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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Compare MFE in Hong Kong and in North America

I am going to apply for MFE(or MMF) programs in Hong Kong or in America, can anyone help me compare those programs offered by CUHK or HKUST with those by American Universities? Or what level would HK's programs be?
There is an article on Asian MFE programs in our QuantNet Guide which you can find useful for what you are looking.
Thank you for your reply.
You mean the pdf file or one of the links given below the pdf? Cause I just find an article discussing FE industry in Asia in pdf and no related material in the links.
If you can afford the much higher tuition fee, I suggest doing your MFE in US, unless you really want to target on China market
Andy the post in the guide is quite heavily focused on Singapore - is there any information for other countries somewhere? I haven't found many detailed reports about MFE in Asia so far, only a list of universities and classes and so on.