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  1. darth

    Rotterdam School of Management , Erasmus University Netherlands

    One of my friends has got admitted to the Masters in financial management programme at RSM. If anybody on the forum can comment on the reputation of Erasmus University and Rotterdam school of management or the experience of life in netherlands...
  2. darth

    S&P Downgrade Effects

    I guess markets performing poorly has less to do with downgrade and more with the global slowdown anticipated as the yields on both 2s and 30s are going down. German DAX experiencing heavy selling in export based companies..
  3. darth

    S&P Downgrade Effects From Sen. Obama’s Floor Speech, March 20, 2006: The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign...
  4. darth

    S&P Downgrade Effects Rumours were already there..and was confirmed by the ferocity of selling in SnP after the good payroll data.... Some people say AAA is like virginity.....
  5. darth

    Legalize illegal immigration, YES or NO

    Federal Agents Raid Virginia Institution That Draws Many Students From India The U.S. Department of Homeland Security raided the University of Northern Virginia on Thursday morning, hauling away computers and boxes of paperwork and...
  6. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    May be to remove the ambiguity and maintain the line of reasoning ,its name was changed to chennai :)
  7. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    correct!!!! I here there is a London in Canada as well....
  8. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    What country does that mean? England? I have heard Australians are also subject of her majesty...
  9. darth

    BI Norwegian business school about all the people mentioned... You have a very impressive knowledge of European politics and all these days i thought you were based out of US.
  10. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    "Neither do British policemen" Then how did they shoot a Brazilian at a subway mistaking him to be a muslim terrorist....
  11. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    Even I was surprised reading that policemen in Norway don't carry firearms , so it took time to form a team... But I also read somehwere that he shared the ideals of a party which was poised to come into majority next election...
  12. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    Reminded me of this quote after oslo incident. Fortunately my friend had decided against BI.
  13. darth


    I liked the movie... If you liked it , you can watch "Gangajal"... Same team and even better movie...
  14. darth

    What Sites Do You Use for Trading News?

    Zero hedge is also great. If you want I can give you the product specific websites that I use.
  15. darth

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Right but that REC was Rourkee Engineering college and these REC's are Regional Engineering colleges... Are you from India? If not, I am really amazed by the amount of information you have on Indian Colleges :)
  16. darth

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    You have a valid point to which I don't have answers... but would just like to correct you that its NIT rourkela and not IIT Rourkee... NIT rourkela is not one of the toughest to get into and I doubt it deserves a 13 ranking.
  17. darth

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    There are atleast 50 engineering colleges and Universities which are ranked in Top 10 in India. So graduating from a college ranked 13 isn't much of an advantage. GRE quant satisfies the minimum score requirement. It's a crime( something like day light murder) to get less than 95% on NCFM...
  18. darth

    Google+ is really awesome.

    Some people spend more than 30 minutes each day on other websites as well....for instance QN :)
  19. darth

    What to do on the train...

    That's why he is not taking the risk.............. inspired by markowitz....'coz the return is same with less amount of risk.... optimal selection :)
  20. darth

    C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

    90% :(... Will there be a Final exam?
  21. darth

    C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

    Will there be any Grades on Final Course Completion Certificate ??
  22. darth

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Where did you get a four point GPA in India. Also MFE and MBA are entirely different things. Another point you can consider where you want to work after your graduation. Also you can consider getting a 1-yr work-ex and applying again to IIM's next year with preparation and hoping to make itno...
  23. darth

    Dark Secrets of 'Prestigious' Programs: Caveat Emptor

    Most vague thread I have come across on QN. Why are people even replying to it.
  24. darth

    GRE Test. Tips?

    This time I will post one for kadeer..... A + b/c ÷ d/e If any of the above variables are to be doubled to halve the equation, which one should it be? See, this question took me about 3 minutes to figure out. There's got to be an easier way to save time. I just plugged in numbers..... what...
  25. darth

    GRE Test. Tips?

    Read previous few posts .. Question was misread :)
  26. darth

    GRE Test. Tips?

