Search results

  1. MiloRambaldi

    Terry Tao, the greatest mathematician in the world

    I guess you must work in finance? It is? QuantNet is a quantitative finance forum. Because finance is so far beneath you?
  2. MiloRambaldi

    Terry Tao, the greatest mathematician in the world

    I guess you must work in finance? Look at the title of the thread. It invited debate on who is the best mathematician. IMHO, it the best result that counts and my impression is that none of Tao's (obviously great) achievements has equaled Perelman's achievement, no matter how many fields he...
  3. MiloRambaldi

    Terry Tao, the greatest mathematician in the world

    He's not that young anymore ;) Nor the best of our time, IMHO (not quite at the level of say Perelman).
  4. MiloRambaldi

    Financial Engineering in Toronto

    Good luck with that. Toronto is not remotely comparable to the US or London, and not just in scale.
  5. MiloRambaldi

    Functional Programming

    I meant "not doable in C#" at a deeper level. In your example, you have the option of avoiding generics (e.g. MatrixDouble, MatrixInt, etc...) at the expense of code maintainability. But it seems the entire concept of arbitrary combinations of objects for the purpose of computation is not...
  6. MiloRambaldi

    Functional Programming

    Interesting. Implicit inlining is relied on more than I realized.
  7. MiloRambaldi

    Functional Programming

    I don't know about that. Genetic programming off the top of my head seems like it could conceivably use arbitrary levels of compositions. In fact, this caught my attention because this is what they were trying to do at the last (FT) job I had: The boss had an idea that objects representing...
  8. MiloRambaldi

    Functional Programming

    You mention no run-time type erasure, but avoiding indirection can be crucial for some applications of compositions. For example, if composition is nested (n-1)-times, e.g. for n=4: auto f_4 = compose(f_3, compose(f_2, compose(f_1, f_0))); then if I am not mistaken you will have 3 levels of...
  9. MiloRambaldi

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    No, you plugged in z=0 on the RHS. Sorry, you need to be more careful than that ;) We can actually use the same idea as for \(p=\frac12\): Let \(g(z)=\log(f(z))'=\frac{f'(z)}{f(z)}\), which is defined on \([0,1)\) since \(f(0)>0\) as you pointed out earlier. From \(g(z)=pg(pz+q)+qg(qz+p)\), we...
  10. MiloRambaldi

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    To finish what we started: Given \(0<p<1\), from @zlatancrew we have \(f(z)=f(pz+q)f(qz+p)\qquad(1)\). Assume that \(E[X+Y]=f'(1)<\infty\). @zlatancrew pointed out that we have already proved it for \(p=\frac12\). Let \(\lambda=f'(1)\). As @Hi Rez suggested: Claim 1. \(f^{( n...
  11. MiloRambaldi

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I think you are on the right track, and that @Hi Rez is possibly already there: If the pgf \(f\) is also entire, or at least has radius of convergence > 1, then \(f^{( k )}(1)=E[X(X-1)(X-2)...(X-k+1)] = \lambda^k\) would imply that \(f(x)=e^{\lambda(x-1)}\) because they have the same Taylor...
  12. MiloRambaldi

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I can't understand why g"(1) must be defined, even for the left derivative (since 1 is not in the interior of the domain)? When we talk about the \(f^{( n )}(1)\) , this uses differentiation of the series defining f term by term.
  13. MiloRambaldi

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Good point that b=-a is automatic.
  14. MiloRambaldi

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    I'm not sure what you mean by "the factorial moments of X are of the form \(\lambda^k\)"?
  15. MiloRambaldi

    Quantitative Interview questions and answers

    Looks perfect up to (3) but I couldn't follow the rest. It seems you were close with the idea of using the Identity Theorem. I can do the special case \(p=\frac12\) with the additional assumption that the generating function is an entire function: \(f(z)=f(\frac{z+1}2)^2\qquad\) (4) Then...
  16. MiloRambaldi

    Why C++ and not Java??

    Oh, is that so:
  17. MiloRambaldi

    Why C++ and not Java??

