Search results

  1. doug reich

    Fordham MSQF Fordham MSQF Admission Discussion

    I'm posting my response to a PM the OP sent me: I don't know anything about the Fordham program except what has been posted in these forums. My opinion on any program is that it is only as good as the material taught in it. The name of the school will at most get you an interview; you have to...
  2. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    RTD or DDE
  3. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Note sure, but I can see how it might, depending on how excel works. If it was "dumb", then it would look through all the cells in your sheet (or at least those that could potentially have formulas), which would be very slow just by virtue of having a lot of cells to look at. Also, I see a...
  4. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Did you turn of automatic calculation (I don't recall seeing it when I looked at your code earlier)? That's a big penalty.
  5. doug reich

    There's Nothing Sacrosanct About U.S. AAA Rating

    Normally, I think this level of doom and gloom would signal the bottom, but that's not so clear. What kind of falling-sky stories were there in 2000, 1998, 1987, 1981, 1973, etc.? There's Nothing Sacrosanct About U.S. AAA Rating: Mark Gilbert 2008-07-16 23:01:00.0 (New York) Commentary by...
  6. doug reich


    Chuck Norris found a closed form for Erf(x).
  7. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Once you have this list, the data I have created just serves as a hash table for any data you'll populate it with; what I have done is a one-time exercise. When you have new data, make a much smaller, but similar, 90 element hash table (30 rates x 3 terms), which you can query to populate our...
  8. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    OK, I thought about it a little more, and you can do the crossing I was describing in excel using nothing special. See attached. Columns AU and AW should have all possible pairs if you fill the sheet down 3 million rows (or however many pairings there are). Excel 2007 can handle millions of...
  9. doug reich


    In main, if I change *a = *b; to a = b;, everything works as expected. The second "a" output is 7. This make sense in the context of "slicing" from Savitch. How do I go about both making a deep copy of b and also maintaining the polymorphism? A virtual Clone function! Why didn't I think of...
  10. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    I see that I do (will) have some duplicates, but I maintain that it's easier to create the whole long list and then delete the unacceptable ones. For example, I created (A,B) and (B,A). We can delete one of those before proceeding to reduce space. However, the method I outlined will pretty much...
  11. doug reich


    I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> typedef double (*funcPtr)(double); class SingleVarFunctor { private: funcPtr sFunction; public: SingleVarFunctor(); SingleVarFunctor( funcPtr _f ); void setFunction( funcPtr _f ); virtual double...
  12. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Isn't it 2701 choose 2 ? (tex doesn't like \choose here, I guess). I calculate that as 3,646,350. I could be leaving out the diagonals by mistake, but I dont' think so.
  13. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Does Excel 2007 have a column limit? If not, then what I have so far is almost there, and could easily be finished there. Otherwise, well... have to think a little more. I basically did what I would have in C++; I generated a list of the triples you want (Rate 1, Rate 2, Term), which is 30 x 30...
  14. doug reich


    You said it, so here it goes: Chuck Norris Facts: ... and more!
  15. doug reich

    List all combinations in Excel

    Seems about right -- mostly a matter of creative cut-and-paste and "fill" if you're doing a one-time exercise. Otherwise, varying levels of macro automation will cut out steps. Either way, functions like MATCH and VLOOKUP are key.
  16. doug reich


    I was sure I would find a Chuck Norris joke in there... I guess the closest thing is Mr T, which isn't so far off.
  17. doug reich

    GRE vs GMAT

    I don't know what what the scale is on the GMAT, but I do know that MFE programs frown on not-perfect quant section scores.
  18. doug reich

    online splus & r programming?

    Could you post links here for the tutorials you found? Please also add tags (at the bottom of the screen) so others can more easily find this information. Finally, you can also add this information to the wiki. The better cross-referenced, the better.
  19. doug reich

    Solver and random output

    =NORMINV( RAND(), 0, 1 ) will give you random values from a normal distribution. (You probably want to copy paste-as-values once you get a few.) ... although rereading your email, that won't give you what you want, will it?
  20. doug reich

    Baruch MFE MFE Courses offered at Baruch

    From their website: Masters in Financial Engineering (MFE) - Baruch College
  21. doug reich

    How to Make Methods of Hard Sciences Work Well in Finance?

    The famous researchers Kahnemann, Amos, and Taversky, I believe. One pop science book in this genre is "Predictably Irrational" by Daniel Ariely. Ilya refers to research covered in this and other books.
  22. doug reich

    Quant Finance Journals?

