Columbia MAFN Changes at Columbia MAFN program

Mikhail Smirnov is no longer director of the program. Lars Tyge Nielsen is the new director.
The application deadline is now April 15 instead of May 31 previously.
The admission dynamics also changed. Here is a quote from the website:

Early Admission and Rolling Admission

Starting in 2013, we will be making early admission decisions and rolling admission decisions.
Even though the application deadline is May 31, some applicants will receive their decisions in late January and some will receive them during the period February-May.

So I guess some of us will be accepted/rejected this week or the next.
May I ask if your application status is complete?
I have submitted my app and TOEFL score report one month ago
But, the status of my TOELF score is still "awaiting".
Yes, mine is complete. When I subbmitted my application it took two weeks for the GRE and TOEFL scores to be on the "received" status. This was in November, my guess is that they have more applications to process right now.

Here is what is says at the website:

The status of your application appears below. Please note:
  • It can take time to process materials. We appreciate your patience and ask that you wait four (4) weeks following the application deadline for materials that were sent separately, such as test scores, transcripts, and recommendations, to appear as having been received. We will contact you if we have not received your materials by that time.
  • A status of"Awaiting" does not necessarily mean that we have not received your materials; we may have received them but may not yet have matched them to your application. Because we do not process materials until after the application deadline, materials that were submitted separately before the deadline (such as test scores) may not appear as having been received until after the deadline.
So I would recommend you to wait a week or two before sending them an e-mail. That or untill you see an application in the tracker turn green.
Thank you very much:X3:
I thought they would match my application after May 31

Hope you will get a good new soon
Thank you. You have a very good profile. Surely you will get in the program.
Hi there, where can I see if my application is complete. I just see my status with green check marks. I can't find a section to check up if my toefl and GRE scores have been received.
That is odd. It should be on the same site were you paid the application once you submitted it. Could the two of you please submitt your aps in the traker?? There are too few for Columbia MathFin.
I login to the Columbia MFE browser and my status appear with green check marks. The categories that appear are submitted, Fee Paid and Letters of Recommendation all three with green check marks. That's the only thing that I can see.
Maybe the difference is the program which I applied. Did you apply to the MFE? or to the MathFin program?
For MFE application, I see the same things as yours.:)
I guess that if you don't receive any email from the MFE program your application shouldn't have any problem.

I haven't received any contract from the MFE program.
MathFin program. Maybe you should contact them about that. Just out of curiosity, did you report the unofficial scores on the application?
I have not received any contact either.
In all my applications I have reported my official scores.
I guess that if you don't receive any email from the MFE program your application shouldn't have any problem.
Be careful with that thinking. I know people who didn't get a single email after they apply. When they check months later, they found out that they were denied because the application was incomplete (some documents were misplaced, missing, etc).

You must contact them to get a written confirmation that your file is complete. Keep checking with them or check the status message to make sure they got everything.
May I ask if your application status is complete?
I have submitted my app and TOEFL score report one month ago
But, the status of my TOELF score is still "awaiting".
I have the same problem with you. I think it does not necessarily mean that they did not receive it and they may have not locate it yet.
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