Hi,professor, I have registered this C++ online course, which will begin on May.
I have questions on course selection for my next two semesters, which are my last two semesters before MFE program.
I face a trade off between numerical analysis and data structure, which means I have to choose one of them in fall 2017. And I may take another one in spring 2018. However, the course I will take on fall can be shown on my transcript or resume(when I submit the application material)and can be helpful during the interview. So, which one should I take firstly?
I hope I can take numerical analysis first, because data structure is a really time consuming class in my school, which I want to put it in my last semester(spring 2018). However, I am afraid my current programming knowledge is not strong and cannot meet the requirement of application and interview(besides this C++ online course, I have only learned C before).
I am really struggled with this trade off now, could please give some suggestions?