Discussion about Singapore MFE programs.

Hi All,

I seek some information about MFE programs in Singapore Universities. (NUS & NTU)

What are the prospects of this program in terms of finding job?

any othe comments/views are welcome.

Please pour your thoughts.

My friend is in NTU... frankly speaking, very few placements done so far.
Regarding NUS, people expect to get starting sal SGD5k+ and depends on ur workex as well
Average work-exp of class for NUS>NTU
5K~ well, with a local undergraduate degree, u already can get 4.5k
Besides the cost and preference for local employment reasons, what are the main reasons why people choose NUS, NTU (add local programs here) over programs in the US?
They seem to attract mainly local students and applicants from nearby countries.
@Andy Nguyen,
I guess u already got the answers. as far as i know, the main reasons ppl i know applying for these programs are:
1. already having jobs in Singpore, seeking for part-time program
2. low cost, a LOT LOT cheaper than US/UK programs --- I personally think this is the key factor
3. these two unis are highly recognized locally.

Another possible reason: If one would like to work in asia, it would be wiser to choose NTU/NUS/or Top HK programs against Rutgers or Kent State, since few ppl in Singapore/HK might ever hear of those names even though they are also pretty good programs.
Bumping an old thread to update some numbers for people considering Singapore programs. Last year saw the first batch of graduates from the NUS MQF, and this year sees the addition of another program, the SMU MQF. The number of quants graduating each year will steadily increase.

Number of graduating students per year
NUS MFE - 88 (based on no. of graduating students in 2011)
NUS MQF - 24 (based on no. of graduating students in 2011, the first batch of graduating students)
NTU MFE - 54 (based on no. of enrolled students in 2011)
SMU MQF - ~35 (inaugural year, based on 30 - 40 target size)
UChicago MSFM Singapore campus - ~35 (based on a comment in another thread that the targeted enrollment in 2012 is 35. Typically ~30 for past few years)

Total: ~235
jackcoke : If you were to be admitted by all ( SMU NTU NUS and U of C) .... which one would you join?
Hi ,

Anybody interviewd for NTU MFE 2012?

Please share your views.

jackcoke SMU MQF expected to have 30-40 (upper limit), all full-time. NUS MFE expected to have 60 part-time, 40 full-time. The rest of the number looks right.

NUS is supposedly the "best" school in Singapore, regardless of program or faculty. Obviously this is a sweeping statement, though the school tries to keep it going by publicizing stuff like this whenever they can: http://newshub.nus.edu.sg/pressrel/1105/200511.php

Without additional information or deeper research, most prospective MFE candidates would put NUS as their 1st choice. When I was there, I remember the NUS MFE had a batch size of 23 students. Judging by fewkb's figures above, it looks like the NUS program is popular and growing. Whether it really has the best MFE program in Singapore is a debatable question.
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Anyone could say something about their employment? Especially for graduate without working experience before.
Hi everyone, just joining in on this discussion.
I have a whole list of questions about the Singapore MFE programs, but I'll leave them for my next post. The more pressing query is about my 'Admission Status', on the NUS MFE application system, which two days ago went from "Pending review by admissions committee" to "Offer Made". Now I haven't received any sort of mail, or had any sort of communication with the guys at NUS, so I'm wondering what this could mean, and well, what I should do now.
Is this normal, or is there some mistake?
you should mail/call them up may be ?
Would be great if you share your profile !!
Yeah I mailed this guy I'd been corresponding with / harassing. He said this means my application is successful and I should be receiving some confirmation soon. Nothing has come yet, though, so I'm not taking anything for granted.

Engineering from Mumbai University - TERRIBLE acads
A year of start-up experience
Five months as a research analyst at a KPO
Two months so far as an analyst at a fund management company (though unfortunately the universities don't know that of course, it's too recent a development)
GMAT 760

What's yours? Have you applied for it too?
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