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  1. C

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Review

    This is a very late reply and I do apologize in advance, but I thought I might as well reply for the sake of future readers of this thread. What I believe Me.rahul is missing here is essentially putting himself in the shoes of other people who may not have the required time at some points to...
  2. C

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Review

    Most take it online because they can't physically attend. If you live nearby and you can attend the classes I would highly urge you to do so.
  3. C

    UCB MFE UCB Pre-Program Review

    Unfortunately I don't have much time to elaborate on this issue; will try and do so at some point in the future. But as a UCB MFE applicant and one that took the three pre-program courses I can say that I am on the same page as Sky on this. With regards to the application, I don't remember being...
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