Daily Show - Scott Patterson THE QUANTS

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I was just wondering, has anyone already read the book of Scott Patterson "THE QUANTS"? I saw the Daily Show last week and want to know if it is worth to read. Even if the author seems to be an opponent to all quant finance, I still like to read such stuff, as long as it is not pure populism....
Has he answered already? You should also e-mail jon steward and ask if you can join him in his show ;) defending the quants.....
Just ordered these 3 books. They seem to be very entertaining books, specially the one by Michael Lewis. Will read in that order.

I got the Michael lewis book too yesterday from Indigo.
I listened to the Lewis' book (books on tape). It was entertaining. The Quants book is sort of boring from my point of view. I didn't like it. Haven't read the other one.
I read The Big Short - excellent book, in particular for people not familiar with credit derivatives.

I like Lewis'style in general; Moneyball is a favorite of mine, as are Liar's Poker and The Blind Side; also, the artical on the Icelandic Male from Vanity Fair is a great read

Aaron Bown wrote a rebuttal of "The Quants", called "Do Quants Destroy?", in the April 2010 issue of Risk Professional, the GARP magazine.

Aaron's piece is MUCH better than the book... :-k :D =D>
Thanks a lot, Andy!

I found it to be a great piece, much better articulated than the book.
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