Course Selection Help

Hi I'm going into my senior year finishing up my CS/Applied Math major.
I'm planning on taking:
1. Numerical Analysis
2. PDE
3. Stats (I have taken a similar course that focuses on R, but I want to be really strong in this)
4. Stats in Risk Management

Other options are:
1. Microeconomics -- I am taking accounting currently (those are my only business classes)
2. Intro to Operations Research
3. Real analysis
4. Differential geometry?

Also regarding business classes, how important is it that I take a class in my undergrad vs. a free online course? I can't really take a finance class here because those are closed off to business majors.

I also hope to spend next year doing research with a Prof in risk management.

I also plan on getting a job next year and don't really see myself taking the risk of doing an MFE next year. Though I would consider if accepted into a top notch program.
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