    It's asking for the total no. of gallons of fuel in two full tanks..... keep in mind that tanks were already full as is mentioned in the first sentence of the question. Now you can't add more to a full tank so it must be drawn from the full tank..... In that case the contents are 400 and 1000 ...
  27. darth

    Brain Drain good for developing countries??? Really??

    Compared to any country in the world , India never looks like a failed state to me :)
  28. darth

    CFA Level I

    All the best to all the CFA candidates writing exam this weekend :)
  29. darth

    CFA Level I

    Yes...Mocks are highly representative.....Btw , we already have a thread running for CFA L 1......
  30. darth

    GRE Test. Tips?

    Just to get some perspective...What percentile is an 800 and 790 in quant in GRE general test?
  31. darth

    CFA Level I

    Rather than looking hither and thither as suggested above , it's always best to hear directly from horse's mouth...... Even I used to listen to such statements during my CFA exam days as "ethics is a must to...
  32. darth

    CFA Level I

    I don't think Ethics is weigted more heavily.... Level 1 has more weights in FSA .... level 2 in FSA and equities and Level 3 in PM... Some people do have an opinion that you can't score less than 50 in ethics and pass the exam....but i have seen people getting less than 50 in ethics and...
  33. darth

    CFA Level I

    MPS is set after the exam and whosoever gets more than that passes..... No criteria of sectional cut off or fixed percentage of people to pass.....
  34. darth

    India's educational system

    Also congratulations for your GMAT score :)
  35. darth

    India's educational system

    And last time I checked Bose was the name of an audio equipment company.... :)
  36. darth

    Prostitution and Escorts on Wall Street

    With great power comes great responsibility...... Spiderman With great power comes great responsibility and great urges..... DSK
  37. darth

    India's educational system

    @Rishabh Please take the JEE exam once again and we all pray that you get selected this time......May be then you will start talking something which makes sense.... Corruption is a problem in every developing nation of the world.That's one of the components of equity risk premium of developing...
  38. darth

    Certificate in quantitative finance-how much recognised in India? You may want to see this as well...
  39. darth

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    sounds good to me......
  40. darth

    After US/UK, India facing its own subprime crisis?

    If you raise petrol prices by almost 10% , its but obvious that diesel price rise is in the offing... You can't just increase one and leave other untouched... It would be too bad for climate...
  41. darth

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    You don't need luck.... You will crack it neways... :)
  42. darth

    C++ online certificate for MFE applicants

    I really liked the videos and notes of C++ on CQF extras... Why don't you conduct an exam of C++ as part of CQF to grant a certificate.....These days a certificate seem to matter more than your knowledge in C++......
  43. darth

    After US/UK, India facing its own subprime crisis?

    u smell expensive - what perfume are you wearing? petrol !! :)
  44. darth

    Commidity market crash

    Why do people have bias against short sellers.... Why to have an uptick rule... I would rather vote a downtick rule in commodities....
  45. darth

    The college bubble

    "15 years ago, getting an American visa was extremely easy. Today it is tougher to get an American visa than to get an Indian visa- longer processing times, massive blunders are but the norm at the US embassy in India." Why would anyone want an Indian visa.... and moreover if they make getting...
  46. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    Thats because there are no good MFE degrees offered in India. Most of the quant work is currently done by top engineering grads as those are the only available options.But an MFE from a top school can surely fetch you a quant job at a BB in India.
  47. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    JD = Job Description. CFA+FRM won't be valued much for quant field. Quantnet's list of books is really good in case you want to increase your knowledge in the domain. CQF tries to place you in your country of location as its not easy to get a work visa for entry-level roles in UK/US. I know for...
  48. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    After and during your CQF , if you are not sponsored by your company ... CQF career services ( Geoff Brown) will help you in finding a job .... They will mail you the JD's or send your resumes..... If you are looking at a $250k job , then the 2-3 years work-ex has to be a related one....
  49. darth

    COMPARE TOP 3 MFE programs in terms of Placement?

