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  1. P

    What version of Excel do you use?

    What version of Excel do you use? I need to know this to decide on what type of technology to use.
  2. P

    Can I see a sample of the programs you have written?

    Hi All, It has been a few years since I have completed the MFE at Baruch. Can you post a few of the programs you have wrote for the class you have taken? I want to see a broad spectrum. Don't worry if you code is ugly. I am trying to build a framework that can be used by students at all level...
  3. P

    Volatility Surface

    Attached is my capstone project on implied trinomial trees. The paper covers getting an implied volatility surface which may or may not help with Neftci's HW # 2. You can't change the inputs because I don't do all the checking that might cause infinite loops. I can post up the code if anyone...
  4. P

    BGM Model paper

    Hi All, Attached is the BGM Model paper. Please download and read so we can discuss on Thursday. Phat
  5. P

    credit risk spreadsheet

    this is the spreadsheet from the session of april 2
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