    He just copy and pasted from Post #4, from 2007.
  18. MiloRambaldi

    actual C++ interview question

    Actually, the interviewer claimed that "a copy ctor is not generated". If "function body code generation" includes inlined functions, then I believe your quote from the standard, and also your code example, prove him wrong. If the copy ctor is used (i.e. odr-used) then the code is generated for...
  19. MiloRambaldi

    actual C++ interview question

    So it appears that the interviewer was for the most part correct, though it was a bit of a trick question. An implicit copy constructor is automatically declared but not auto-generated in the sense of an actual compiled function body. Now my understanding is that when a trivial copy constructor...
  20. MiloRambaldi

    actual C++ interview question

    Another basic test question? I don't recall exactly. After he said the answer was wrong I clarified that it is only generated if the copy constructor is actually called. But he said something about how a copy constructor shouldn't be called because the class should be treated as a struct of...
  21. MiloRambaldi

    actual C++ interview question

    That's what I said, but the interviewer said I was wrong. Yanking my chain I guess, considering the group.
  22. MiloRambaldi

    actual C++ interview question

    If a class only has non-const PODs, e.g. class A { int x; double d; }; is a copy-constructor auto-generated?
  23. MiloRambaldi

    What should I expect if I graduate from the University of Toronto program?

    Sadly, my only quant experience (aside from freelance consulting) has been in Canada. My experiences have been completely at odds with what I read, here and on Wilmott, about being a quant.
  24. MiloRambaldi

    COMPARE Georgia Tech QCF vs Boston University Mathematical Finance

    You are way off there, because an MFE is not a product. For example, no one worries about consequences or retaliation from writing a bad product review. Also, doing an MFE can have a huge impact on your future (positive or negative). People are not going to be comfortable coming out and saying...
  25. MiloRambaldi

    Am I too old?

    This is probably the most absurd thing I've ever read on this forum. Read up on some history of mathematics if you are interested in the truth. Well, it was for a junior trading role, and I was told they did not want candidates over the age of 25. This is called age discrimination. I'm not...
  26. MiloRambaldi

    Am I too old?

    Age discrimination is rampant in the US based on what I've read (including some examples above). From quant finance forums I gather that it is not as bad in finance as say Silicon Valley. I've been told I'm over the age limit for some jobs in Asia where I guess there are no laws against it...
  27. MiloRambaldi

    C++11/14 what do we need to know?

    Some things that I've found useful from C++11: boost::thread has been incorporated into the standard (i.e. std::thread), and even a bit of added language support. Language support for lambda expressions! (I'm not sure how it compares to boost::lambda but I would assume much better.) Range based...
  28. MiloRambaldi

    Career path related to quantitative research job in financial industry

    Good point. Self-reported fraudulent placement statistics can also feed these delusions.
  29. MiloRambaldi

    10 things you can do while waiting for admissions result

    11. If you get rejected it could be a big blessing in disguise.
  30. MiloRambaldi

    PhD in EE in toronto looking for quant developer

    If you are only applying in Toronto, that could be a big problem. I'm doubtful there are many legitimate quant developer roles here. Most of what you read on QuantNet does not apply to the Toronto market. I've seen "quant developers" in senior roles here that are so bad they would be fired...
  31. MiloRambaldi

    Toronto MMF - any recommended computer?

    Yes, that is it. I did not see it under "Your Content" but it's clearly there. I'm glad to hear there is no censorship here (if @Fer Carranza is correct)! I'm not sure how much, but some posts have been deleted at Wilmott by their admin.
  32. MiloRambaldi

    Toronto MMF - any recommended computer?

    I was going to link to a cautionary thread, where a couple of students alleged to have been badly harmed by that program. The point being that you may want to limit spending but also go for a very durable model. I still have my laptop from 5 years ago when I was an MFE student. I can write code...
  33. MiloRambaldi

    Collection of Admission Numbers from MFE Programs

    Some of those numbers are "mistaken".
  34. MiloRambaldi

    Compile Errors != Linker Errors, BTW why do I get Linker errors?

