Search results

  1. B

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    Well they even added another round of admissions. This clearly shows they didnot get good applicants and the ones which were admitted are backing out. Shame on MIT brand.
  2. B

    Cornell Application

    i got too. i think everyone got it.
  3. B

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    Well i think one reason why MIT placement is poor compared to Columbia MFE or CMU MSCF is because their program is not true Quant program. I would not expect any better by any 1 year program in Finance.
  4. B

    MIT MFin 2011 MIT MFin Placement Report

    very poor Placement stats by MIT
  5. B

    MIT MFin MIT Master of Finance Employment Statistics?

    you seemed to be lot more concerned than him.
  6. B

    GRE Verbal - Does it matter for MFE for major programs

    i think the person never asked if the GRE only will get you in grad school. His question is more like on importance of Verbal score and in my opinion 90 percent on verbal is not the threshold where questions get raised.
  7. B

    GRE Verbal - Does it matter for MFE for major programs

    i think around 60 percentile is the level around which it is still ok. below 50 percent i think is looked a little negatively.
  8. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Please search the forum for your questions as you will find lot of questions already answered. You need to be more professional and do some homework before just asking people out there.
  9. B

    Will Java be acceptable?

    Most of the programming work at CMU is in C++ hence they recommend that the student has some C++ experience
  10. B

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    hope Columbia University gives you better result. Also the acceptance rate of Baruch is very low so you could have expected that
  11. B

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    what was the persons GRE quant score? Maybe he/she had 800+400. Also i am surprised that after doing Bachelors in Fin Math your quant score is just 750.
  12. B

    Help choosing major. High School senior interested in Quantitative Finance

    i dont think you can do any "meaningful" C++ without the knowledge of pointers.
  13. B

    COMPARE UCB vs CMU admission competition

    Students who are ready to invest $ 75000 in CMU MSCF would not leave UCB application for $125 (extra cost compared to CMU application). I think it has to do more with location of UCB and more importantly the timing of admission deadlines of UCB.
  14. B

    Chances of getting into a top UK MFE Program

    What would you say are the top quant programs in UK?
  15. B

    Is there a way to tag a user on the forum ?

    good Sudeep. u got it.
  16. B

    Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

    thats right. it says in the application
  17. B

    need some advice on choosing MFE over MBA and possible career prospects

    did you try doing any research by yourself before posting this question on the forum? you can begin here:
  18. B

    Recommended Professor

    Deniz Sezer made a fake account by the name of JoeM???
  19. B

    Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    I personally think it is Quantnet ranking effect.
  20. B

    Will an A- affect my application?

    never heard that before in my life
  21. B

    Will an A- affect my application?

    As an CS/Math major, i think it is very true. Also i was a Finance major initially but switched from Finance to Math
  22. B

    Will an A- affect my application?

    no, 1 course grade doesnt say anything
  23. B

    Why is C++ good for Quantitative Finance? Top 3 reasons

    Java is not really used much in time sensitive industry
  24. B

    Great Green Card news for people from China, India

    very rightly said. The small business in India owners are about to be washed away.
  25. B


    yes i have
  26. B

    Career Change

    Considering that you have a little weak math background, want to do MFE and eventually get into trading, you should go for a program hosted by the business school rather than Math or Engineering school.Example: MIT. Also you need to start making quick moves if you are targeting 2012.
  27. B

    Career Change

    you dont need MFE to get into trading
  28. B

    advise for application

    I would say "lot tougher"
  29. B

    C++ compiler for Mac
  30. B

    Quant score for MFE programs

    the reason i think this rule was implemented is because lot of tutor sort of people were retaking the tests thereby inflating the actual student average. Paper GRE: I think only left in African and some south American countries
  31. B

    Quant score for MFE programs

    i think getting into Rutgers and NYU-Poly for you should be easy. The more important question is that if it is worth going to these institutions in current market conditions
  32. B

    Quant score for MFE programs

    Not allowed to retake for 60 days after an attempt (new gre rules)
  33. B

    Quant score for MFE programs

    Average quant score of admitted MFE students at Cornell last year was 791, just so you know. Dont know about the filter though. I got 169(98 percentile) on quant and am hoping its not too low.
  34. B

