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    Undergraduate trying to get anaylst position

    Hello everyone, I graduated in September 2011 from SUNY Buffalo with B.S. Honors in Comp Science (G.P.A 4.0/4.0) B.A. Honors in Mathematics (G.P.A 4.0/4.0) During undergraduate i also took accounting, economics and finance courses (I was Finance major before switching to Maths). Took few...
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    Structured Products dead? Help Help Help

    Are the Structured products totally dead. Will mentioning short term career goal in Structured products in MFE application get you rejection because: 1) Maybe they will think that you don't know that the products are dead and hence didnot do proper research before applying. 2) because they are...
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    Long term options for trader?

    For someone who might join a fund as assistant trader after MFE degree, what would be the long term options?
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    Resume Length for applying to grad school?

    What should be the optimum length of resume who has done BS in Comp Science, BA in Math and have been active researcher during undergrad (only 1 publication though)?
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    MFE Grad School Essay?

    Both CMU and MIT ask in application for long term and short term career goals? How long in years is long term and how short is short term?
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    Must watch video for Quants
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    What kind of Letter of Recommendations are the best?

    Now that everyone knows that the Letter of Recommendations are an important part of the application process, the next question is what is the "thing" that the schools are looking for while going through the letter of recommendations? What kind of quality, what kind of parameters?
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    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    How many words you think should be optimum for English Verbal of GRE. I started learning 3500 from Barrons but find many words useless? Do you think the new book Barrons 800 in book should be fine? What other sources would...
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    Columbia December 1 deadline and new GRE Reporting Schedule?

    I am taking the GRE in late October and the Reporting schedule on says that the results will be mailed approximately on December 1. Now i will submit everything in application of Columbia by November 1 but because the result will reach...
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    CMU MSCF Applied Mathematics or Mathematics for MFE program? GRE Math subject test?

    I am an honors student at SUNY Bufallo. I will graduate in May 2011. I am currently a double degree student. I will get a Honors BS degree in Comp Science with NSF Certification in Data Intensive Computing and a Honors BA in Math. I am thinking of applying to class of Fall 2012 for best MFE...
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