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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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Best Program with Pure Math Background (MFE vs MS MathFin)

So my first few apps are in and I'm certainly not counting my chickens early but I'm already putting a lot of consideration into which programs I'm most interested in. I come from a heavy background in pure mathematics (4 semesters of analysis, Diff Geo, Abstract Algebra...) and I'm really interested in automated trading. Algo trading more so than the high frequency stuff but who knows where my interests will be in a few years. My question is, and I think a lot of people might be in the same boat, am I better off pursuing a M.S. in Financial Math or going for an elite MFE program. For instance, Columbia's MathFin seems to be a good fit for my background and seems like it might challenge me more mathematically than their MFE, but it seems that the MFE would open more doors. Once again, not saying (or even theorizing) that I'll be admitted to either but if you could take your pick what's the better choice. Also note that I have 0 work experience so job/internship placement is a major concern for me.