    If anyone cares to give a brief definition of what a unit test is, I would be interested.
  35. MiloRambaldi

    Little question on best-of of 2 calls

    It's not clear at all, nor does it look correct. For one thing, the first two sentences appear to violate no free lunch. 1) Presumably your question concerns what is a more attractive for someone selling the option assuming they want to hedge the risk (assuming something like Black-Scholes, the...
  36. MiloRambaldi

    Avoid this U of Toronto MMF program: SCAM

    Really, you graduated from their program without knowing what a contradiction is?? Not only is there a possible scenario where both of his statements hold true (i.e. no contradition), there is a very plausible hypothesis. It seems that even those in favour of the program are in agreement about...
  37. MiloRambaldi

    Avoid this U of Toronto MMF program: SCAM

    Wrong. At UFT, the School of Graduate Studies mandates that all academic departments very clearly inform graduate students of appeal procedures in the event of failing certain examinations (definitely PhD comprehensive examination, I forget exactly what the scope is). It is the department's...
  38. MiloRambaldi

    Avoid this U of Toronto MMF program: SCAM

    Not just any program, the one affiliated with Canada's most prestigious university which also has a high world ranking. Image if the program at MIT or Harvard was exposed as a scam.
  39. MiloRambaldi

    Is PhD in pure math worth it?

    Apparently you don't even know what pure math is. There is no financial math there. Also, there is plenty of hand-holding in pure math btw.
  40. MiloRambaldi

    Open Source Financial Software

    Oh, right.:oops:
  41. MiloRambaldi

    Open Source Financial Software

    I had a quick look, and it doesn't really look like open source. You have to pay for their connectivity-plugins. I'm not sure what you can do with them...
  42. MiloRambaldi

    Open Source Financial Software

    I checked the source but got: "This blog is open to invited readers only". I'm not sure if there was more info there. No one has mentioned TradeLink. Any opinions? It all open source, except for their commerical strategy development product Glean which is not necessary. (Unfortunately?)...
  43. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    Either you are a complete moron, or you passing judgment without even bothering to follow the postings in this thread.
  44. MiloRambaldi

    East Asians as the "new Jews" at elite US universities

    "The Myth of American Meritocracy" is interesting on many levels. It describes corruption in academic admissions, and its cover up, in a very convincing and accessible manner. Based on my first-hand experiences in pure mathematics, it only gets worse as one climbs the academic ladder to...
  45. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    So you were saying that it is easy to find a (arbitrarily close) distribution approximating sqrt(F_X). I'm no expert on approximating distributions, but I couldn't think of any good alternative solution. The only thing that comes to mind is approximating F_X empirically, as jon hd originally...
  46. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    You are correct that the solution is not that difficult to understand. The reason I said that you apparently lack mathematical depth is because you claim that approximations of distributions are not hard to come by (presumably you meant the type of approximation we are discussing here). You...
  47. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    You are a poor sport, by trying to minimize my contribution which I made at your request; everyone knows we have been talking about an approximation all along. You make a claim that series of approximations to distributions are not "hard to come by". Can you point me to any textbook or...
  48. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    I'm afraid the irony was lost on you. :LOL: You are implying that my hint of how to solve your (very nice I must say) problem was incorrect. But I assure you it is. I said that you can obtain approximations arbitrarily close to the solution. Formally: Claim. There is a transformation mapping...
  49. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    ??? "Poorly endowed". You're completely ignorant, since you know nothing about me. What are your accomplishments in pure mathematics anyways? You've also failed to acknowledge my solution, or stay on topic by discussing it further.
  50. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    Umm, yes. You think they do something useful? You're welcome for the solution, btw.
  51. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    I doubt it exists but that is a problem for useless pure mathematicians. You can get an arbitrarily close approximation, without knowing F(x). Hint: What is the Fourier expansion of \(x^{\frac12}\) about 1?
  52. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    If you look at the original post, he hadn't read the question correctly. (Yes I am arguing with you now:) )
  53. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    Who was arguing? No one explicitly requested a solution, so I was encouraging the posters to think it out for themselves.
  54. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    OK. That is an approximate solution, but you can do better and you don't need Fx. Hint: Generators are assumed to produce independent sequences of RV's.
  55. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    Perhaps it is a difficulty with the English? The point made before was that you are not *given* F(x). Now you are assuming you are given both F(x) and Q(x).
  56. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    You evidently don't know much about random number generation. I looked at the Python RNG library you referenced. It is a dinky (i.e. basic) generator, that is absolutely not suitable for many financial applications. The reasons for this have been discussed at length on Wilmott. This is coming...
  57. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    I was simply getting annoyed with Barny posting false statements. He sounds sure of himself, and the problem with is that others reading his posts may be mislead. I was not suggesting that MATLAB is the answer. However, I had in mind professionals in finance who grudgingly shell out for...
  58. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    You had me worried that perhaps I had spent the last few years improving my skills in the wrong computer language. However, as I expected the Python language is too slow for serious number crunching, apparently by a factor of 10-100x compared with C++...
  59. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    A number of "facts" you've posted in this thread indicate you don't know what you are talking about (C++ not portable?!). While, I am not familiar with Python, I would bet your above statement is completely false, since it would mean that all of the functionality of all MATLAB toolboxes is...
  60. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    I can't see the relevance of either of these two. Anyhow much of C++11 functionality was already in boost. But what language are the R algorithms written in? Surely, not R itself? Like I said, I think it depends on what kind of "quant". Unfortunately, I've never had a quant job requiring...
  61. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    Well, thanks! But I don't think the "ultimate Monte Carlo framework" ever happened (yet), and least not by me. I completed the enhanced random number generators.
  62. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    I think it depends on the definition of "quant". If things like execution speed and reusability are not a priority then yes something like MATLAB makes more sense. Otherwise, I think you will need a C based language asap.
  63. MiloRambaldi

