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  1. Willensmacht

    Free access to MATLAB?

    I did look through the programs on the 6th floor computers and didn't see MATLAB. I even asked one of the people working there and they said they didn't have it. I will definitely look again on Monday. It was probably right in front of my eyes. What got me interested in MATLAB was an...
  2. Willensmacht

    Free access to MATLAB?

    I am trying to learn MATLAB on my own and, as far as I see, MATLAB has no trial versions available on their site for students. I have also asked around the Subotnik center (I am referring to Baruch College) and they do not seem to make this software available. Might anyone know if the company...
  3. Willensmacht

    I'd love any advice you may have on Baruch's undergrad math major

    Andy, I take every point to heart. Thank you. I just contacted Christian via private message, and I am hunting down the WetFeet guidebook to networking, which you recommend elsewhere. As far as programming goes, would you personally recommend any particular C++ book for beginners...
  4. Willensmacht

    I'd love any advice you may have on Baruch's undergrad math major

    Baruch has a concentration within its undergraduate mathematics major called "mathematics of finance" which, according to Dr. Stefanica himself in a 2006 The Ticker article, will prepare one above and beyond what they need to enter the MFE program. I was wondering... 1. Is there anyone...
  5. Willensmacht

    Greetings, all.

    Hello, everyone. My name is Sebastian and I am a recent undergraduate transfer at Baruch. I became interested in Baruch's MFE program while doing research on Baruch before enrolling. I discovered an article wherein the Dr. Stefanica, the program director, mentions a specific concentration...
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