    Application Advice Needed

    detail your academic profile here and then someone will be able to guide you better
  35. B

    Black Friday wishlist

    its might be a very good product but i personally feel it is over priced. P/E ratio too high;)
  36. B

    Black Friday wishlist

    Kindle Fire wont go on sale as Amazon is already loosing around $10 selling each piece, the DX is not worth buying
  37. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Personally i know couple people who could not get top school in US and were offered a place at LSE. Tracker just supports the view. It is nothing to do with location. There are many schools outside US which are much harder to get in than MBA at Wharton. Example: IIM Ahemdabad, India . Acceptance...
  38. B

    Undergraduate trying to get anaylst position

    I want to work on the buy side after MFE. Want to make models and quant trading strategies. I know IB is dead for this kind of job but if i get into top MFE can i get a modeling place in a Hedge Fund or something along those lines?
  39. B

    Application Rounds Matter?

    we were talking about rolling admissions. I thought Baruch offered that but you would have more insight being from Baruch
  40. B

    Undergraduate trying to get anaylst position

    Hello everyone, I graduated in September 2011 from SUNY Buffalo with B.S. Honors in Comp Science (G.P.A 4.0/4.0) B.A. Honors in Mathematics (G.P.A 4.0/4.0) During undergraduate i also took accounting, economics and finance courses (I was Finance major before switching to Maths). Took few...
  41. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Safe bet for admission, not quant job.
  42. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    so the admission rate is 4%. Any info on the acceptance rate? Also i think ahe based his/her opinion after looking at the trackers at quantnet. I also have feeling that LSE is a very safe bet for a good candidate.
  43. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    @Freakonometrics: Where do you get the info that the selection rate of LSE is 4%. I heard that the admission rate was around 10% and acceptance rate around 20%?
  44. B

    Wow! A lot of new laptops have come out!

    Just like in financial markets, intelligent investors buy premium products at value prices. Just purchased Macbook Pro (2.0 ghz quad core, 500 GB 7200 RPM, 4GB Ram) with 2 year remaining Apple Care for $1100 from craigslist.
  45. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    forget High school, tell your college work. you have been saying you have quant back ground from high school and programming background from high school.
  46. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Hi ahe Most of the schools have few fundamental Math courses that you need to have taken in order to be even considered. These include: 1. Probability 2. Statistics 3. Differential Equations 4. Linear Agebra 5. Calculus series These are the basics, any added courses like PDE, Stochastic...
  47. B

    Zhirinovsky for 2012

    just saw few videos, dont know how Cain handles his business. He looks so lost
  48. B

    Career opportunities for tier 2 mfe program grads

    i would recommend not going. I think you will be wasting just too much money and taking too much risk for the little salary increase you might get. And it would be even worse if you end up getting a coding job after doing all this.
  49. B

    Engineering Majors Study the Hardest, Business students the least

    Engineers do lot more than solving theoretical math book problems, atleast at the undergraduate level. I have just completed my Bachelors in Mathematics and Computer Science. For me Math was real easy part compared to coding complex comp science projects. Also courses like Machine Learning in...
  50. B

    MIT MFin Oversubscribed, MIT MFin offers admitted students $8K to defer

    I have heard that the applications have increased substantially this year. Why not get the most amount of money with same fixed costs
  51. B

    Berkeley Reveals Plan for Academic Center in China

    I think Education is the major force behind the innovation, which had kept US ahead of the world. But now with the finest educational institutions going to countries like China we might see a major change where the next Google and Twitter are born. Assumptions: 1. The education standard of the...
  52. B

    Application Rounds Matter?

    I am not sure about "most". I only know of Baruch among the top programs which does that
  53. B

    Application Rounds Matter?

    I could not get my application my application to CMU for Round 1 and will get it there on Round 2. Lets see how it goes. But yes Round 3 is the hardest. I think Round 2 still is ok. (of course i am biased)
  54. B

    COMPARE LSE Risk and Stochastics vs CASS Actuarial Management

    Go for LSE. Cass cannot even be compared to the LSE brand name
  55. B

    Application Rounds Matter?

