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CS Background interested in buy-side Quant


I am CS Undergrad with a minor in Maths. I am currently in my final year and am interning as a quant developer (crypto exchange). However, I am more interested in becoming a quant analyst/researcher eventually.

I was wondering what masters programme and from where would be best suited for me. I am not interested in joining the sell side and hence feel maybe an MFE is not appropriate. I was thinking abt a masters in math or stats or ML but am not sure which specific programme is recommended.

My Math coursework is: Calc, MultiVar Calc, Linear Alg, Probability, Mathematical Prob, Stochastic Proc
Modules i am thinking of taking before graduating: Real Analysis / Linear Algebra 2
Any other modules you guys would recommend to make my application for a more mathematical masters be strong?

QR is a pretty generic title for roles that have widely different daily tasks and skills from firm to firm. Same as QA roles.
The skill set that are universally critical is math/programming/stats/database.
I would suggest that you go look at job listings for positions in your ideal match and see what skillsets required.
Reach out to a few recent grads with this roles and ask about their job. You will learn far more this way.
If you desire to do a master program, the knowledge above will help you target the programs with the right curriculum.