    Best Programming languages

    Exactly, I started with Basic first on a Commodore Pet computer and then on Apple II+. But I really started developing when I began programming in machine language (6502) on the Apple. I wrote a video game with speech back in 1984 (it was in Basic with a lot of machine language subroutines); I'm...
  64. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    Me?? The OP was claiming he had two methods of solving the problem without using the given generator. I was simply pointing out that he has nothing without the given generator. Yes?
  65. MiloRambaldi

    Question on random number generator

    You need to read the question properly. How can you generated anything relevant without the given generator? You are not given F(x).
  66. MiloRambaldi

    Quant Jobs in Tokyo

    No. The headhunter I first spoke to referred me to his colleague, who says that the economy there is so bad that I should forgot about a quant job in Japan unless I know someone. I really don't know whether or not he knows what he is talking about ... I once interviewed (unsuccessfully) for a...
  67. MiloRambaldi

    Columbia MAFN Curriculum Vitae?

    According to Wikipedia: "The résumé is comparable to a curriculum vitae (CV) in many countries, although in English Canada, the United States and Australia a résumé is substantially shorter than a CV."
  68. MiloRambaldi

    Columbia MAFN Curriculum Vitae?

    All this time I thought CV was a "British" word for resume (it's Latin I assume, but of course I mean that the term is used instead of resume in the UK and other non-US countries).
  69. MiloRambaldi

    Quant Jobs in Tokyo

    From what I've heard, most of the new positions start in May every year (or maybe it was beginning of April at the start of the fiscal year?). Which month is best to be there for quant job interviews?
  70. MiloRambaldi

    Level of math in a quant job

    Your points, unlike mine, are well-expressed. And of course we all know about people like John Nash. Nevertheless, I've spent many years around "real" mathematics (some very good, most not), and even when they are completely irrational their reasoning is not so blatantly faulty as the person I...
  71. MiloRambaldi

    Level of math in a quant job

    That reminds me of my last boss. I tried to explain to him that he was violating the most basic principles of software design (among other things, he used to like copying the same block of code multiple times making minor modifications to each copy -- I'm not sure what this common anti-pattern...
  72. MiloRambaldi

    Level of math in a quant job

    I'm not sure about "most" but it is the case for very many. However, I observed that for most math profs. politics was by far the most important game, with math taking a distant second fiddle.
  73. MiloRambaldi

    Game of Thrones

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I start a new thread on the forum? I looked for 2 minutes and I still don't see how.
  74. MiloRambaldi

    VS C++ - Property Sheets

    I looked at some simple examples, and once I understood them, the documentation on the CMake web page usually suffices. There is also a CMake mailing list, which is an excellent resource for more advanced issues. qfcl/random uses CMake, so you can find example CMakeLists.txt files there, but...
  75. MiloRambaldi