    I think one should apply in the round in which he can present the best application.
  56. B

    Black Friday wishlist

    go for Thinkpad W520. Lenovo issues some black friday coupons
  57. B

    Apply to MFE with pending courses

    if you want to get into good school apply next year and by that time clear your exam, get solid gre score, get a job in asset management and study a couple advanced courses of math next semster. If you want to get into tier 2 schools you can apply now. your call
  58. B

    Apply to MFE with pending courses

    i never knew that it comes up as fail on transcript so i am changing my recommendation from apply to donot apply. Fail is an extreme put off. You are not Math major and are neither from IIT so your profile was already weak and Fail kills it totally
  59. B

    Apply to MFE with pending courses

    strongly agreed. Andy had to fix a thread name yesterday
  60. B

    Oxford MFE results

    The rankings were meant for the Masters in Finance and i am still in shock what FT came up with. Also DominiConnor where is Cass placed in your books?
  61. B

    Apply to MFE with pending courses

    i would recommend applying. explain the backlog in the essay
  62. B

    Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

    noone can tell u if u stand a chance if u dont tell your profile completely. academic in which stream? which uni? there are a lot of factors other than gre quant which decide whether you get into the school.
  63. B

    Oxford MFE results

    MFEOxford: I dont know about the Oxford MFE program and it may be as good as you are portraying it to be but i can tell you that the rankings of FT are poor.The best school in US according to them is: 14 Brandeis University USA MA International Economics and Finance 67,432 24 which is...
  64. B

    Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

    well you have wrong info, the max for new ones is 170 while the old test can match to a maximum of 166. your score can be matched to 790 quant of old version.
  65. B

    Wondering about the next step

    You wrote you were a Math and Physics major. Where does BBA and CS come from?
  66. B

    Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

    Awesome scores bro. Where all you applying ddrolet ?
  67. B

    Quantnet rank British programs?

    i thought of applying to UK schools but because of lack of data i gave up on them. Rutgers MFE is also in the same boat. They dont give acceptance rate and for me personally it is very important indicator of school quality and i think Andy Nguyen thinks the same thereby 10 percent weight to it...
  68. B

    Quantnet rank British programs?

    I personally think that the UK programs are not transparent. Even LSE does not give acceptance rate to their Finance program. It does however give admission rate which people mistakenly take as acceptance rate and feel good about.
  69. B

    Which is more important, stat or econ?

    .05 in GPA doesnt matter. Go ahead and take the course.
  70. B

    Scaled scores for the new GRE are posted!

    then they will change percentile for 170
  71. B

    Quant Finance is Dead!!

    i would not say dead. What i think will happen is that only the best in both technical and personal skills will be able to get good jobs. Personal skills will become lot more stronger component than it was while hiring
  72. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    i will say go for Rutgers as it is near NYC. Also IIT in Chicago looks good for your profile. Being in Chicago would help again.
  73. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    i would advice you to wait for your exact quant score as 750- 800 is a very wide range. Your gpa seems to be bit low too. Look the tracker and the profile of students and you would be able to get an idea of what schools are for you.
  74. B

    CMU MSCF CMU MSCF Admission results

    Lot of Indians and Chinese students are getting to know MFE as it is getting famous in those countries. Hence the increased number of applicants. Also they dont know much abt the job situation.
  75. B

    Green card process?

    u dont write stuff like this on forums. You dont know who is watching you.
  76. B

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    well personally i have heard that if u have more than 2 undergrad degrees that can be little put off too as it shows u didnt know wht u wanna do. especially if the degrees were not connected . i will recommend retaking gre and ace it. Also the applications seem to have increased exponentially...
  77. B

    UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

    seems like you got below 90 percentile in your GRE or GMAT. That must would have been the biggest putoff
  78. B

    Scaled scores for the new GRE are posted!

    so it is official: the old 800 is new 166.
  79. B

    Scaled scores for the new GRE are posted!

    i think you can answer 4 questions wrong to get 94 percentile (makes sense as new questions are harder from what people say). Also for the new gre not only is harder to get 170 because all the questions should be right. you also have to answer harder questions.
  80. B