    My call would be ... Princeton UCB & the order
  50. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    I guess those are the ideal target delegates....Already in a job... Don't want to go to school and want to learn quant fin......
  51. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    Assumption for making the above statement is that QCF = CQF
  52. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    They do have a final exam , on the basis of which you get a distinction plus there are module exams and you get a class rank as well....
  53. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    "Also, would this be looked at favorably when applying to Baruch?" If I am not wrong , I read somewhere on quantnet , a reply by DAN Stefanica (Baruch programme) that a CQF with distinction is definitely considered impressive on a profile.
  54. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    You can not compare a 6 months part time programme with a 1 year full time course in terms of content. They have classes on C++ as well . As per the cost part, they do provide some very generous scholarships to deserving delegates. I am currently enrolled in the programme and very satisfied with...
  55. darth

    CQF as a prep MFE

    CQF is a very organised and well thought out course. It sure can give you a very solid preparation for MFE or you may get a break in the field without a further MFE. i.e., can act as substitute of MFE as well .They are working on their career services too.
  56. darth

    How does raising interest rates help curb inflation?

    Increase the Supply.??? or rather Decrease the supply....
  57. darth

    Why is there a lot of international students pursuing mfe?

    @rishab : Take the example of luxembourg , it's external debts are around 4600% of its GDP. It has a solid economy and its debts are considered among the safest with AAA ratings.
  58. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    Thanks for all the inputs bbw... @newhaven CT : You are right. It means more or less the same. :)
  59. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    Thanks for the reply. Yes , the scholarship covers the tuition only.Do you mean to say that University of Oslo is a better school?
  60. darth

    BI Norwegian business school

    One of my friend has been selected to BI Norwegian business school Masters in Financial economics programme with100% scholarship( Does any one has any idea about the reputation of the school and the programme.Any help will be...
  61. darth

    Columbia MSOR MSOR or Certificate in FE from Columbia

    My 2 cents: If with your current qualifications,you are not able to make a breakthrough , I don't think Certificate programme will help much,You should go for MSOR and complete that in 1 year.
  62. darth

    Thesis questionnaire [Algo Trading]

    submitted :)
  63. darth

    How an undergraduate math exam in the US looks like?

    IMHO this is not a lengthy or a difficult exam....
  64. darth

    S&P , US - Go!

    I don't think this table has much relevance to credit ratings of a sovereign as it is gross debt...not the net debt.... Luxembourg too has a AAA/A-1+ sovereign credit ratings (one of the best sovereign ratings) while having the gross external debt of 4636%.....
  65. darth

    S&P , US - Go!

    when the news came out around 14:00 GMT , I was in a spot, had so many positions running and before I could calculate the impact on my different posns,i realized by the price action that markets are unperturbed... all dips in US treasuries were being bought into...Dollar after spiking 50 ticks...
  66. darth

    India's educational system

    Hey.. Looks like I got the tone of your previous message wrong...Apologize for any offence that you took....But You know I have always lived in India and never been out of the country except for short leisure\family trips...I need not be from CU to know about CU.....I have lots of very good...
  67. darth

    India's educational system

    @Devdeep : for people like you who name the schools they went to at the drop of a hat ....I would rather not disclose what school I went to .... As I will start hearing voices that I am faking it..... But modestly I can say that It would be lot better than someone who went to University of...
  68. darth

    India's educational system

    let me give you more such facts since it appears you like these facts .... Many IIT students can't write a C program to add two integers.... Regarding your other concern..... This fact just shows that US schools are better than schools in those countries...But the point here is not why United...
  69. darth

    India's educational system

    Even most IIT grads fall in the category described above in the article.... Curriculum of engineering(Including IIT) in India is such that you don't need to study at all....Just mug up a day before your exams and you are done..... And obviously since you studied for passing the exam you won't...
  70. darth

    What do I do?

    "And good that you know about VTU and I too know abt VTU compared to other colleges." I am a computer science graduate too (India) but sadly never ever heard of VTU. Where is it located?
  71. darth

    What do I do?