    VS C++ - Property Sheets

    I use the CMake build system. It is a cross-platform build system, but I have found it to be invaluable for project management, including dependencies, even when using MSVS only. I no longer have any need for Property sheets. There is a bit of a learning curve but in my opinion it's more than...
  76. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    Repost of the solution \(and fixed typos in last paragraph\): Here is a solution in case anyone is interested. If you have a better one, please share... Let \\(B\) be Brownian motion and \\(B_a\) be its reflection at \\(a\): \\(B_a=B\) if \\(a\) has not yet been hit and \\(B_a=2a-B\) after...
  77. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    I'm not sure if you mean there was a problem with rendering latex? It was formatted correctly at the time it was posted. It looks a bit "cleaned up" from earlier today, but some bits of the solution have gone missing so I will repost it ...
  78. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    Yup. I'm busy now, but I'll repost it later ...
  79. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    Andy Nguyen: Perhaps there is some technical problem (e.g. disk failure)? The solution looked find back in March when I posted it...
  80. MiloRambaldi

    Becoming a Quant: Best choice of PHD?

    Pure nonsense. The fact that someone has "studied serious mathematics or physics" in the past, does not imply that they will be familiar with a new branch of math/science.
  81. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    Toronto. Why do you ask?
  82. MiloRambaldi

    Should I leave my current job for MFE?

    My understanding of the OP is that he has to sit in meetings the rest of the workday. Otherwise he would be daft to consider quitting his job.
  83. MiloRambaldi

    conditional expectation

    As Jacek Podlewski showed, under the assumptions on X and Y, ((*)\text{ \quad} E[(X+Y)^2|X=x]=x^2 + 2x E[Y] + E[Y^2]=x^2 + x + \frac13). Here are some more exercises to further your understanding: (1) Let X and Y be as before, but without the assumption that they are independent. Write...
  84. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    Thanks! That means a lot.
  85. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    Thanks. I solved it a while ago. My job was terminated recently, giving me time to write up the solution.
  86. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    Here is a solution in case anyone is interested. If you have a better one, please share... Let (B) be Brownian motion and (B_a) be its reflection at (a): (B_a=B) if (a) has not yet been hit and (B_a=2a-B) after (a) has been hit, which is also Brownian motion by the reflection principle. The...
  87. MiloRambaldi

    Are MFE programs only for rich kids?

    As far as Canada's biggest university, financial support for graduate students has apparently become a big problem. It was brought to my attention by advertisements in the subway stations.
  88. MiloRambaldi

    Engineers break into Investment Banking (IB)

    Here's the policy for our department in case you are interested:
  89. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    You can do it that way, using PDEs. But, at least for standard Brownian motion, this can be done with just basic probability theory + the reflection principle. I agree that there is probably nothing like a closed form solution, but you can't know that for a fact without formalizing what is...
  90. MiloRambaldi

    Enough Quant Jobs for MFE grads????

    Yes, and they make an important point that its "not attained automatically as a function of extended experience": "The key is deliberative practice: not just doing it again and again, but challenging yourself with a task that is just beyond your current ability, ..." I work with people who...
  91. MiloRambaldi

    First Passage Time of a Brownian Motion plus drift

    Of course it is a matter of personally preference. But, Joshi's account is shorter because is goes straight to the important points. It shows that there is absolutely no need for all those complex integrals in Shreve. Have you checked Bjorn's book (I haven't looked at it recently)? Yes, you...
  92. MiloRambaldi

    First Passage Time of a Brownian Motion plus drift

    Yes, I tried as soon as you said "simplify". I meant that there must be some mathematical phenomenon explaining why everything "magically" cancels out.
  93. MiloRambaldi

    First Passage Time of a Brownian Motion plus drift

    Yes, I was very surprised when you pointed out that the expression for density of the first passage time for BM with a drift simplifies to \(\frac{m}{\sqrt{2\pi t^3}}e^{-\frac{(m-\alpha t)^2}{2t}}.\) It's not obvious to me why this happens. Maybe Fourier transforms would help? I was just...
  94. MiloRambaldi

    Risk Management?

    I've never heard of Model Validation quants being lumped in with Risk Management quants before, even though MV might in some large group in a bank with "risk management" in its name.
  95. MiloRambaldi

    A film about var?

    Good review, but I recommend not to look at it until after you've seen the move.
  96. MiloRambaldi

    Risk Management?

