I am just getting into the world of quantitative finance and have had the amazing opportunity to intern at a quantitative-based fundamental strategy hedge fund recently. I asked several of my co-workers would they use these mathematical models/tools to invest their own money. They told me a straight-up no, instead, they would just do long equities. Digging deeper, I realized returns at the top quant funds in the US who hire math olympiads, are not doing so well...
In 2021, Voleon Investors were the best quant firm on the list and had a 19% return, but still, that's worse than the SP500 (~23% return), Two Sigma Spectrum had a return of a mere 3%.
I get this is a small list and there are quant funds that beat the indexes, but I can't name one that does consistently besides the Medallion Fund.
My understanding right now is that there is pretty much no alpha. We're better off putting all our money as retail investors/traders in the indexes. You might be able to say the same if you were a family office or prop fund.
Would you agree?
In 2021, Voleon Investors were the best quant firm on the list and had a 19% return, but still, that's worse than the SP500 (~23% return), Two Sigma Spectrum had a return of a mere 3%.
I get this is a small list and there are quant funds that beat the indexes, but I can't name one that does consistently besides the Medallion Fund.
My understanding right now is that there is pretty much no alpha. We're better off putting all our money as retail investors/traders in the indexes. You might be able to say the same if you were a family office or prop fund.
Would you agree?

Hedge Funds Salvage 2021 Gains as Private Investments Shine
For some of the world’s largest hedge funds, private equity ended up making -- or saving -- the year, and they’re betting that will be the case again in 2022.