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  1. G

    Finance jobs in non-finance firms.

    I am a freshman undergrad and am pretty drawn to the idea of a career as a quant, but if I ultimately decide not to pursue that, how would a degree in Applied Math w/ OR minor, or a degree in OR w/ many econ+finance electives, be looked upon for the jobs you are speaking of?
  2. G

    Superbowl XLIV prediction

    I like the Saints, theyre more of a balanced team i'd say. Peyton Manning carries that team on his back
  3. G

    Columbia MSOR Columbia OR:FE Undergrad?

    Ok, thats good to know. So what kind of career would that program lead to, if not quant?
  4. G

    Columbia MSOR Columbia OR:FE Undergrad?

    Right. The two programs are: 1. OR 2. OR/FE (technically an OR major with FE concentration) Now I was wondering if the OR/FE program, specifically, has any sort of reputation, and how effectively it prepares its students for careers as quants. (I am speaking strictly of undergrad, not...
  5. G

    Columbia MSOR Columbia OR:FE Undergrad?

    Columbia University's engineering school offers a major in Operations Reseach/Financial Engineering, and I was wondering what kind of reputation the program has? And also what types of opportunities it presents, strengths or weaknesses of the program, etc? Thanks for answering! -Gordo...
  6. G

    Life of a quant

    Thanks a ton for the answers you guys Ok, so a quant can expect to work 70-80 hrs/week. i mean I'm sure quants expect to have families at some point, so say 10 years or so into your career, is there a sector that quants can switch over to and use their experience to still make a good amount...
  7. G

    Life of a quant

    I'm sorry if this information is already posted somewhere, but I'd looked around and couldnt find it. I'm an undergraduate trying to decide what career or at least field I'd like to go into, and I was just wondering about the lifestyle of a quant. I know that people in non-quant finance are...
  8. G

    Best Major/minor combo

    Ok great thanks for the input you guys:prayer:
  9. G

    Best Major/minor combo

    Ok thanks a lot you guys, I'm almost ready to leave u alone ;) So you seem to agree on that fact that because I plan to go for an MFE, that it would be unnecessary to major in FE undergrad, and I should focus on math and CS. So would u recommend a CS major with applied math minor or vice...
  10. G

    Best Major/minor combo

    Ok, would there be any chance tthough that as far as getting into a top MFE program, that having that FE major would help at all? And thanks a lot for the responses u guys :prayer:
  11. G

    Best Major/minor combo

    Thanks for the response! Ok so you said it also depends on whether I plan to go directly into a masters program. Is your recommendation of FE/comp sci for that scenario? Because that's what I'd hope to do. ---------- Post added at 08:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 AM...
  12. G

    Best Major/minor combo

    Best Undergrad Major/minor combo I am currently halfway done with my freshman year in the engineering school at Columbia. I just recently decided I'd like to pursue a career as a quant, and I was wondering what the best path would be. To me, it seems that major in FE and minor in comp sci...
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