    I'm a quant in risk management, but I didn't realize that the non-quants in my group are called "risk managers". Maybe I should update my title on my CV to say more than "Market & Credit Risk Management"? Or maybe it doesn't make a difference, since anyone who reads the content of the CV will...
  97. MiloRambaldi

    First Passage Time of a Brownian Motion plus drift

    The intuition is correct, but this is straightforward: The first passage time is the random variable \(\tau_m=\min\{t:X(t)=m\}\). By definition, its cdf is \(P[\tau_m \le T]\), which is equal to \(P[M(T)\le m]\). Whenever the cdf of a random variable is differentiable, the pdf (i.e. the...
  98. MiloRambaldi

    Russian Roulette (Difficult Version)

    Looks like a good one. I'll try it when I have a chance (I work full-time).
  99. MiloRambaldi

    First Passage Time of a Brownian Motion plus drift

    No. If \(\tau_a=\min\{t:X(t)=a\}\) is the first passage time of the process \(X\) to \(a\), then the first passage time density is: \(\frac{\partial}{\partial T}\mathrm{P}[\tau_a<T]\). In the case where \(X=W\) is Brownian motion and \(a >0\)...
  100. MiloRambaldi

    Santas at Christmas party

    Nice observation: For all \(k\), \(G(k,k)\) is the complete bipartite graph \(\mathbf{K}_{k,k}\).
  101. MiloRambaldi

    Santas at Christmas party

    You're right about \(k\) (I incorrectly said \(\frac k2\) edges).
  102. MiloRambaldi

    Santas at Christmas party

    peterruse: Your method and equation are correct, but the solution is n=100 not 56. Still, the real question is whether such a Xmas party is mathematically consistent. I appreciate the Xmas spirit, but its easier to talk about graphs: each Santa is a node and a pair of Santas are friends if...
  103. MiloRambaldi

    Santas at Christmas party

    It looks exactly like what I did: Fix one Santa. Each of the 22 Santas connected to the first Santa is connected to 21 other Santas (other than the first and the 22 connected to the first). Then observe that each of these 22 * 21 Santas is being counted exactly 6 times.
  104. MiloRambaldi

    Santas at Christmas party

    Yes, any graph with these properties has exactly 100 nodes. I will explain when I have time. The question (for me) is whether such a graph exists.
  105. MiloRambaldi

    Santas at Christmas party

    IF such a graph exists, I can prove that there must be 100 Santas. But it seems more difficult to prove that there is such a graph with 100 nodes (I'm still thinking about it). It is a trick question if there is no such graph.
  106. MiloRambaldi

    Double barrier, ctd...

    This is continued from this thread. A common quant interview question: Let (\tau_a = \min\{t:W(t)=a\}) be the first hitting time of Brownian motion (W(t)) at the level (a). Find (P[\tau_a < T]), in other words probability that BM hits the barrier (a) in time (T). A more challenging question is...
  107. MiloRambaldi

    Hitting Time on a double barrier

    I'm not sure probability you mean, but I'll post the question anyways in case anyone else is interested.
  108. MiloRambaldi

    Ph.D. in Finance Programs: If I have a Ph.D. will they waive the GRE/GMAT?

    Just curious: I guess there's no such thing as a part-time PhD in Finance?
  109. MiloRambaldi

    Hitting Time on a double barrier

    Okay, its clear now, but its better to use correct mathematical notation/definitions :) I defined two stopping times above, the first time BM hits a and b: Ta = min{t:W(t)=a} Tb = min{t:W(t)=b} There are three possible mutually exclusive events: E1 = {Ta < min(Tb, T)} (a is hit before b...
  110. MiloRambaldi

    Hitting Time on a double barrier

    Your notice is confusing (what is u?). Perhaps you are asking the following interesting question? Let Ta = min{t:W(t)=a} and Tb = min{t:W(t)=b} be the hitting times at a and b. What is P[Ta <= T & Tb <= T], i.e. what is the probability of hitting both barriers in the time interval [0,T]?
  111. MiloRambaldi

    A view on Transition from Academia to Finance

    First of all, the article is dated: things are different now. Looking at her linkedin profile, she is no longer with DE Shaw and moved to a "client facing" role more recently. Secondly, I would take anything written in the Notices of the AMS with a large grain of salt: Its their propaganda...
  112. MiloRambaldi

