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Admissions Overview

I am currently going into my senior year studying mathematics at a liberal arts school (lower ranked NESCAC) and was considering applying to various quant programs, such as NYU, Cornell, Columbia MAFN, uchicago.

I currently have a 3.7 GPA, with my major GPA being somewhere around a 3.6.

I have not yet taken the GRE, but have consistently scored around what would be a 168-170 on practice tests (0-1 questions wrong).

I understand that my gpa is below the median / average for these programs accepted class profiles. One question that I have is: does it help being an American citizen, or even white, seeing as these programs are so dominated by foreigners, specifically Asian and Indian? Would this at all help make up for a lower GPA/GRE? Especially seeing as, especially with the programs that are not Baruch/Berkley/Columbia MFE, there seems to be a strong desire to hire American citizens to forgo visa complications.

Are these stats reasonable for acceptance into these programs, or similar programs? Or am I dreaming?
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