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  1. A

    MSc in High Frequency Finance and Trading

    Thanks traderjoe and bigbadwolf for your fedback. I am actually hoping to sit my GMAT in the next month or so and on the basis of the result was intending on applying for an MBA at places such as LBS. However, since I would be applying for the 2011 intake I thought that in the meantime perhaps...
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    MSc in High Frequency Finance and Trading

    Thanks for your replies guys. Essentially I have been offered a place to study the MSc High Frequency Finance and Trading at Essex and the MSc Financial Computing at UCL. I have traded for over 5 years, mostly UK Cash Equities at Van Der Moolen, when they were based in the UK. Since I have...
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    MSc in High Frequency Finance and Trading

    Hi just wanted to know what people's thought on the MSc in High Frequency Finance and Trading taught at Essex University? Will it help you to move into high frqency trading? Or is the fact that it is from Essex Uni put recruiters and potential employers off?
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