    Hitting Time on a double barrier

    I didn't read his question carefully. I thought quotes was asking P(Wt=a) where t is the stopping time. quotes: What are t and T. Is t the stopping time? Are you then asking what P(Wt=a and t < T) for some arbitrary T?
  113. MiloRambaldi

    Hitting Time on a double barrier

    Yes, this is a very basic quant interview question. The formula is trivial, but a proof is a bit nontrivial. Hint: W is a Martingale.
  114. MiloRambaldi

    Dealing with sexism in finance

    Your belief is a delusion.
  115. MiloRambaldi

    Freely Available Software for Linear Algebra

    Nice. I would personally recommend Eigen, which we are now using in a major production project. It has a very nice C++ interface, and makes effective use of expression templates. Here is performance comparison of a few of the libraries listed, as well as some non-free ones, versus Eigen...
  116. MiloRambaldi


    This is a couple of weeks old but I don't think its been posted on Quantnet: David Heath, co-developer of the Heath–Jarrow–Morton framework for Interest rates, passes away Tue, 16 Aug 2011 08:52:00 GMT Public Sad news. Via Biao Guo's Blog comes the news that David Heath has passed away. David...
  117. MiloRambaldi

    Unstable run-times when multithreading with Boost

    I tried it again on my dual core laptop at home. The results are now stable but 2 threads are about 50% slower than 1. I tried to close as many other processes as possible in Task Manager, but there are still over 50 processes running (and I can't even do that on my work computer). I am seeing...
  118. MiloRambaldi

    Unstable run-times when multithreading with Boost

    I tried using raw pointers instead, but got no improvement (no apparent difference) :( Note that I sometimes (~50%) get linear speedup with 2 threads, but other times it's slower than 1 as above. I'm not sure if you were getting linear speedup consistently? I'm trying a slightly less trivial...
  119. MiloRambaldi

    Unstable run-times when multithreading with Boost

    Hi, Thanks for running it. Maybe you meant 10^9? I would be very surprised if a dual core could be more than 1000x slower than my computer (Q9400 @ 2.66GHz). My understanding of MT does not include much beyond your article. For (1), the problem is definitely small in the sense that all of the...
  120. MiloRambaldi

    Unstable run-times when multithreading with Boost

    I read the very nice article “C++ Multithreading in Boost” on Quantnet, and tried my own simple example. The n-word checksum of the consecutive integers 0, 1, … is computed. For example, for n = 3 it looks like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 : : : The strange thing is, that on a quad-core computer, the...
  121. MiloRambaldi

    A Mathematician’s Survival Guide

    IMO: Aside from some funny quotes, its full of partial truths, and gives a very distorted view of what its like to be an academic mathematician ...
  122. MiloRambaldi

    platonic love

    This can also be shown without doing trigonometric calculations: Let P be the plane containing the base of the pyramid, let T be the top vertex of the pyramid and let U be the vertex of the tetrahedron opposite the pyramid. (1) Observe that TU is parallel to P: Let M1 be the midpoint of the...
  123. MiloRambaldi

    Do you buy all the books that are recommended on this site?

    See the thread: to charge for viewing next year
  124. MiloRambaldi

    Do you buy all the books that are recommended on this site?

    From the same person who just showed me how to read NY Times for free :D
  125. MiloRambaldi

    somewhat like tic-tac-toe

    If you are still on the original topic of a game played on an infinite grid, then you are wrong if you mean getting 3 in a row/column. Then as Tsotne mentioned one player has a winning strategy: Alice (1st player, or X) has an easy winning strategy: On her second move she places an X adjacent...
  126. MiloRambaldi

    Financial Econometrics textbook

    Many thanks everyone for your helpful comments. I ordered the 3rd edition of the Tsay book based on alain's recommendation.
  127. MiloRambaldi

    Financial Econometrics textbook

    Any suggestions for a good econometrics textbook for modeling financial time series?
  128. MiloRambaldi

    Risk Measures

    I've seen references online to a second edition published in 2009, but it is not available anywhere. Does anyone know what happened?
  129. MiloRambaldi

    [Humor] Bjarne Stroustrup: "I Did It For You All..."

    He's got nothing better to do "On the 1st of January" gives it away...
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