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Best Course for Discretionary QT

Trying to break into the more discretionary side of QT (think more SIG, Optiver and less Jump, Tower) and wondering what's the best masters for that purpose. Currently debating between: Imperial MathFin, Oxford MCF & Cambridge Part III Stats

I heard Part III is quite tough and I'm not that interested in Stats, but it seems to be a more favoured degree by firms. Wondering if that's true/I should be considering degrees with more Stats focus (e.g. Imperial Math&Stats Fin)? Are MathFin courses with no Stats emphasis considered less favourably even for more discretionary QT roles?

Other question I had was related to the value of Imperial vs Oxbridge brand - I heard Imperial's MathFin course is also very highly regarded, but is it worth picking Oxbridge just for the name (fwiw my undergrad was at Oxbridge)? Frankly I'm based in London & Imperial would be much less hassle so I hope that's not the case!