this year's cases were more interesting. Excellent job all around. I...
  193. Yike Lu

    Rotman International Trading Competition 2012

    You guys did well, congratulations are in order.
  194. Yike Lu

    Rotman International Trading Competition 2012

    Overall I liked the cases more (more variety) and it's definitely more competitive.
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