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Advice on online computer science degree

  • Thread starter Thread starter azorey
  • Start date Start date
Hi, everyone. Hope you all safe and well. Need some advice on online computer science degree.

Quick facts about me:
  • In my early 30s
  • B.S and M.S degree in the bio-medical field, yes, the basic flaw is I HAVE NO background in CS
  • English as a Second Language
  • Working in the IT field for 8 years, main role as a product manager
  • Consider Machine Learning (AI) engineer as my future lifelong career
  • Planning on immigrating to Canada, much easier to secure a job as a computer engineer than a product manager, esp for a foreigner

I'm aware a master's degree of CS is not a guarantee for a job, but still a valuable asset and proof. So I've done a little research and here are my options:
  1. MCIT Online program offered by the University of Pennsylvania. Pros: Ivy League; tailored for non-Computer Science majors. Cons: it's Not a Master of Science degree, but a Master of Computer and Information Technology degree, which sounds a little weird to me
  2. MCS degree program from Arizona State University. It's a MCS, require some prerequisite knowledge, especially mathematics, which I lack of. But, they offer a MCS Pathway Program, if I completed three courses with a final score of least 80 to demonstrate my foundational understanding of computer science, I will also be considered meeting their requirements
  3. Get a one-year diploma on computer science or applied mathematics to meet broader requirements of other options and then enroll to a better MCS degree program such as OMS CS of Georgia Tech

I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me some advice on this.
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if you're set on canada, i would look into canadian schools like waterloo and Utoronto. They might have good placement for jobs you're looking for. 3 is the best bang for the buck in terms of just an education standpoint. I wouldn't even consider 2.

edit: It's rumored that Georgia Tech OMCS accepts a lot of students, even with minimal background. I have a friend who took only a few programming courses, online certificates, and got in. I think you can do the same. The program is diffcult and expects you to catch up on all the math/programming on your own.
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I would first just do a program to get started like quantnet c++ and see if you capable and interested in doing a degree. People have gotten jobs by doing the advanced c++ degree here so I would give it a try if programming is what your after
if you're set on canada, i would look into canadian schools like waterloo and Utoronto. They might have good placement for jobs you're looking for. 3 is the best bang for the buck in terms of just an education standpoint. I wouldn't even consider 2.

edit: It's rumored that Georgia Tech OMCS accepts a lot of students, even with minimal background. I have a friend who took only a few programming courses, online certificates, and got in. I think you can do the same. The program is diffcult and expects you to catch up on all the math/programming on your own.
I'm kinda low on budget, on-campus school in Canda is pricey and I have to do it without a paying job, that's a lot of pressure
Mind explain why you wouldn't even consider 2? after all, AUS is ranking like top-40 in cs
Thanks a lot on the tip of Georgia Tech. I'll definitely try.
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