    What trade journals does anyone read? We don't get quant journals over here right now. The ones that are here are Journal of Portfolio Management and Journal of Finance.
  23. doug reich

    Are you related to IlyaKEightSix? I believe he indicated somewhere that his "K" is "Kipnis".

    Are you related to IlyaKEightSix? I believe he indicated somewhere that his "K" is "Kipnis".
  24. doug reich

    Question on MS Visual C++

    Move the line you added higher up in the program: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!\n"; return 0; }Anyway, you should 1. get a book, 2. google the error messages you have (someone else has always had the same problem), and 3. look in the Visual...
  25. doug reich

    Question on MS Visual C++

    Try this version. I have added a specification of the "std" namespace, as well as a proper include for the system library "iostream" #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello World!\n"; return 0; }
  26. doug reich


    Google has thousands of pages on what they are and how to write one: cover letter - Google Search A resume is more constrained, as you are "obligated" to list all of your qualifications. A cover letter lets you comment on what is important, why you are qualified, why you want to work there, and...
  27. doug reich

    Looking for stochastic calculus resources

    From everything you've written on these forums, it seems like your time may be better spent working on your resume, job interview skills, and networking. I'll say you have a very strong background, but you have no self-confidence.
  28. doug reich

    actuary considering QF

    All of those strategies are out there: selling naked options is speculation of the highest order; see Victor Niederhofer. Buying cheap, out of the money options is Nassim Taleb's bread and butter; see his books: the Black Swan and Fooled By Randomness. You'll find that the more approachable a...
  29. doug reich

    CFA or Ms/MSc. in Finance

    Those are somewhat different and not mutually exclusive options. The CFA is a certification. At least one MS Finance (at Boston College I think) bills their degree as "teaching you what you need to pass all 3 levels of the CFA". Certainly you will get the master's faster, and with that knowledge...
  30. doug reich

    Rotman MFE , Urgent: Need information.

    You should contact current students, alumni and faculty at the program to answer your first two questions. You can look at DISCUSSION on MFE programs (Formerly "Second-rate (and worse) MFE programs) - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum for info on lots of programs, as well as Quantnet...
  31. doug reich

    Average salaries for quants

    Salaries in the finance industry have always been high, and will continue to be high. Have you seen investment bankers lately or in the last 200 years? Nobody is selling quant services to a "bargain" market, unless you're talking about mutual funds or index fund composition.
  32. doug reich

    Rotman MFE , Urgent: Need information.

    And I thought Baruch was a good deal before!
  33. doug reich

    Resume Help

    A little cheeky don't you think?
  34. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    As others on this forum have pointed out in the past, you should let the admissions committee at your programs of interest decide your candidacy. Don't waste your time speculating about whether or not you'll get in. Instead, fill holes in your resume (through work, classes, or self-study)...
  35. doug reich

    Average salaries for quants

    More than just that: as we have seen clearly since July of last year, you need liquidity for the rest of the economy to function properly. Without a place to raise investment capital, things come to a grinding halt. Whether you are considered a bottom-feeder (which I think is pretty accurate) is...
  36. doug reich

    RIP, AAA?

    The ratings companies have privileged information that they are supposedly using to make an informed decision about the creditworthiness of a company or cash flow. However, there is a profit motive there, i.e. to inflate ratings and get more business. That has backfired in a big way for rating...
  37. doug reich


    I've studied functional languages in school, and I find it quite a pleasant logical exercise to use them. By callbacks, I take it you mean function pointers. Is this "appropriate" C++ style? I suppose if it's used in the STL it must be OK. I only ask, because the syntax looks very C-like, which...
  38. doug reich


    I thought a good way to get some C++ practice and solidify the numerical integration methods (and do the practice problems) in Chapter 2 of Dan's Primer book would be to write numerical integration functions for the midpoint, trapezoidal, and simpson's rules that take the function to be...
  39. doug reich

    New York vs New Jersey

    ljp - This has worked pretty well in NY, but lately most of the rest of the country wouldn't agree that real estate will help you build equity. Diversify!
  40. doug reich

    Foreign would-be quants and communication barrier

    Well, in all fairness, the original poster wasn't talking about a specific incident; he was responding to a number of recent posts on this forum he considered substandard. A few people have been in my office who communicate very well in English, but who have serious syntactic problems writing...
  41. doug reich

    New Quantnet members say hi

    1. If you major in finance, it'll say Finance, not math or CS on your resume. Remember that its purpose is just to get interviews. 2. If you have your foot in the door, the most important thing is ability. Material you actual learn in your courses, regardless of major, is what counts. 3. If you...
  42. doug reich

    New York vs New Jersey

    When someone lives in Jersey City, it's "not that far" from Manhattan. When someone lives in Manhattan, they don't even know what's across the river. I think we know where you live.
  43. doug reich

    New York vs New Jersey

    I know you're reading the real estate section of the NYT. Do you ever read "The Hunt"? The folks in there are often couples making less than $100K combined, and they're all finding places in NYC or Jersey City to buy. If teachers and computer programmers can scrape the dough together, a quant...
  44. doug reich

    What is going on at Bear Stearns ?

