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  1. S

    MFE Prerequisites

    I am considering applying at some MFE schools. I am trying to determine what additional education / certifications / experience I may need to get into a top school like Baruch. I have a few BS degrees with a 4.0 GPA (yes, I know, multiple degrees can hurt me because it may seem like I don't...
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    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    I was rejected. Moreover, UCB didn't even notify me in time. My application status online read "Hold" until the first day of classes. I kept trying to contact them during my time in the pre-program courses (and shortly after), but nobody responded. So, on the first day of class of the actual...
  3. S

    Baruch MFE Last Day of Notifications

    Should all potential interviews be finished by this Friday (2012.04.27), then?
  4. S

    Baruch MFE Last Day of Notifications

    I read on Baruch's website that all offers of admission will be made by April 15th. Since that is this Sunday, and since today is Friday, does that mean that all interviews will have to be done by today?
  5. S

    CMU MSCF Essay A vs. Essay B

    I have a question about what exactly Essay A and Essay B are looking for. Essay A asks to discuss how my background will help me achieve my goals and be successful at CMU. Essay B asks to give my background in finance, computer science, math, and statistics, with a detailed discussion of my...
  6. S

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Review

    After talking with a few people throughout the time of the courses, I found that people either hated the courses or loved the courses. Unfortunately, I was in the camp of students that hated the courses. Everyone is absolutely entitled to his / her opinion of the courses. Anybody considering...
  7. S

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Review

    Yes, I was on the waitlist. I found out that I got rejected. However, what's even worse is that I had to actually call up Berkeley on the first day of classes (this past Monday) to find out my status. I kept prodding Berkeley for my status before then, but they kept me in the dark the entire...
  8. S

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Review

    I just finished taking the UCB MFE C++ course. I also just finished with UCB's 2 other pre-MFE courses as well (Math Foundations and Statistics). I have to say that my experience with Berkeley has been the most pathetic and unprofessional experience I have ever had with a university. About...
  9. S

    Too Late to Apply to Baruch and CMU?

    One part of Baruch's application asks about skills for graduate assistant positions. However, I also read on Baruch's FAQ website that there are no assistantships available for the MFE program. Should I even bother filling this out?
  10. S

    Too Late to Apply to Baruch and CMU?

    All of that applies to me. However, I was thinking more along the lines of whether it's a good idea to apply now or for next year. I applied to Berkeley during round 4 this year. At first, they put my application on hold, and then they put me on the waitlist. I took all of their pre-MFE...
  11. S

    Too Late to Apply to Baruch and CMU?

    I am considering applying to Baruch and Carnegie Mellon for the 2012 school year. I know Baruch's deadline is April 1st, and accept / reject letters are sent out by April 15th. I also know that CMU's deadline is April 23rd, and accept / reject letters are sent out by June 18th. Even though I...
  12. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    It's driving me crazy, too. I had to set up a weekend for a time share I have down near Berkeley to find a place if I get accepted. My deadline to cancel the time share is approaching quickly, though, if I don't get in.
  13. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    Totally! I can't apply for a job right now because nobody will take me on board if I'm going to leave for Berkeley soon. But, it really doesn't matter, since I'm spending about 60 hours per week doing homework for the pre-program courses. (I'm in all 3. It wouldn't be so bad, though, if we could...
  14. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    I have a question about being accepted to UC Berkeley's MFE program during round 4. I went from a hold status to a waitlist status in round 4, and I am currently taking their pre-program courses, in hopes that they'll accept me by the time classes start. (The pre-program courses end the week of...
  15. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    I had one interview at the beginning at the end of October.
  16. S

    UCB MFE UCB Housing Situation

    Does anybody know what the housing situation is like for the UC Berkeley MFE program? I am on the waitlist (will be doing the 3 pre-program courses shortly), and I have no idea if I need to find a place of my own if I get in (which I'm hoping doesn't happen like 1-2 weeks before the actual...
  17. S

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Review

    Has anyone gone through UCB's 3 pre-program courses in past years? If so, could you please write a little bit about how the courses went? Thanks.
  18. S

