cornell mfe deposit

Hi I have several questions about the deadline of the deposit of cornell mfe.
1. How to submit the deposit? shall we send a check to them or it can be submitted online ?
2. the deadline 4.15 means cornell needs to receive everything before it, or as long as I sent them before 4.15 then it will be fine?

Any current cornell fe students or anyone who has accepted the offer, thank you very much if you can answer the questions!
Hi Sophie,

I emailed Kathryn regarding this about a week back. This is what I found:

1) There is no online facility for submitting the deposit and it must be done either via check or paper money order. These would have to be mailed to Ithaca.
2) Cornell must receive everything before 15th of April.

Additionally, you must accept the offer online before 15th April.
Hi Sophie,

I emailed Kathryn regarding this about a week back. This is what I found:

1) There is no online facility for submitting the deposit and it must be done either via check or paper money order. These would have to be mailed to Ithaca.
2) Cornell must receive everything before 15th of April.

Additionally, you must accept the offer online before 15th April.

Got it ,Thank you so much for reply:)
Hi Sophie,

I emailed Kathryn regarding this about a week back. This is what I found:

1) There is no online facility for submitting the deposit and it must be done either via check or paper money order. These would have to be mailed to Ithaca.
2) Cornell must receive everything before 15th of April.

Additionally, you must accept the offer online before 15th April.

cheque/paper? How quaint. Amazing.

The last time I used a paper cheque in EU was almost 15 years ago.

It's not rocket science anymore.
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cheque/paper? How quaint. Amazing.

The last time I used a paper cheque in EU was almost 15 years ago.

It's not rocket science anymore.

I was surprised by the prevalence of checks/cheques when I moved to the US. This is the country that sent astronauts to the moon in 1969.
setting up electronic payment system costs extra money. but handling checks probably doesnt
setting up electronic payment system costs extra money. but handling checks probably doesnt
1. buy stamps and envelope
2. put cheque in envelope.
3. bring envelope to post office

7. two weeks later, check if cheque has arrived (the letter was registered I hope).
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