Do i qualify for MFE?

I have a undergrad in Psychology and Finance - both are non-technical fields. I am learning college mathematics and programming on my own. Will i ever qualify for any decent MFE prgms. Should I not just bother anymore? Any routes or ways for me to actually redeem myself to qualify for the prgms?

I m decently gifted in mathematics... Calc I,II and III, mathematical statistics, Linear algebra...reading DEquations now...
This is a relatively easy thing to figure out.
Every program out there has a list of requirements on their website i.e you have to already have taken some specific math sequence, exposure to some level of programming, a finance internship or job experience.

Obviously, some programs have harder requirement than others.

If you can check off the list of items for a program, you are qualified to apply for it. Now, the question is if you are competitive to make it in. This is harder to predict since the strength of applicants vary by year.
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