    UCL rejected me because I am over qualified. How did you come to know about this....
  72. darth

    "Newspaper Beauty Contest"

    We don't always think rationally... 7 is considered lucky by many so when they have a choice to select between 0-10 ,7 is selected with highest frequency.....
  73. darth

    Forbes billionaire List - Investors version

    I am so disheartened not to see my name on the list .... :(
  74. darth

    **Cass: MSc Mathematical Trading and Finance**

    I hope you are aware of the new Immigration changes for Non-EU Citizens. From the choices you hold CASS seems a good choice though none of them are likely to land you a job now if you are outside EU
  75. darth

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    Samarth Agrawal was sentenced to three years for stealing SocGen's proprietary high frequency trading algorithms yesterday, making him the first person to be convicted of stealing high frequency code.
  76. darth

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code
  77. darth

    $150 /barrel Oil anyone?
  78. darth

    UK Govt to abolish student work visa @andy : This article is more than an Year old.
  79. darth

    UK Govt to abolish student work visa

    How about students completing MBA's/Mfin's at LBS? Majority of the batch is International. So , does this mean that everyone returns to their native countries??
  80. darth

    Financial analyst - opinions?

    "That's what I was trying to explain dale, just how ridiculous it is for someone to say that they can make genuine predictions about the future." Suppose there is some bike race happening frequently.I have been following all the racers and their activities.I see racer X going to practice...
  81. darth

    Interview Questions at JPMorgan Sales and Trading

    If you are in a line at the movies for 2 hours and someone cuts you off and comes in front of you. What do you do? I think this question is directly related to a situation of real life as a trader. Suppose you are bid at a price and someone comes and improves the bid i.e., you were...
  82. darth

    How Egypt could affect the U.S. economy

    I think markets are more concerned about this phenomenon spreading to other arab countries.
  83. darth

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    @princeton man : you already have two masters. What are you applying to?
  84. darth

    $150 /barrel Oil anyone?

    I think these days it makes sense to specify which crude oil you are talking about :) Brent is already near 100 but 150 looks remote as of now in near future...but eventualy it will cross that mark.
  85. darth

    Starting Crude Oil and Coal Technical Analysis

    Can anyone comment on the huge difference between the crude oil price at Cushing and North sea i.e., WTI and Brent. Wti is priced 12$ cheaper than brent ... I am surprised as Wti is a better type of crude.
  86. darth

    What is going to happen?

    Orange juice looks like a good bet to me... either you will make money or gain good win situation
  87. darth

    Create a profitable business from $100

    Buy far out of money oil call options. Now when oil reaches 110 encash it. Hire a driver ...Start a taxi with that money... keep on buying taxis with the profits till the time you own 90% in that mkt. :)
  88. darth

    Should I go for PHD ?

    I guess ...the implication here is U of C
  89. darth

    Free Financial News Service

    I personally use bloomberg+reuters (both paid) and we have a Squawk box... You can use Bloomberg - Business Financial News, Breaking News Headlines but thats delayed around 10-15 mins .. and | Futures, Forex Analysis for charts which are again delayed by some...
  90. darth

    UK Govt to abolish student work visa

    "The controversial post-study work route will be abolished and only "trusted" sponsors will be able to offer courses below degree level to adults." Can someone elaborate this. Was planning to apply to LBS MBA this year but not anymore.. :(
  91. darth

    Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators

    There is no mention of India.. Did they perform poorly or the test was not conducted in India?
  92. darth

    Which Program in the Meantime

    You can add CQF also in your list of choices.
  93. darth

    Best for International student!!

    "In mitigation, there's some good scenery and some rock climbing to be done there." Right...... only at the risk of being shot straight in you head or being kidnapped for the demand of getting a terrorist released.
  94. darth

    Best for International student!!

