Baruch MFE Baruch goes to Canada

Just wanted to give a QN shout of support to the Baruch MFE team going to the trading competition in Toronto this weekend.

Bring home a maple leaf!!!
Good Luck!!! But be on the lookout for polar bears. I hear they run rampant through most of Canada. :)
The title of this thread sounds like a "certain title" that has a name and a place ;)
Anyway, have fun in the trading contest and represent Baruch. I hear Toronto is nice.
We are in 8th place after 3 of the 4 competitions. Today was exhausting, but we competed well. I have a lot to say, but don't want to give away too much on the public forum regarding strategy. Next year, Baruch's team will be much better prepared, now that we know how everything works.

I'll try to post our detailed results tomorrow, or when I get back on Sunday.
We finished 10th overall. We didn't see our results for the last event, but due to some technical difficulties the first half of that event didn't go as well as we hoped.

More details later.
It's true that we slipped in the final rankings (they don't seem to be available online anywhere). However, now that we have played all the trading games in a live setting, and we know where the bugs and poor assumptions in our models are, we will be able to send a much stronger team next year.

This was a great event to have attend. It was an excellent experience for learning how markets function on a technical and microstructure level. We also had a lot of fun during the competition.

Luckily for everyone who didn't attend, Baruch could reproduce the experience; they own a copy of the trading software used (put out by Rotman), and everyone can benefit by playing these and similar trading games.
Well done, guys! We will try to reproduce the game and teach everyone how to perform well on it - sounds like it will be fun and useful!
The Baruch MFE team won the Sales and Trading competition, and placed 10th overall.

Top Ten schools were

Babson College
Dublin City University (Ireland)
Penn State University
Ohio State University
University of Reading (UK)
University of Alberta (Canada)
University of Toronto (Canada)
Harvard University
Baruch College
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