    Scaled scores for the new GRE are posted!

    the competition just got harder.
  81. B

    new GRE scoring (multiple correct answers)

    have u given the new test?
  82. B

    new GRE scoring (multiple correct answers)

    What book are you preparing from for Maths?
  83. B

    John McCarthy has passed away

    Steve Jobs?
  84. B

    Michigan MFE asking for revising advise

    they banned even google. "tht was the worst"
  85. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    the ones listed as "(Semi) Backups" by the poster i personally think are tier 2
  86. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I would recommend not going to Tier 2 schools especially because of market these days. Masters in Stat can also land you the right job if you take right electives. And if you dont have to spend money there, i would advise you to take that option. Also are you from one of the SUNY schools?
  87. B

    Michigan MFE asking for revising advise

    i am shocked to hear that youtube is banned in China
  88. B

    What are your favorite Wall-street themed movies?
  89. B

    Graduate with Latin Honors from MFE?

    I think latin honors are for undergraduate degrees.
  90. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    yes you can do that.
  91. B

    biggest insider trading sentence

    You changed your picture. I always thought the previous picture was you. Anyway looks better now
  92. B

    biggest insider trading sentence

    I think he is a victim. Most probably he didnot have any good information to tell to the authorities so he couldnt even get a bargain.
  93. B

    Acceptance Rates for MFE programs

    Andy Nguyen Hi Andy, Can you post the acceptance numbers for CMU 2011 as they are not on the thread? Did i type the alert in right way?
  94. B

    Another MFE after an MFE?

    thats the way they define their MFE as it is offered by the business school
  95. B

    Another MFE after an MFE? This is the thread where TraderJoe mentions it. Last comment
  96. B

    Another MFE after an MFE?

    i heard that there was a case where a student from SUNY Buffalo MFE went to UCB after completion. I think UCB can be you best bet because of the guidance provided by their director. Also do CFA to be competitive
  97. B

    MIT MFin Profile Evaluation

    Hi Sarah Even though you have a great profile but it is not good for MIT MFin as you donot have quantitative background like Cal1, 2,3 , Linear Algebra, Diff Eqn, Stat, Probability, Stochastic Processes .. etc Its like you are one of the very good chess player but want to join a poker school...
  98. B

    Occupy Wall St.

    Are you talking about the host? He is a former US marine
  99. B

    Structured Products dead? Help Help Help

    Are the Structured products totally dead. Will mentioning short term career goal in Structured products in MFE application get you rejection because: 1) Maybe they will think that you don't know that the products are dead and hence didnot do proper research before applying. 2) because they are...
  100. B

    Occupy Wall St. Bloomberg says people misguided to target banks and i agree
  101. B

    Occupy Wall St.

    ya i have seen the movie. But i think EVERYONE seems to be confused about the wall street. I think Wall Street is a big target because of the concentration of lot of Investment banks at one place. People donot like lawyers and doctors earning huge money (especially the ones who dropped out of...
  102. B

    Occupy Wall St.

    that video is very good
  103. B

    Occupy Wall St.

    i like the beer part of it.
  104. B

    Occupy Wall St.

    I hope the government is not influenced by them to take further actions. I think these people need to be explained what people do at wall street. The only thing they are concerned about is why wall streeters get paid more. They dont understant that these people go to college and lot of them...
  105. B

    Financial Engineering Phd

    Pig, You will have to elaborate lot more on your profile for someone to be able to help you.
  106. B

    More mathematical finance

    the reason lot of authors are not doing ebook these days is because if it gets on internet, the book sales drop extremely.
  107. B

    Learn SQL

    if you know other computer language then it is better as you can grasp it more quickly but being a query language it is very different from others and is lot easier too . You would not need to learn another base language bit you should spend some time grasping the structure of the language and...
  108. B

    Long term options for trader?