    What is that supposed to mean? This is yet another example in which the "coverup" is worse than the "crime". However, I think I would need a lot of convincing that these guys did anything criminal.
  45. doug reich

    Finding parameters of a Generalized Beta distribution of the second kind

    Just a quick note: the changes I made were to adjust the formulas for alpha and beta closer to wikipedia's. Then I tried to create the PDF using the excel functions (if you have a more accurate way of getting the PDF from the CDF values than just taking finite differences, let me know!)
  46. doug reich

    Finding parameters of a Generalized Beta distribution of the second kind

    I don't know anything about these functions... but looking at wikipedia, you seem to have misapplied the formulas for alpha and beta: Beta distribution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I'll play with it a little and if I find the problem I'll post back here. EDIT: Again, not knowing anything...
  47. doug reich

    Black Scholes Merton model in excel?

    There's a thousand of them out there on the web. Since the formula is incredibly unwieldy to put into an excel formula, usually it's done as a macro. (I can tell you from experience with this that it is torture trying to debug a 6-line excel formula looking for the missing negative sign.) Take...
  48. doug reich

    Should the quant profession have an exam track

    Part time != full degree. You do it in more time because you have to fit it around your normal schedule by taking a lighter load. Anyway, it'll be character building.
  49. doug reich

    Should the quant profession have an exam track

    Glad you're at least being facetious, if not serious. Have you tried alumni from your school? Also try the informational interview: call up people at firms, ask them specific questions about the business and their company. Don't ask for a job.
  50. doug reich

    Should the quant profession have an exam track

    It certainly doesn't help to complain about it on this board. The obvious conclusion is to get a job (to reduce your debt), build skills & qualifications (to make you easier to hire), and network. This may require moving.
  51. doug reich

    Question about database and Bloomberg

    I don't know if you can pull the number automatically. We were getting a weird error during some development, and one of their helpdesk people read off some monthly and daily quota numbers and our current usage, although they didn't really explain what they meant. If you really want to know...
  52. doug reich

    Chartered Accountant/MBA wanting to shift to a career in Financial Engineering

    There's probably a dozen posts from people with similar backgrounds on this forum. Do a search, or just open up the "Careers" forum and spend the next hour or two reading posts there. You should get a pretty good idea from it.
  53. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    No. As people have said before on this forum, 27 is average or on the young side. Take a look at the Baruch entering class: there are more than a few PhD's, Master's, people with many years of work experience. It's almost not possible for you to get the qualifications to succeed before mid 20's...
  54. doug reich

    and Python ??

    I put some info based on this and another thread (all I found by searching) about Python on the quantnet wiki: Python - Quantnet Wiki
  55. doug reich

    FX Option Terms Help

    I believe the two volatilities are calculated using the bid and ask. EDIT: Looking more closely using bloomberg, I think it's based on both the bid/ask and the different rates in the two currencies. That is, you use the Black Scholes formula, but you would change RFR to reflect the local risk...
  56. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Can we make this sticky?
  57. doug reich

    Cost of living in NYC- a break down

    [URL=""] I saw that article (in my favorite section!), but I don't think it's particularly helpful for students; they're talking about high-end luxury housing, albeit at a discount in Brooklyn, but not...
  58. doug reich

    double major?

    They know Simplex better than you do?
  59. doug reich

    MFE App help!!!