    Who would like to go to a college in Kashmir... even if i am paid for studying i will not even think...
  95. darth

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    Yeah. Rebuilding career in India won't be a problem for him.And please don't compare him to madoff.... sometime our whole life boils down to just one insane moment.
  96. darth

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    I have had few interactions with him and just feel sorry for him :(
  97. darth

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    Isn't it unethical on part of tower research too? they hired Soc Gen HFT traders in the past too.Doesn't it look plausible that someone at tower was also in collusion since the code was being brought to them.
  98. darth

    Ex-SocGen trader found guilty of copying HFT code

    You mean to say it is illegal to carry one's work at home? If the intention had been stealing the code it could have been done by understanding the code rather than printing ....
  99. darth

    Quantitative Easing (QE2)

    I agree to most of what you have to say and specially "We are not in a bull market.We are not in a bear market.We are in a DOPED MARKET !!!" Although I doubt the statement " Market prices are not justified at all by the current economic conditions. This is very subjective. One can prove...
  100. darth

    What resources you use to learn about MFE programs

    Trader Baruch returns the result of MBA zicklin as well and many traders have their surname as baruch... this explains
  101. darth

    MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

    I think reduced number of applicants could be the reason or may be increased number of seats. I don't understand why they ask for an academic reco for people who are out of school for 4-5 years... My professors won't even remember me after 5 years... Few of my friends with 2-3 years of work-ex...
  102. darth

    Quantitative Easing (QE2)

    A Paralyzed Fed Defers Decision On Monetary Policy To Primary Dealers In An Act That Can Only Be Classified As Treason
  103. darth

    Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China

    Nothings gonna happen to china. They will eventually become a superpower. Mr. Chanos' articles looks more like a hope trade.
  104. darth

    Quantitative Easing (QE2)

    Any Comments on whether this is going to work or not?
  105. darth

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    Rahul I had never before heard of CFE except for this thread. I am a Successful trader for the past four years now and I don't think answering your question (knowing answer to your question) will prove whether someone is a capable trader or not. Just because couple of people had grievances...
  106. darth

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    I think there should be a different forum for questions such as these which only the moderator is allowed to answer. Start a new thread " test Andy's knowledge" and post these questions there. BTW I doubt You will ever get replies. See there are two possibilities : Either you wanna...
  107. darth

    Risk Latte's Certificate in Financial Engineering (CFE)

    "There's more discipline and ethics in Asia than there is in the West" As far as my experience goes I doubt this statement.
  108. darth

    Trade mogul (Trading competition)

    Oh. Yes ..sorry....forgot to mention .... May be Indian QN members will find this post useful and for others they can play for fun if they want to :)
  109. darth

    Trade mogul (Trading competition) You can trade S&P , Gold , T-notes and Cude and win very attractive prizes.
  110. darth

    Some questions on admissions

    karthik which university's website did you calculate your gpa?
  111. darth

    Any Math courses?

    Berkely courses are cheaper but they just have three courses in mathematics for online learning Calculus 1 calculus 2 Introduction to statistics and content of these courses seem very basic in nature....I am not sure whether these would be the right courses for mathematical requirements of MFE
  112. darth

    Any Math courses?

    @joy : I am based out of India.Can you tell me of any place to do some maths courses either by correspondence or online..?? I checked Columbia Video Network..They have some good topics but they charge 4.5k$ for 1 subject...that makes it 25k dollars for 4-5 topics....Not affordable ...I want to...
  113. darth

    Any Math courses?

    @joy : Good knowledge on Corp finance and Financial statement analysis are hardly required if you want to work on quant side.... IBD yes.... Moreover it would be more prudent to learn those things via CFA L1 I guesss...they have a very good curriculum on those topics... And also I hardly think...
  114. darth

    Any Math courses?

    I have a similar query here. I have taken Maths 1 and Maths 2 during my engg curriculum which includes calculus mostly. I have done CFA L2 which includes statistics and probability. So topics I am left with are Stochastic Processes Optimization Time series analysis Game Theory Real analysis...
  115. darth

    LBS MFin

    How good is the LBS Mfin programme in terms of placement for International students and its recognition in US? Also I have an admit for CQF programme..I want to do a Masters in finance from a Top School..Does going for CQF hamper/brighten my prospects for a top school??
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