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Statistics Course textbook

    I am enrolled for UCB's pre-program statistics course. One of the recommended textbooks is "Time Series Models"by Andrew C. Harvey. It was a pain to find this book online to purchase, but I found a copy on Amazon for a reasonable price. However, I just got a notice from Amazon stating that my...
  19. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    No, I'm on the waitlist. I just need to know such that I can start making arrangements if I do get in.
  20. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    Does anybody know the exact start and end dates for UC Berkeley - MFE for the 2012-2013 school year? I only see the 2011-2012 calendar on their website.
  21. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    Yes, I have already registered for all 3 pre-program courses (even though they may not be truly necessary for me or any of us for that matter). I know it sucks to spend about $1500 per course (not to mention the time spent doing coursework and other money on textbooks). But I've come this far...
  22. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    I have been moved up from "Hold" to "Waitlisted" as of about 3 weeks ago, now. I'm going to do the 3 pre-program courses online, which will hopefully show to them that I am a serious candidate. In the meantime, I'm cranking through the problems in Dan Stefanica's "A Primer for the Mathematics of...
  23. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    I understand that my GRE wasn't as good as it could be (it's funny -- on the verbal section, none of the words I studied for 3 months straight were on the GRE -- but that is a whole other story), but I thought that the fact of having 4 BS degrees would compensate for that. (By the way, I got a...
  24. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    I just got my pseudo-reject (application being held for further review) letter today. It reads: We would like to inform you that your application for spring 2012 admission to the Master of Financial Engineering Program at the Haas School of Business is being held for further consideration. If...
  25. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    Yes, you may. What info do you need for that?
  26. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    I will be interviewing this Friday.
  27. S

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    Has anybody who has applied for UCB MFE during round 4 (i.e., I believe the application deadline was September 1, 2011) for the 2012-2013 school year received any acceptance letters? If so, did you have a phone interview during the past couple of months? I have been told that the last letters...
  28. S

    Kind of another "what are my chances," kind of not

    Thanks for all the information! I think I will go ahead and apply to Baruch, still. When does the 2012-2013 application begin? Also, when are decisions made by?
  29. S

    Baruch MFE Baruch MFE Admission Discussion

    When does the application form for the 2012-2013 school year begin? Also, when are decisions made by?
  30. S

    Kind of another "what are my chances," kind of not

    So, are you saying that I should look into doing a PhD instead of an MFE?
  31. S

    Kind of another "what are my chances," kind of not

    I just took the GRE yesterday, and I was blown away by the difficulty of the math questions on the test. I had prepared for an entire year, and I made a concerted effort to do "hard" GRE math problems, but the amount of time it took to solve the "hard" math GRE problems that I saw was...
  32. S

    Baruch MFE Baruch GRE Codes

    That is strange. I just saw that the institution code for Baruch is R2012, not the department code. Am I missing something?
  33. S

    Baruch MFE Baruch GRE Codes

    I have the GRE tomorrow, and I am going to submit one of my scores to Baruch. I have read that the Baruch GRE code is 2012. Is this the institution code, or is it the department code? If it is the institution code, what is the department code (and vice versa)? Thanks!
  34. S

    School Codes for GRE

    Awesome. I had no idea that they gave you 4 "free" ones. Thanks for the info!
  35. S

    School Codes for GRE

    I have the GRE coming up this Saturday. Since I don't see this information posted anywhere on ETS's site, I was wondering, do you have to select the schools that you want to submit your GRE to at the time you take the GRE? I am still indecisive about what schools to apply to (or even which...
  36. S

    Risk vs. Trading

    Hi Ken, Thank you for the reply, but I think I need to be a little more clear in terms of my intention with the question. I already have a bachelors degree, and I'm wanting to pursue a masters in financial engineering (or something similar). Which "quant" schools / programs would be...
  37. S

    Risk vs. Trading

    Hi, I have been reading recently that quants should start considering risk and trading roles, as opposed to the typical "quant" roles. Given this, what schools and degrees would you consider for the risk and trading sectors? I have been reading a lot of disparate information regarding the...
  38. S

    PhD physics / math vs. MFE

    Andy, Thank you so much for the reply -- it was very informative and helpful. Per Mark Joshi's guide, I think being a stat arb quant is my best option, as I would like to work for a well established hedge fund one day. However, I can't commit to an asset class yet, as I have zero experience...
  39. S

    PhD physics / math vs. MFE

    I have a question about the required education to become a quant nowadays (post-2008 financial crisis). I am seeing a lot of differing opinions on this, and contradictory information from job search websites. I would like to become a quant, and I believe this would be the best application of...
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