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  1. S

    Which Department to Apply?

    Hi guys, I'm an undergrad hoping to pursue mfe. Anyway I've read on the forums and suggestions by others that if there's anything you need to add to your resume, it would be a finance internship. Just to let you guys know, I'm based in Singapore and I find it hard to look for a hedge fund here...
  2. S

    SOA exam P

    hi guys, i'm an undergrad hoping to pursue mfe. anyway, i was just wondering whether taking the SOA exam P will be a plus on my application. the thing is, i don't have the time to review for it as i'm also involved in research in my university (field related to probability & risk, the second...
  3. S

    Cover letter for IB

    hi guys, I'm applying for an internship with credit suisse and it asks me to specify 3 locations that I prefer. In my cover letter, I was wondering what I should put in the company address - do I only write the address of the credit suisse office I most prefer to do my internship in or do I...
  4. S

    Undergrad research and MFE admissions

    Hi everyone, I'm currently an applied math undergrad in Singapore. I aspire to pursue MFE after graduation, preferably in a top school in NY. I've been seizing any opportunity that my school can offer me to boost my resume as well as add value to my technical skills (like computing). Recently...
  5. S

    efficient algorithm for numerical quadrature

    I have this function: (K_{i\mu} (z) = \frac{1}{\sinh{({\pi \mu}/2})} \int^\infty_0 \sin{(z \sinh{t})} \sin{(\mu t)} \,dt) which appears in a bond pricing formula I'm trying to implement in C++. The function inside the integral seems sinusoidal as it is a product of two sinusoidal functions (ie...
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