• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
    Highly recommended by thousands of MFE students. Covers essential C++ topics with applications to financial engineering. Learn more Join!
    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
    Gain practical understanding of Python to read, understand, and write professional Python code for your first day on the job. Learn more Join!
    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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Career Path

Hi folks, I am interested in joining an MFE program and was in fact invited in for an interview. Before I get too far down this path, I am interested in your opinion regarding the career path and salary potential for people who are more than five years out of the MFE program. I would be going to Haas MFE program (one of the best). My problem is this - I already make about $140,000 a year, but I love the markets. I'd love to work on Wall Street, but I also want to position myself to make the most money I can. In my current career path, I'd probably top out at $160,000 over the next ten years. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
Hi folks, I am interested in joining an MFE program and was in fact invited in for an interview. Before I get too far down this path, I am interested in your opinion regarding the career path and salary potential for people who are more than five years out of the MFE program. I would be going to Haas MFE program (one of the best). My problem is this - I already make about $140,000 a year, but I love the markets. I'd love to work on Wall Street, but I also want to position myself to make the most money I can. In my current career path, I'd probably top out at $160,000 over the next ten years. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!

Need some more information about your situation in order to assist:
What position or role are you currently in?
What part of the country do you work in?
What is the size of the firm that you work for and what sector are they in?
Take the offer if you indeed receive one and see a future in markets. Haas MFE like a super hedge for all seasons...if the finance economy tanks you can still survive with a Haas degree in some corner office.

Hi folks, I am interested in joining an MFE program and was in fact invited in for an interview. Before I get too far down this path, I am interested in your opinion regarding the career path and salary potential for people who are more than five years out of the MFE program. I would be going to Haas MFE program (one of the best). My problem is this - I already make about $140,000 a year, but I love the markets. I'd love to work on Wall Street, but I also want to position myself to make the most money I can. In my current career path, I'd probably top out at $160,000 over the next ten years. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!