    For someone who might join a fund as assistant trader after MFE degree, what would be the long term options?
  109. B

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    if you just became member of this forum to criticize the rankings( i am talking about Nubie) and want to waste other peoples time, its better you remain out. my wording is harsh but i do not like to waste my time reading such people. Quantnet is for people who want to help each other to get in...
  110. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    I think you should be able to get in 1) very very easily, so go for them
  111. B

    COMPARE difficult choice: Umich MFE or Gatech QCF

    got it thnx. but i am still not sure if tht is the reason as even most of the tier 1 courses have majority of international students.
  112. B

    COMPARE difficult choice: Umich MFE or Gatech QCF

    arent you contradicting yourself in the statement??
  113. B

    Any suggestions for good books for preparing the GRE- New Format

    well every question got counted even before. The way it is graded that you get a ful score if you are above a particular percentile. So it is relative grading, relative to other peoples score.
  114. B

    Any suggestions for good books for preparing the GRE- New Format

    why not just make it 0-40 then?? I personally think that 1-2 question wrong will still get you 170 because they have to keep the new scores parallel to the old scores and hence in order to maintain the consistency so that the students who gave GRE before are not benefited, the pattern should be...
  115. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Forget Tier 1, maybe not even Tier 2. The Maths in Financial Engineering is much^2 higher than the GRE high school math. Even if you get in you will not be able to perform because of the lack of mathematical knowledge and thereby waste an year Might sound rude but that is the fact. Go for MBA...
  116. B

    Resume Length for applying to grad school?

    Because i could not get you to the other thread, i brought the other thread here: Both CMU and MIT ask in application for long term and short term career goals? How long in years is long term and how short is short term? Is short term after graduation? Really value your opinion Andy so looking...
  117. B

    MFE Grad School Essay?

    3-5 years after graduation right? just want to be 100 percent sure before is start writing
  118. B

    Resume Length for applying to grad school?

    What should be the optimum length of resume who has done BS in Comp Science, BA in Math and have been active researcher during undergrad (only 1 publication though)?
  119. B

    MFE Grad School Essay?

    Well i will be going full time in Fall 2012. So short term will be 2-3 years after graduation and long term 7-10 years after the graduation? Andy your comments are welcome as you have a lot of knowledge in this area
  120. B

    MFE Grad School Essay?

    6 moth - 1 year after graduation from program or right after you had sent the application??
  121. B

    MFE Grad School Essay?

    Both CMU and MIT ask in application for long term and short term career goals? How long in years is long term and how short is short term?
  122. B

    Must watch video for Quants
  123. B

    What kind of Letter of Recommendations are the best?

    Quant being a very small and specialized area we can always tell the professors what qualities these program require and if they have seen these qualities in you and if they can write about them.
  124. B

    What kind of Letter of Recommendations are the best?

    Now that everyone knows that the Letter of Recommendations are an important part of the application process, the next question is what is the "thing" that the schools are looking for while going through the letter of recommendations? What kind of quality, what kind of parameters?
  125. B

    Need some help on selecting MFE

    Whether you get into IB is not the question. Whether you land up being a trader is the question?
  126. B

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    he has to look into future too. maybe those schools participate next time. writing about the schools that did not participate can make the relationships sour.
  127. B

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    that is called giving to the community which benefit hundreds of students as there are no present resources. That is what i respect about this forum and Andy who is doing work and not whining like Emalu
  128. B

    Second BS or MS Please Help!

    I would go for BS in Comp Science. With Math degree you can enter AI industry and do very good
  129. B

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Quantnet has helped me immensely regarding application procedure. They are helping quant community and i thank Andy greatly for that
  130. B

    2011-2012 Quantnet Ranking of Financial Engineering (MFE) Programs

    Atleast he is going a lot for the community. What are you doing? Sitting in your mothers basement and crying like a baby. Go call your mother if your university was not ranked. I am not in any of the ranked universities but i will apply for Fall 2012 and appreciate greatly what Andy has done. I...
  131. B

    Guess the new 2011 MFE rankings!!

    will be out in 8 hours
  132. B

    GRE Score about the MFE Phd?

