Search results

  1. amanda.jayne

    Learning to Love Volatility - Nassim Taleb WSJ

    In a world that constantly throws big, unexpected events our way, we must learn to benefit from disorder, writes Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
  2. amanda.jayne

    CNBC: Mysterious Algorithm Was 4% of Trading Activity Last Week

    A single mysterious computer program that placed orders — and then subsequently canceled them — made up 4 percent of all quote traffic in the U.S. stock market last week, according to the top tracker of high-frequency trading activity. The motive of the algorithm is still unclear...
  3. amanda.jayne

    "An explanation of my trades": ex-UBS trader's email

    LONDON | Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:54pm BST (Reuters) - The following is the text of an email headlined "An explanation of my trades" which former UBS trader Kweku Adoboli wrote on September 14, 2011 to a company accountant, William Steward. The email has been presented in evidence at the trial...
  4. amanda.jayne

    Amazon ‘robo-pricing’ sparks fears

    Tensions over growing use of algo trading High-speed trading tools pioneered in the stock market are increasingly driving price movements on Amazonas sellers use them to undercut and outwit each other. Prices change as often as every 15 minutes as some of the 2m sellers on the site join the...
  5. amanda.jayne

    Another one bites the dust - Hedge Fund CEO Brownstein Pleads Guilty to Insider Trading
  6. amanda.jayne

    Java (Eclipse) and R - JRI/rJava

    Does anyone have any experience running R from Java in eclipse? I'm running Indigo and R v2.9.0 - I have limited options here, unfortunately. I was able to get JRI/rJava up and running and R and Java communicating with one another with a slight hack by replacing R.dll in both bin and rjava/JRI...
  7. amanda.jayne

    NY MoMath museum aims to add to math appreciation - WSJ

    Interesting.... Online: "Mathematics illuminates the patterns that abound in our world. The Museum of Mathematics strives to enhance public understanding and perception of mathematics. Its dynamic exhibits and programs will stimulate inquiry, spark curiosity, and reveal the...
  8. amanda.jayne

    Interesting app - Write code from iphone/ipad (!!)

    Codetogo - more info here It has its limitations, but a step in the right direction anyhow :) I've yet to try loading an existing file (and expect to run into problems since there is no input UI at runtime) but Im having fun playing around with it. Since...
  9. amanda.jayne

    Ebay Groupon $7 for $15

    Link from the main page small print: Limit 1 per person. Limit 1 per order. Valid only on in the U.S. Must have a registered eBay and PayPal account. Credit card info may be required at checkout. Not valid towards service fees. No cash back. May apply value toward tax...
  10. amanda.jayne

    Barnes and Noble Coupon

    Following the trend :) $10 for $20 Worth of Toys and Games, Books and More at Barnes & Noble<wbr>barnes-noble-new-york?utm_<wbr>campaign=UserReferral&utm_<wbr>medium=email&utm_source=<wbr>uu166747
  11. amanda.jayne

    Centaur Galileo - Sports Betting Hedge Fund

    Spent a nice rain drenched day at the Derby contemplating methods for dynamically regressing intra-day horse racing metrics and was tipped off to this today. Has anyone heard anything about this? :deadhorse...
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