    Two thoughts: 1. If you have to choose, concentrate on one or a small number of fields. 2. Do what the pros do: answer the question you wish you had been asked, which seems to be "what do you find interesting about finance?" Don't assume they're checking off boxes ("Ambition, check. Trading desk...
  60. doug reich

    Financial/stochastic calculus

    You might find a more receptive ear at a smaller place. I know when we were interviewing for a position here (our firm is only 4 people), people who had the credentials (a glance over the resume) or a cover letter that explained their faults and why they weren't faults moved on in the process...
  61. doug reich

    Financial/stochastic calculus

    Some places, notably DE Shaw and Citadel, hire the cream of the undergraduate crop. If you're in that boat, you probably know it already.
  62. doug reich

    What Tools, Applications used in MFE Program

    Here is a LaTeX primer: Getting Started with LaTeX. Note that you can use Latex code in Math Mode (the dollar signs) on quantnet by putting [ tex ] and [ /tex ] around the code (press the TeX button above). You can skip ahead to the "Producing Mathematical Formulae using LaTeX" section for our...
  63. doug reich

    iPhone: coolest gadget of the year?

    I think we can safely describe ourselves as "blown away". They really seem to have delivered here, no?
  64. doug reich

    Sub GRE Math

    The only one I know that requires the subject test is Chicago. NYU recommends it. Like most things, a good credential is always a plus, but very few schools require the subject test.
  65. doug reich

    Sub GRE Math The Google says it is so.
  66. doug reich

    C++ Online Course?

    You could still self study, but talk about what you did in the "extra info" section of the application. Even if you did an online course, the value of the material covered may not be evident. However, if you discuss the projects you worked on, topics you covered, etc. in supplemental materials...
  67. doug reich

    How would being an under grad for 7 years affect me when applying to MFE programs?

    Francis, this is called a flame war. You should let it go. If you stop, they'll stop, and everyone can move on with their lives. Sure it's plenty annoying to let the injustices stand, but you'll get over it.
  68. doug reich

    Building the quantnet wiki and indexing the forum knowledge

    I put things in categories instead of making my own indexes (wow, that's really useful!). I added everything to the same "Education" category as well as making subcategories... not sure how great that is in retrospect. I managed to do a few things I can't seem to undo myself: deleting pages...
  69. doug reich

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    The helpful advice my coworker gave me when I was applying to programs is... read the applications. (I don't mean that facetiously.) Go and look at what the questions are for the recommendations. There are questions on "how good is this person's mathematics" -- if your econ professor can't...
  70. doug reich

    # of times to take GRE/GMAT

    I think you're mistaken -- sending a report to the schools includes all available tests. Otherwise, I agree.
  71. doug reich

    Building the quantnet wiki and indexing the forum knowledge

    I was encouraged enough by Andy's support in this thread ( DISCUSSION on MFE programs (Formerly "Second-rate (and worse) MFE programs) - Page 6 - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum) to start a section on the wiki to help organize the knowledge that is repeatedly rehashed on these forums...
  72. doug reich

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    Andy, I think the tags could go a long way to organizing the information. Is it possible (desirable?) to make them mandatory for a new post? That's a sure-fire way to get them added. I guess right now you can't add a tag while making a reply, which would also make it easier to tag posts. I...
  73. doug reich

    DISCUSSION on second rated MFE programs

    Alain, as one of the (prior) offenders, I can see where the other prospective students are coming from. I think the problem is that: 1. When you call the Baruch department asking for help (or go to the website), you are led here with vague promises of advice. People then see this board as a...
  74. doug reich

    Pick up and Temp Accommodation

    Are you talking about a trip from the airport and a place to sleep? JFK, LGA and Newark all have some kind of mass transit link to the city.
  75. doug reich

    How did you know about Quantnet

    I found it using google.
  76. doug reich

    Education Advice - NYU Advanced Certificate in Financial Mathematics

    I would check if this is redunant, but I looked around and couldn't find the thread. I recall at their information session some bull about PT students already having jobs. However, I spoke to one of the heads, and he said it was just lack of resources; they wish they could offer the services...
  77. doug reich

    Job market forcast for 2008: It's not all doom and gloom

    That doesn't sound quite right... I see JPM as $144B. C is $110B. Point taken, however.
  78. doug reich

    A Trader's Train to Wall Street, Connecticut

    I don't think that's true. I definitely owed them taxes this year... plus, the Google gives me the following hit for "connecticut income tax": DRS: Income Tax
  79. doug reich

    Housing in New York

    You're probably here by now, so the question is moot, but... Definitely look into different neighborhoods both in and out of Manhattan. Obviously, the best deals are out, but if you expand your options to include places further uptown (outside of the financial ghetto that is east midtown)...
  80. doug reich

    Location Arbitrage

    If anyone is still interested in this thread... is a great resource for finding parking in Manhattan. You can really get shafted; I probably would have paid $200 more per month if I not for that site. My car insurance is about twice what it was in Los Angeles, but I'm 22, so...
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