    800/800 quant 650+ verbal depending on the program 4.5+ writing
  133. B


    smart Germans become engineers, smart Americans become lawyers. - That was the best part. Maybe also quants?
  134. B

    Sample quant resumes out of Grad school

    I am applying to Grad schools for Fall 2012. Started working on my academic resume yesterday. If you dont mind i would like to send it to you when i get done so that you can read it and help me improve. If you have time and are willing to help.
  135. B

    Sample quant resumes out of Grad school

    cmon guys do u have so much time to look at the mistakes in the resumes?
  136. B

    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    Its like saying the US has reduced its debt to zero. That was the most outrageous claim ever heard
  137. B


    I learned in my Macroeconomic 101 that outsourcing is a result of competitive advantage which is result of globalization and intense competition. hence it is good. The best and the cheapest should get the work done
  138. B

    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    well if i learn 1500 words i will be targeting for a month to learn them and then there wont be any time for the 3500. is there any good 1500-2000 word list you know of?
  139. B

    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    i have 2 months but i felt some of the words on Barrons 3500 could never be on the test now. i would rather spend my time on words i will be tested on. what would be the best vocab source for new gre? i am targeting around 1500 words?
  140. B

    Number of words to learn for GRE?

    How many words you think should be optimum for English Verbal of GRE. I started learning 3500 from Barrons but find many words useless? Do you think the new book Barrons 800 in book should be fine? What other sources would...
  141. B

    Columbia December 1 deadline and new GRE Reporting Schedule?

    Any views from other members of the forum???
  142. B

    Columbia December 1 deadline and new GRE Reporting Schedule?

    I am taking the GRE in late October and the Reporting schedule on says that the results will be mailed approximately on December 1. Now i will submit everything in application of Columbia by November 1 but because the result will reach...
  143. B

    London riots

    Its not only for this reason. They have been wanting to go out since long, last year they had talks with government about taxes and all. This i think will add up to the frustration to get out of London.
  144. B

    London riots

    Does anyone see the banks slowly moving out of london given the economic and political situation? Do you think they will move towards Germany or France if the movement is towards Europe?
  145. B

    India's educational system

    I think his comments are too immature for the forum and so is he.
  146. B

    India's educational system

    Please post request to Andy if you want BigBadWolf banned.
  147. B

    India's educational system

    Well you have proved that you are too immature for this forum by calling other people stupid.
  148. B

    India's educational system

    Maybe you have had the misfortune of meeting the worst of the students. I am currently studying in one of the very good public schools in US. I am Comp Science major and i know fellow Americans who are senior(comp science major) and dont know how to compile the C code. I myself am very...
  149. B

    India's educational system

    It would have been a fact had he been there himself.
  150. B

    India's educational system

    This is racial comment. Were you there at the university when the professor delivered the lecture? If not, i would like you to remove the comment.
  151. B

    Analyst or Associate?

    With phd you should be able to begin as Associate
  152. B


    If Uniform Yes
  153. B


    Normal Random Variable or Uniform Random Variable?
  154. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Hi Andy Nguyen, Thanks for the reply What is more important recommendation from professors who know you personally and can write personalized letters but are not that highly ranked or professors who are highly ranked but dont know you that well so will write generic letter. Also where should...
  155. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Tsotne, I have a solid background in C++ as i have done lot of Operating System projects and other projects outside academic curriculum. I am worried about not having taken Num Analysis 1 and 2. How do you think can i boost my profile? Should i extend my graduation to take Num Analysis or...
  156. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Hi Can you please evaluate my profile. More than asking whether i can get in or not in top programs, i am asking what more should i do so as to boost my chances of getting into one of the top 10 schools for Masters in CF. Undergraduate School: State University of New York at Buffalo...
  157. B

    "MFE program profile evaluation" master thread

    Please Please Please Evaluate my profile I want to apply to the best of MFE programs for Fall 2012. If you can advice me what all should i do in next 1 year before the summer to boost my chances of getting in the MFE programs. I really really need your feedback Profile: Honors BS in...
  158. B

    CMU MSCF Applied Mathematics or Mathematics for MFE program? GRE Math subject test?

    I am an honors student at SUNY Bufallo. I will graduate in May 2011. I am currently a double degree student. I will get a Honors BS degree in Comp Science with NSF Certification in Data Intensive Computing and a Honors BA in Math. I am thinking of applying to class of Fall 2012 for best MFE...
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