CV Latex Template Advice

Good evening to everyone! :)

I'm searching for good One Page CV template in Latex, do you have any suggestion? I would really appreciate it.
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Thanks @gkl, I already know this website. Actually I think I should have been more precise in my first post. I did a lot of google research, and didn't found something good yet. The templates you suggested are all well done, but the only one expressly structured to be a one page CV is two columns, and I was looking for a One Page-One Column CV. I'm searching for something elegant and readable to start with and then make my own changes and adjustments. I would like you guys to tell me which templates do you use or like, or which one do you think is best. I don't remember exactly where, but some time ago i found on the web site of a US University the CVs of some of the most exceptional students and was really impressed by the simplicity and readability of their CV; they all used the same format. Unfortunately, since I don't remember any further detail, I can't find that site again.

Thanks you again @gkl, and thanks to all of you in advance.
Actually I do like some features of the last two templates ( the first one is not very suitable to be condensed in just one page). I find nice also this one:
I'm asking about suggestions, especially for a CV to use in UK or US, since i'm having hard time figuring out the right format. Being European, I'm not familiar with the current practice in these Countries;
For example I don't know if the picture should be included or not in the CV; just to give you an idea, in my country 90% of the CVs include a picture.
US resumes are usually 1 page no photo.

Honestly, I tried the LaTeX approach before, it's really cumbersome for a resume. You're trying to squeeze maximum use out of a limited space, which means you want to really fine grained control of everything, the antithesis of how normal LaTeX works (enter the content, the system figures out the aesthetics).
US resumes are usually 1 page no photo.

Honestly, I tried the LaTeX approach before, it's really cumbersome for a resume. You're trying to squeeze maximum use out of a limited space, which means you want to really fine grained control of everything, the antithesis of how normal LaTeX works (enter the content, the system figures out the aesthetics).

True, it is cumbersome. However, TeX does offer you more fine-tuning ability than Microsoft Word, even if does seem inconsistent with the LaTeX philosophy. Perhaps the best way to summarize this is that if you like hand-crafting TeX, you can get a really nice-looking resume. If you want to stick with the "pure" LaTeX approach, it's going to cause a lot of headaches.

Personally, I find Microsoft Word docs (including resumes) to be eye-sores. The bad kerning and spacing is really obvious to me, but I guess not to the average person. There are a lot of detail-oriented people in finance though, and so people will definitely notice your TeX'ed resume looks nicer somehow. This might be a case of diminishing returns though.
Thanks @Yike Lu. I agree with @C S , I like the look of Latex outputs more than Microsoft Word's results. It's true, Latex offers very sophisticated fine tuning tools but it takes, certainly, more time to learn how to use them properly and get the results you want. The Latex Community is very large and for my personal experience there are very good and prepared guys out there: whatever problem you may encounter with latex, you will very likely find someone who had the same problem before and had it fixed thanks to the latex community.

@Earl Chua I really like your template! Thanks, it's exactly like the one I was thinking about. It is very simple and easy to read in my opinion and, yes, it may look a bit crowded but I think that in my case, given my few experiences, it will work just fine.
LaTeX is definitely worth it if you are somewhat familiar with how typesetting in it works. Just find one, stick to it and it'll eventually grow on you. ;)
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