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    MIT MFin

    MIT M.Fin. Program I just came across the new MIT M.Fin. program which is a 12 month program coming at a whooping, mind boggling price tag of $70,000 . Wow...I have a really hard time wrapping my mind around such huge tuition figures.. I have friends doing their masters programs in Europe...
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    Senate approves restriction on foreign hires by banks receiving bailout

    You would think those politicians would have the best interest of the country in mind, when they make these decisions. Top MFE programs across the country and top graduate schools have an intimidating amount of foreign born nationals, (the PhD program at my uni. graduated 14 PhD's last year and...
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    Very Good Career Guide for finance/banking

    Hey Andy, I noticed the document I have is an older version, i think it would add some value if you included links to previous versions too...
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    Very Good Career Guide for finance/banking

    I came across this guide to careers in finance/ banking, and I thought it would be extremely helpful in helping some folks to gain some visibility about careers Thanks
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    Interesting blog article

    I was looking at my blog which I hadn't visited for at least 6 months now, and came across one of my earlier blog entries (Dec 07). I thought it would be an interesting read and so I wanted to share it with y'all....enjoy reading
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    Do you guys have facebook profile?

    I just checked facebook a second ago, and noticed we don't have a Quantnet group up there. It wouldn't be a bad idea... I think least a way to place faces with names, and connect with Quantnet members on other levels
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    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    Cash cow gone wrong...hey with a lot of schools losing their endowment money in this turbulent market, they've got to recoup it somehow....but 50k for a brand new program is totally outrageaous
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    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    Hi Andy, I just came across this post and didn't realize you had sent out surveys to other schools with FE programs..Can you create a sticky with responses from all the schools you contacted if any. I understand quantnet was started from the corridors of Baruch, and was a medium for...
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    Christmas and New Year Wishes

    Wishing you all Happy Holidays
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    Software Engineer vs Computer Engineer

    Hi there, To your first question, I think the title of the degree is mostly semantics... What you should concentrate on is the actual courses you need to build eminence / skillset. --just speaking from experience I have an EE and physics degree but my heart lies in I took a lot...
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    COMPARE BOSTON MA mathematical finance vs Rutgers MSMF vs USC MAMF

    Does anyone have information about placement / admission stats at Rutgers
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    Excellent time to get into stock market

    Yes ,.true,...but look at history...the stock market always is difficult to time when the market will hit rock bottom...If I got into the market yesterday, and lost 7%, those losses are only on paper..when the market rebounds i'll be celebrating christmas coming early..but if I...
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    Excellent time to get into stock market

    With the stock market taking a nose dive and shedding its value...I believe this is a good time to get in and buy up stocks on the cheap...I had the opportunity to participate in the CNBC million dollar portfolio challenge this summer, and after trading on real stocks with virtual money for...
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    financial WMD's

    Take your pick, sub-prime or exotic derivatives no one really understands.....even Lehman CEO didn't see them comming...That not withstanding I believe a lot of folks are reeling in a lot cash by short selling , etc...
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    Bad time to get into financials?

    Wow..i'm wondering how much longer the wall street onslaught will continue...LB facing failure and ML on the verge of being bought..I would guess with all the fracas going on..getting an entry level job on the street would be really difficult....Do you guys have any idea about hiring stats...
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    The best paid fund managers in 2007

    Seems like despite the market downfall, the top shots are still making it big
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    calculus or cfa .. or both?

    Lets keep it civil
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    calculus or cfa .. or both?

    Hi Maxrum, I could not agree more with you more. Most people come to this forum to get more informed about quant stuff. Since this is an open forum there are newbies, experienced folks, enthusiasts, and what have you. So if you are giving a strong willed opinion about something, it wouldn't...
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    Hello people, I've been watching in sheer consternation the amount of volatility in the financial markets right now. With the Bear Stearns collapse, the Freddie and Fannie bailout, the IndyMac fallout, the mortgage/ sub- prime debacle, the energy crisis, etc. I wonder if all these events are...
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    How I [will become] a Quant

    Howdy y'all Before I start, I must say I have been lurking around in the shadows on Quantnet for a while now...I came across this forum about two months ago and I must commend all you folks for doing such a marvelous job. I 'm almost half way across the country but I feel I know y'all...
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