Anyone interested in crypto arbitrage

what about Biance. I am doing related project with cuda programming and crypto HFT.
I am working on something similar in KuCoin but very early stage. Still struggling with the socket layer to get market data.
you want to build the transmittion protocol from socket layer? why not utlize the SDK the platform offers? Anyway, I think we could keep in touch as I have put my GOlang code in github with Binance API combined, which now worked in my private cloud.
you want to build the transmittion protocol from socket layer? why not utlize the SDK the platform offers? Anyway, I think we could keep in touch as I have put my GOlang code in github with Binance API combined, which now worked in my private cloud.
oh because they don't have C++. They have Go/Java/Python only which i don't paticular like. But yeah maybe i should give a try to Go. how's your performance doing? Is it working?
oh because they don't have C++. They have Go/Java/Python only which i don't paticular like. But yeah maybe i should give a try to Go. how's your performance doing? Is it working?
Go is good and if you have experience in C++, it will be easy to handle Golang. 2 yrs ago, I had developed a tick data transmittion framework by golang(also based on go SDK some exchange provided). I put those tick data into MongoDB and implemented some Strategies processing them via Python. It worked, but as the trasaction fee is considered, the income was not ideal. I think the Strategies performance is the key point.
So recently, I am engaged into research how to figure out a good strategy, with CUDA and C++, which could be faster than Python. But anyway, I am still about to use the golang framework developed previous, and I think that's sufficient for me.
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