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  1. L

    Purchase of course material

    Hi Andy, I am not able to enrol officially as it seems no chance for me to take assessment. Because, as a PhD students, my time is strictly allocated to compulsory PhD coursework and seminars. But I do need C++ for my thesis urgently, so I wonder whether there is any chance I can purchase the...
  2. L

    Level 1&2 Grading

    Hi, Stupid questions here again. I am going to work through the "free" version of Level 1&2 now. Will I be graded or not? When I become officially enroled in the course (after paid), do I still need to attempt L1&2 for grading purposes?
  3. L

    Software needed

    Hi Andy, I did only, Download for Visual C++ Express Web installer: Installed already. Do I still need the following Download for ISO image with complete Visual Studio Express...
  4. L

    OS and enrolment date for C++ course

    Hi Andy, Just wonder when is the next enrolment date? Is Window Visual C++ essential when taking online classes? I am a Mac user, can I work with XCode for the course? I am a new PhD student (MathFin) from Sydney, need C++ urgently for my project
  5. L

    Actuarial Science versus MathFin

    Hi all, I am a master of actuarial studies student in sydney (UNSW). 6 month ago I made a decision to study actuarial science instead of a GradDip in Maths for Finance. Partly because I was scared of the credit crisis and feel safer to land a job in insurance&risk mgmt. Now I wish to go back...
  6. L

    Does Discrete Math Help?

    Hi everyone, Im new. Just started a GradCert maths course to catch up some undergrad maths coursetafter graduated from UNSW Sydney Master of Finance_IB (Average:73/GPA:3.4=:cry:) this year. I also passed level1 CFA but not sure abt level 2 i did 2 months ago ( feel horrible....:cry:)...
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